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Which Are the Basic Plumbing Tools?
Were you tired of hard water? The taste or smell of tap water makes you shy away from using it? Our company offers a full range of commercial and residential plumbing services in California and Arizona. Our team of certified plumbers take pride in helping local clients achieve better water quality, and we want to help you as well. Several tips are provided below on how to improve your fresh water supply.

Test for Water Quality
You must first determine what is in your present fresh water in order to improve its quality. A pristine condition will not require any changes. However, in today's modern world fresh water sources have never been subject to greater contamination by chemicals, metals, and other harmful materials. To ensure that your family is receiving the highest quality water, it's a good idea to purchase a water test.

Boil Water for Short Term Use
Boiling water is an effective way to kill harmful bacteria and parasites. Despite the fact that this method purifies water for consumption and household use, it isn't the most practical. Only use this technique for short-term relief.

Invest in a Water Filtration System
Your water must be filtered if it is of poor quality. The use of faucet attachments and similar accessories is commonplace. This method improves water only at the faucet, which means you must buy a device for every faucet and showerhead in your house. Additionally, these filters cannot prevent contaminants and harsh minerals from leaching into your appliances, where they can harm your clothing, dishes, and cookware. If you install a reverse osmosis or carbon filtration water treatment system, your water will be in better shape all throughout your property.

Install a Water Softener
Water containing more minerals is often suitable for drinking, cooking, bathing and handwashing. It can, however, cause damage to metal pipes and sewer lines, plumbing fixtures, and expensive appliances. Your investment is likely to last longer and perform better with a water softener installation.

Maintain Your Plumbing System
The reason for bad quality water often lies with mistakes made at the water plant, human-caused pollution, or naturally occurring environmental contaminants in well water. The owner should also remember that they can still cause dangerous bacteria or chemicals to enter their fresh water supply by neglecting their plumbing system. Unchecked drainage issues, unreliable sewer line leaks, and reckless use of drain cleaners can contaminate water sources. By investing in routine inspections, leak detection services, professional drain cleaning, and plumbing repairs, you can keep your pipes and fixtures clean.

Need a water softener or filtration system installed? Call Candu Plumbing Plumbing
Have you had enough of poor-quality water? Count on Candu Plumbing Plumbing for expert help. Our licensed, certified, and insured plumbers are always ready to put their knowledge and skills to work for you. Our office can provide additional details about our wide range of commercial and residential plumbing services or schedule a convenient appointment with a local plumber in your California or Arizona neighborhood.

22144 Eccles St, Canoga Park, CA 91304

Candu Plumbing & Rooter
(855) 522-2638

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