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The Facebook Messenger Bot
The Facebook Messenger Bot has been one of the most talked about products on Facebook for quite some time. (If you haven't heard, it is the bot that will allow you to chat on Facebook!) If you have any questions or thoughts on this product, I'd like to ask you one question: Have you used the Facebook Messenger Bot? (If the answer is no, you're probably missing out on a lot of fun!)

I believe one reason why the Facebook Messenger Bot is so popular with companies is because the developers took a lot of time and energy making an app that can really help companies improve their health in various ways. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's about the way the bot can connect you to real people!) (The other reason is because it allows you to use your Facebook account as a portal between the company's site and the "real" people.) (And this leads to a big part of the appeal of healthtap: Using the Facebook application, health practitioners can easily measure your health and can also keep track of changes, such as those resulting from your health-related progress.)

Since we know that the reason the bot was launched is to provide good customer service to Facebook users, let's talk about how these bots can benefit a business. You probably saw the big news on the homepage - the Facebook Bot is being discontinued. But why? Well, according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the main reason was performance. In his statement, he mentioned that the bots resulted in less engagement and that the aim was to improve user experience and make Facebook more accessible for everyone.

So, let me ask you a question. If you do business with a company that uses Facebook's Chat Bots or other Facebook applications, are you providing a better service? Or are you doing the same thing as your competitors? In fact, many experts believe that Facebook should be required to open up its API to third party developers and that the decline of chat bots could greatly harm Facebook's image. And this is certainly one very important point.

There is no doubt that the Chat Bots and other Facebook apps are great tools for delivering personalized customer service. But is it enough? Is a chatbot a substitute for live help? It certainly has its place in helping you connect with your customers, but if you want real personalized help or just a real person to resolve your problem, you're probably better off speaking to a live person. This is especially true if the issue at hand is a technical one.

What about bugs? Yes, Facebook has had its share of bugs, but they have been addressed and are being ironed out. Chat Bots still can't beat a human being, even though they may talk fast and use cute faces. And so the question becomes whether Facebook should invest resources in building a better chatbot or spend that money developing good customer service programs.

Perhaps the biggest pitfall of the chatbot is its reliance on text leads. Simply put, these leads are not targeted and therefore there is a much higher chance that your sales pitch could be considered spam. This is a problem for most businesses because most people today think they know what they want. However, the old adage "you get what you pay for" certainly applies in the lead generation business. It is much cheaper to buy a text lead than it is to buy targeted traffic.

So why should Facebook use Facebook Messenger Bot? Probably two factors would be its ease of use and its ability to drive a large amount of traffic to a site. If Facebook decides to make an improved chatbot, we will see an improvement. The chatbot also might introduce a new feature that allows customers to list their favorite stores, or blogs, or things to do. Whatever the case, the future of Facebook is looking much brighter and more automated.
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