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Facebook Introduces Bot - A Social Networking Interface For Facebook's Messenger
What is a Facebook Messenger Bot? At its most basic level, chat bots provide an automated means for companies to automate many low level customer support functions. Rather than waiting on hold with a customer service representative, customers can chat securely with a bot to immediately answer simple inquiries, or complete the initial stages of an online return request. Most importantly, this technology offers a great alternative to having customer service reps physically present at a computer terminal. Since your sales agents spend so much time chatting with customers, they'll spend even more time actually working on the phone with customers.

Bot developers have long been working feverishly to build machines that can think and talk like humans. With their artificial intelligence, chat bots will be able to communicate with one another as well as with humans. Facebook has been one of the driving forces behind chat bot technologies. In order to take advantage of this trend, Facebook has recently acquired two artificially intelligent bots, called the Social Bots and Chat Bot. The Social Bot is considered the bot with the most potential; it has already learned a lot from its previous owners, including when to ask, and how to respond to certain queries.

The Facebook Messenger Bot is still in its earliest stages, so it's unclear how advanced the bot will become. Currently, it can send and reply to messages, but it cannot yet do much more. Right now, it is mainly used for posting status updates, and answering one or two basic questions. Like many other Facebook applications, the bot uses artificial intelligence to make its capabilities clear. Users can use the bot's database to search for terms they might need when communicating with friends or other Facebook users. For example, a user might search for "whatsapp", "networking", and "neighborhoods".

The bot will also use its database to search for images and pictures that the user might want to post. Currently, it can post the user's uploaded pictures in one of three formats: JPEG, PNG, and BMP. The Facebook Messenger Bot uses these formats by default, but can be changed by the user. The image credit option enables the bot to give an image credit to another user for any image they have posted. This credit is usually short and simple.

Another use case that the chatbot may encounter is when it has to provide customer service. A user might ask the bot for help on something such as creating a group, or signing up for a new Facebook account. The chatbot may have to provide assistance on a number of different scenarios. The first scenario is that it would search for a number of similar options, based on what the customer requested. In this case, it could search through an already established network of Facebook pages.

The second use case is where the bot receives a message from a customer service representative. This representative could be talking with a Facebook user, requesting that the user create a group. The chatbot could search through a database of groups that are already created, based on certain criteria. In this case, it may search for groups that have a similar name to what the representative is searching for. If there is a match, the bot would then attempt to make the request to the group's administrator.

Finally, the third use case occurs when the chatbot first enters the online environment. If chatbot facebook makes contact with a person, it sends the user a private message. However, if it cannot contact anyone, the bot simply displays an error message. In this way, the first live chatbot was not able to handle user queries that were sent before the bot was created.

The introduction of Facebook Messenger Bot has been met with both positive and negative reactions. Many users are happy that it provides them with the means of communicating online. However, others are upset with the fact that the first bot only functioned as a simple way to send a personal welcome message to new Facebook friends. Therefore, many believe the functionality of the bot is limited at this point. In addition, Facebook has not revealed how the new feature will function in the future. Until then, we'll just have to wait and see if it meets with consumer demand.
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