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Black Truffle Salt - More Than Just A Unique Salt Dish
A black truffle, also known as French truffles or simply black truffle, is a small, black, raisin-like mushroom that has a very sweet, distinctive flavor. Its name is derived from the dark brown, sugary taste of its interior. This very sweet, unique taste is what makes the black truffle so highly sought after. The outer skin of these fungi is quite fragile and thin, while being tougher than the inner portion. It is this outer skin that is used to produce the most luxurious of wines, such as a Truffles Rosine.

A black truffle, also called a French truffle, is the outer fruiting body of an underground ascomyctetic fungi, mostly one of the group of the genus Geopodium. Along with other ascomyces, many other genera of the fungi are also classified as black truffles, including Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces and more over a hundred other ones. This large family of fungi typically produces a white, raisin-like interior. Because of the intense sweet taste of its interior, black truffles are often consumed as an expensive dessert, or even as an important ingredient of candy.

Not only does the black truffle salt found in sweets and desserts provide a delicious salty taste, it also has a fairly strong aroma. This fruity odor is usually described as strong or somewhat musky. In fact, it can be sometimes described as musty! This fruity smell is one reason why black truffle salt finds its way into many savory dishes such as cakes, cookies, pastries and salads. Some people use it for cooking, while others just sprinkles it on top of baked foods.

For example, when I am preparing scrambled eggs, I always put some black truffle salt on top of the eggs before I scramble them. The scent from the salt really masks the strong, almost overwhelming flavor from the eggs themselves. You can also make use of this salt in conjunction with another flavor, such as fresh ginger, to enhance the flavor of your scrambled eggs. In this case, you would add some ground ginger to the eggs, mix them together and then sprinkle the mixture over the top before removing them from the oven.

Another way to make use of black truffle salt in savory and/or delicious recipes is in the preparation of black truffle oil. This fabulous seasoning is used to coat meats before cooking, such as pork loin, bacon, chicken, beef and other proteins. The distinctive and complex flavor of black truffle salt adds a unique flair to many different meats that would otherwise be bland and just plain yucky. This is a favorite seasoning for goose, salmon and trout, as well as any other type of white meat. In fact, you might even make use of this salt on grilled chicken, pork chops and even salmon.

Along with using truffle salt amazon in savory recipes, you might also want to experiment with using it in conjunction with other ingredients to add a little more flavor to your food. For example, you could make a savory sausage out of lean bison, bacon and cauliflower. This combination of flavors will have people coming back for more!

Other foods can also benefit from the addition of black truffle salt. For example, if you are preparing Mexican dishes, adding a Tablespoonful of the salty seasoning to your salsa will enhance the flavors and bring out the natural flavor of salsa. It also adds an interesting flavor to zesty nachos, to roasted vegetables or to any other vegetable recipe where you might want to leave out salt.

Be careful, though, when incorporating black truffle salt into your diet. While the salt is certainly delicious, it is also very high in sodium so be sure to keep your sodium intake in mind if you are going to include it into your diet. Excessive amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular illness, so be sure to keep your blood pressure in check while you enjoy your salty treats. If you're still having problems with your blood pressure, talk to your doctor about prescription drugs that you can take to lower it without compromising your salt intake. Since sodium is so important for good health, it only makes sense to choose one of many excellent products that offer a healthier alternative and a healthier diet.
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