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Why are there so many people suffering from hemorrhoids? What causes hemorrhoids?
According to domestic and foreign surveys, 60 ~ 70% of adults suffer from hemorrhoids. Why are there so many people suffering from hemorrhoids?

For this problem, traditional Chinese medicine began to study very early. As early as 2000 years ago, China's famous medical classic Huangdi Neijing pointed out that it was related to improper diet and feeling damp and heat from time to time in daily life. Medical experts in the Tang and Song dynasties also pointed out that it had something to do with enduring defecation for a long time, diarrhea for a long time, excessive drinking, excessive appetite for spicy food, Qi deficiency of the elderly, pregnancy of women, sitting and walking for a long time. Modern medicine believes that the causes of hemorrhoids are as follows:

(1) Related to human upright posture, according to the survey:

Four legged reptiles such as cattle, horses, dogs and rabbits shall not have hemorrhoids. Only upright humans are prone to hemorrhoids. Therefore, some people believe that hemorrhoids are a unique disease after reptiles evolved into bipedal humans. The argument is that although humans stand upright, the local evolution of "rectum and anus" has not developed to adapt to the upright posture. From the perspective of anatomy, the superior rectal vein and its branches have no venous valve. When they flow back through the rectal muscle layer from bottom to top to the heart, under the influence of geocentric attraction, the rectum and anus located in the lower part of the human body is prone to blood stasis and varicose veins. If they are in this constant upright position for a long time, hemorrhoids will be formed. From a clinical point of view, people with cirrhosis, congestive heart disease, large abdominal tumors, emphysema and other diseases that can lead to lower pelvic blood stasis, as well as women after pregnancy, are prone to varicose veins and hemorrhoids after fetal compression blocks the return of rectal blood. These reflect that the obstruction of blood reflux is an important reason for the formation of hemorrhoids. The rectal and anal] part of reptiles is higher than that of the heart. Therefore, the blood is refluxed from up to down, so it is not easy to cause obstruction of refluxing and stagnation of blood in the rectal and anal part due to the influence of geocentric attraction. Therefore, there are no hemorrhoids in animals.

(2) It is related to bad defecation habits; Habitual constipation or difficult defecation, or people who like to squat in the toilet to read books and newspapers, due to forced defecation or squatting for too long, it is easy to lead to rectal and anal] congestion, compression, varicose veins, and even relax or separate the rectal mucosa from the muscular layer, so they are prone to hemorrhoids.

(3) Related to infection; Dysentery, enteritis, pinworms and other parasites, perianal] rectal abscess, anal fistula and other diseases can cause perihemorrhoid phlebitis or hemorrhoid phlebitis, congest and dilate hemorrhoid veins and induce hemorrhoids. Drinking Hemorrhoid Treatment of alcohol and eating spicy food, such as pepper, mustard, pepper, ginger and other irritant foods, are also easy to stimulate the rectal and anal mucosa and skin, local congestion and burning pain, which become an incentive to cause hemorrhoids or aggravate the disease.

The occurrence of hemorrhoids is often the combined effect of these factors. Children and young people rarely suffer from hemorrhoids. This may be that children and young people have good vascular elasticity and are in the process of development. In addition, they are lively and changeable in body position, so it is not easy to form anal stagnation. It is easy to suffer from hemorrhoids in adulthood, and the older the age, the more the incidence, which may be related to the increase of people's age, the gradual hardening of blood vessels, the loss of elasticity, the reluctance to move more, or the long-standing and sedentary work.
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