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Oh, no, my life is like a soap opera, really: full of drama, villains, chaos and misunderstanding. In fact, the story centers on my best friend Veronica and her dear friend, Miguel is the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, two people who love each other can find a way to join. but unfortunately, I was assigned the role of villain. It all started innocently Tuesday morning. Veronica and I are talking about the disaster with the diskette from the night before. "Why gave me a diskette to take care not Contain a single file? I do not understand at all." as I explain? "He said He ran when my dad metio nothing. Head reminding me that school was night Well, I think it's better interpret their actions in a positive way." Yeah, I agree, but how? "One of my talents is be painted history as more convengas me. It is a gift that I have used on more than one occasion." Well, maybe use the disk as a pretext ... "Pretext? For what?" Once I give rope to an idea, it is almost impossible to put frenoa "Ay, Veronica. Have a truly anemic romantic imagination. An excuse to see you alone Alone? For what? "Veronica sometimes I despair. When it comes to science or mathematics, immediately understood the theories

more complicated and abstract But when it comes to a guy (can not be a simpler creature), the most obvious conclusions circumvent it. Maybe you wanted to invite to dance. The look of surprise, confusion and understanding that invaded his face made me laugh, "Oh, Veronica. It's not the theory of relativity. It is the science of the heart" Really? Think I want to dance ?. invite "I am one hundred percent seguraP" Well, what am I to do? This is the question that desen chains tragicomic proportions Shakespearean. But to write him a anonymous note ma. Escrbela computer, so you can not recognize your handwriting%. AGY I'll tell you what the note? "What you find in the dance. or You be the girl with red carnation. " "Why anonymous? To give an air of mystery. Ay, Vero, sometimes seems to live on another planet. No bright boy who does not intrigue a mysterious note. Goeth" dance without thinking twice "" Why a red carnation? Change flower if you want. It's just a way of identifying "how I am going to deliver the note? "She's going to deliver early, before school, I'll put it in a ranura10 your lóquen. I dont know. I have my dudasi. " "By God, girl, it's Tuesday. The dance is Saturday. You have to act soon. " Finally I convinced her. That night I got an anonymous note to give to a man Miguel Alvarado, brave on the football field, cowardly in the field of romance. Very early the next morning I arrive at school before anyone else, or what I think when I put the note in the lóquer Miguel.

In the evening. Veronica and I are walking down the playground when we meet Arnulfo and Miguel. I'm telling you ca that I delivered the letter without problema.Verónica remains paralyzed when he sees mguel I am bankrupt touches Hello, Michael. Arnulfo. .how are going ?. The two seem nervosos Well, more or less. Laura ublaz With that answer, try easy. escape. Not so young. They are dealing with a professional will go to ballet They look at each other with something akin to terror. At last. Arnulfo answer "yes but because if we can not talk now because late for soccer practice .. With that, grab the arm it against Miguel and in opposite direction to the football field Les shouted from a distance: arnulfo, Miguel. the field is over here. " I pointed out, but pretend not to see me. -Aqu There is something fishy "very suspicious". When turned to see Veronica, is in a state of shock. -What's Wrong. Vero? Looks like you saw a ghost Your plan failed "Laura did not see how Michael did not even look me qulso What horror.. I do not know why I ignore you." Ay, Veronica. I iQue are exaggerated! Quiet, everything will be alright, count me in. We spent the rest of the afternoon looking for him a dress appropriate. do for dancing, something that would play conto red carnation. When we got to the dance, Veronica was very nervous. I asked to have the carnation while going to the bathroom to comb again. While waiting 2 Arnulfo and Miguel came together. When Miguel saw carnation in my hand, dropped his face to the ground.

'You see, Michael, I told you. It was Laura who let you 'saw the same not put it into your lóquer .. Before he had time to clarify the situaclón.Verónica appears beside me. View Michael is upset and instead of coping, rushes haca the out2. and Veronica! : Get your carnation! Do not go 'without your key !. At this, the storm in the face of Miguel becomes mila. grossly on a bright solazoe. "She? & Veronica is the carnation? Est. Silly, go and follow her? Take him carnation .. I shot the clavely starts running as if comendo and make the winning touchdown. Arnulfo It is a ml side. So it was not Note yours? .No, no, Veronica was delivered by it because the typical Veronica would have a crisis of confidence dldmo time .. Ah, it was my mistake, then. As I put it in the óquer vis Miguel, I told him it had to be you .. And when he saw me with carnation, is con- firmed your suspicion. What complicated the life & not it? At that moment, I saw Michael and Veronica were dancing completely happy in another world, as if there was anyone else in the entire building, as if they had never gone through the pains of first love. Wanna dance? Yes, Arnulfo, why not? o We went to the dance baile10y senu something under . My shoe I looked down to see that it was: a carnation trampled.
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