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I am now racist towards Germans, after reading The Diary Of Anne Frank, Act I and Act II. I can't believe that they would do this not only to Jews but to CHILD JEWS! This sickened me. The ending changed my perspective on the Germans. I need to read something that can help me detect if someone is a Nazi, or if they supported the holocaust, or Hitler, or Nazis in general, so I can either brutally murder them, or kidnap them and keep them trapped in a basement where they will stay there forever. I thought that all races, ethnicities, and skin tones are equal, but The Diary Of Anne Frank changed that for the worse. November 16th, 2021, was the officially worst day of my life. The reason why? It was the day I became racist towards Germans. I know, being racist is bad, but they started the holocaust, killed thousands if not millions of Jewish people, and they supported Hitler. In reality, Hitler deserved to die. And those who said he did nothing wrong live in a rock, have tiny and smooth brains, and probably lack the abilities to do basic things. If I could get the president to nuke Germany, I would. They deserve it that much. I just hope that there aren't any more Nazis/Nazi supporters, or even Hitler supporters. If I had a dollar for every single letter I decided to type in this note about my hatred toward Germans and Nazis, I would have more than $150. I would spend it all on things that can destroy Nazis. In conclusion, If there is a list of things I hate, it's myself, my voice, my looks, my height, my weight, and Germans/Nazis. Thanks a lot, Mrs. Brunson. Your assignment made me racist towards each and every German in the entire multiverse. I hope you are happy with yourself, because I am most certainly not happy with myself at all.
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