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'Finally', I thought as I looked up to the gigantic building in front of me, Hope's Peak Academy, the greatest school ever, is standing right in front of me...

I took a deep breath and stepped forward, suddenly my vision faded slowly, and it got darker.


I slowly opened my eyes, I heard the sound of rain, but there was no water falling, I looked over to my right where a fountain was, that seemed to be the source of the sound.

There were five buildings, and the fountain was in the center of all of them, I slowly got up, I didn't know how long I'd been out or how I got here...

I walked into one of the buildings, I heard distant voices, "Are we the only ones here?" The footsteps got louder and seemed to get closer, "I guess.."

I saw two people talking as they walked, a guy with light hair wearing overalls, and a shorter girl with a short dress and a ponytail being tied up by a single pink rose.

They seemed to notice me instantly, "Hey! Another person!" She pointed in my direction, "Did you also wake up here?"

I nodded, "I haven't seen anyone else, so I entered this building.." they nodded, "No one else was here except us, what about the the other buildings?"

"I woke up outside, I haven't checked the other buildings..." she seemed disappointed, "I see... anyways.. I'm Iris Kaori! Ultimate Florist! This is Haru Ikari, he's the Ultimate Gardener!"

He nodded, "I'm Mizuki Hanako, I'm the Ultimate Writer.." they seemed surprised, "Oh, you're an Ultimate too?" I nodded, "It seems weird, the only people here so far are us, and we're all Ultimates... maybe it'll help us find more about our kidnapper..."

"K-kidnapper?!" I nodded, "Well, we woke up here mysteriously, there has to be a reason." Haru paused for a moment, "Actually, before I woke up here.. I was at.. Hope's Peak Academy.." Iris nodded in agreement.

"So was I," they seemed surprised, "Really? So then maybe you are right, we were kidnapped, we're all Ultimates who were chosen to go to Hope's Peak Academy.."

"We should focus on finding more people, let's search the buildings, we can split up."

"S-split up?!" I nodded, "You two can go together if you choose to, but I'd prefer to go on my own. We can meet at the fountain in about 30 minutes or so." They nodded, we all headed outside and went different ways, I took a right and entered the first building I saw.

It was dark, I could barely see anything, I then noticed the stairs leading up, they were almost invisible in the darkness, as I took a step after another I'd hear voices getting louder.

"Geez, I wonder what they did with my stuff," a slightly high pitched voice commented

The voice after it sounded annoyed, "That's what you're worried about?" A voice so quiet spoke up, "G-guys... please.."

"It's not time to argue, Yuki, leave her alone!"

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it?!" The bickering went back and forth.

When I was finally standing in front of the door the voices became clear and loud, the light would be visible through the cracks, lighting up the hallway, I slowly opened the door to reveal five people.

As they saw me they stopped arguing, "Oh~ another person!" A short girl with pigtails pointed at me.

A guy with blonde hair and a little top hat glared at her, "Yeah we can see that-"

Another girl who greatly resembled him interrupted him, "Why are you so insufferable?"

"G-guys please stop arguing..."

"Nice to meet ya! I'm Mitsuko Suzuki! The Ultimate Matchmaker!"

The guy from before sneered, "I'm Yuki Takara, Ultimate Disguiser-"

"And I'm Yuki Takara," she leaned on his shoulder, "Ultimate Actress, and the better twin." They started bickering again.

"Don't mind them, I'm Takai Kutashi, the Ultimate Boxer! And this is Katashi Kikuchi, Ultimate Diver," the shorter boy muttered 'hi', the twins continued to argue.

"I'm Mizuki Hanako, Ultimate Writer."

"I thought there weren't any more people around.." I remembered when I met Haru and Iris, "Actually there's more, I met two of them, we split up to find others..."
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