> Lucky Turtle: "Ah-- Hello, yes it is!" [19:36]Lucky Turtle >> "Great! So what's your fee for a dat- I mean, coming over and cooking?" [19:37]>> Lucky Turtle: "Mmmh... Depends, what'r : Notes">

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[19:35]Lucky Turtle >> *linkpearls* "Hello? Is this thing on?"
[19:35]>> Lucky Turtle: "Ah-- Hello, yes it is!"
[19:36]Lucky Turtle >> "Great! So what's your fee for a dat- I mean, coming over and cooking?"
[19:37]>> Lucky Turtle: "Mmmh... Depends, what're you wanting? A full course meal? If that's the case it'll be ten thousand, if it's just a dinner or entree it's five thousand."
[19:37]Lucky Turtle >> *blurtingly*"I want the full deal!"
[19:38]>> Lucky Turtle: "Pfft. Alright, let me get my apron. Where am I goin?"
[19:40]Lucky Turtle >> *"Hurriedly stuffing his dirty laundry and other stuff into different areas, panting laboriously. "Uh... the Goblet! One moment, I'll tell the valet to expect you."
[19:41]>> Lucky Turtle: Willis let's out a soft laugh on his end, raising a brow to the panicked sounds of Lucky on his line. He must've been rushing to do something, "Sure! No rush, let me know when you're ready for me."
[19:42]Lucky Turtle >> *cheekily* "Wanna come over now?"
[19:43]>> Lucky Turtle: "Sure, sure! I'll be on my way!"
[19:45]Lucky Turtle pretends to be reading a book.
[19:45]Lucky Turtle: Oh, hi there!
[19:46]Willis Etmierre knocks on the door twice before he appears, looking so fabulously hot and dashing, pushing his hair back, "Hey."
[19:46]Willis Etmierre: "Wow.. Nice place you got, Lucky."
[19:47]Lucky Turtle 's fox-brown eyes go wide as saucers at seeing Willis, a hot flush crossing his high and wide cheekbones. "Hi!" He says, a little too enthusiastically. "Thanks. It's a little small, but I try," He says, unaware of the double entendre.
[19:47]Willis Etmierre: "Thanks for lettin' me serve ya." Willis bowed his head, a work persona if nothing else, "Have you an idea of what you'd like to be served today?"
[19:47]Lucky Turtle gestures to the kitchen. "I got some coffee too, if you feel like an evening kick!"
[19:48]Lucky Turtle: Before I forget!
[19:48]Willis Etmierre: omg you dont actually have to pay me LMFAO))
[19:48]Lucky Turtle >> aww. :p fine )
[19:48]Willis Etmierre: IT'S RP ITS ALRIGHT LMAO))
[19:48]Willis Etmierre is too thicc to get through LMAO
[19:48]Lucky Turtle >> I have millions of gil now :p )
[19:48]Lucky Turtle: try the other side! )
[19:48]Lucky Turtle squints and grins cheekily. "Is it cramped in there?"
[19:49]Lucky Turtle sits on his big moogle cushion, watching you as you work, a blush still on his pretty face.
[19:49]Willis Etmierre: "Mmh-mmh. Just got enough room!" Willis goes to wash his hands, "So, what're you feelin'? Or rather, would you have me work my own magic and raid your cupboards all the like."
[19:50]Lucky Turtle watches you with a sly smile, "I'd rather be surprised."

[19:51]Willis Etmierre nods twice, "Sure, let's see what I can work up here..." Willis hums, going through ice boxes and cupboards to see what he could make.. Please have food in your kitchen, Lucky.
[19:51]Lucky Turtle agrees. "I got plenty of food in the cupboard! And I bought fresh stuff from the market in that brown bag there on the counter. Just for you!"
[19:52]Lucky Turtle: I was in a hurry so I forget what I bought.
[19:52]Willis Etmierre: "Oh! Perfect! No, that's alright!"
[19:52]Willis Etmierre: omg im in the counter))
[19:52]Mia'sae Dyeweaver >> As in you were busy not... yeah XD
[19:52]Willis Etmierre: dies))
[19:52]Lucky Turtle steals a glance at your powerful tail as you turn. He seems intrigued.
[19:52]Lucky Turtle: I am loling this is cute )
[19:54]Lucky Turtle says as he sips a cup of hard cider, "Your glasses make your eyes shine very nice." His voice has the somewhat musical lilt of romantic intrigue.
[19:55]Willis Etmierre notices there were some ingredients he had mentioned while talking about the Bowl of Embers.. Of course there wasn't the dragon peppers, but he'd notice the spices atop of the stove, a low hum as he figured he could work some kind of magic, "This will do, no worries.." Willis glances over to Lucky, a raised brow at the compliment, "Why, thank you. I've once had a Viera mistake my eyes as gold before.. But last I checked they were blue." Willis got to making some appetizers, something simple,
[19:56]Willis Etmierre: finger sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and sliced cooked dodo, lathering the bread with mayonaise and letting it grill over the stove with cheese to let it melt. It seemed Willis was keen on multitasking as the sandwiches were cooking, he'd be working on the bowl of embers as well.
[19:56]Willis Etmierre chop chop chop chop.
[19:56]Lucky Turtle grins cheekily behind his cup before mentioning. "I'd probably have to see them closer before I can guess," He says teasingly, folding one leg atop the other, his attention now half divided between the well-muscled Raen and the food being prepared, stomach growling audibly.
[19:59]Willis Etmierre is suddenly a Raen and he'd chuckle, pausing mid chop to lean down to Lucky and open his eyes just the tad bit wider for him to look at his eyes. Deep sea blue irises accented with pure white limbals, "I'm from the Ejinn tribe so our genetics have made us somewhat water attributed in some ways. For myself, I can hold my breath for long periods of time without much effort.." Willis reels back up, placing chopped onions and tomatos into a bowl and beside the pot of the finger sandwiches began
[19:59]Lucky Turtle >> Wait, is he a Xaela?! SORRY
[19:59]Lucky Turtle >> oh!
[20:00]Willis Etmierre: to cook some minced garlic. He'd remove the grilled finger sandwiches off the heat, carefully plating them and serving it in front of Lucky, "Here, first order up!" he chimed, a wide smile from horn to horn.
[20:00]>> Lucky Turtle: LOL It's okay!
[20:00]Willis Etmierre glances over and notices the stack of dishes on the floor, "..." There was no comment.

[20:01]Lucky Turtle smiles softly. "Is that why you're at the beach so often? I'd like to see that!" He says, his rosy blush returning to his cheeks, rising from his throat. When you present the finger sandwiches, he hurriedly gobbles them, stuffing one in each cheek like a squirrel.
[20:01]Lucky Turtle: Maybe we can go to the beach together sometime...
[20:01]Lucky Turtle wiggles his ears mischievously.
[20:01]Lucky Turtle spoke to you with a mouthful, and washes it down with a long pull of cider.
[20:01]Lucky Turtle >> <3
[20:03]Willis Etmierre chuckles and hums, "May be that.. I do enjoy swimming quite often.. My wife-- fiance and I are both born into sea-bound family it seems." Willis chuckles softly, adding in the ground auroch into the frying pan and quickly moved it about the pan, chopping it with the spatula, ensuring it doesn't burn, "Perhaps! Weren't you and Taka and the rest already by the beach at one point? I heard you all had a party or something. Went from venue to venue?"
[20:04]Lucky Turtle tries to hide his disappointment at the mention of a fiance behind another drink from his cider mug. "We were," He agrees. "I love the water. I grew up in the Thanalan Desert... so besides from the rare oasis, there wasn't much a chance for swimming. But I adore it."

[20:07]Willis Etmierre lets that cook, washing his hands again cause RAW MEAT, then began working on something else... It seemed like Willis was able some chocolate biscuits, crushing them in a bowl and in another began whipping together some vanilla extract, heavy cream and whisk, whisk, whisk, "It's different.. The air between Thanalan and La Noscea. The humidity grows on you-- I've lived in Thanalan basically my whole life until I turned into an adult, so the crisp, humid air doesn't bother me." Willis grins to
[20:08]Willis Etmierre: Lucky, "My love, however.." He tuts, "Poor girl spent two whole cycles back to Othard and when she returned she couldn't get used to it right away.. Not that I'd a mind to complain.. I had a great pair of girls to watch.. If you catch my drift."
[20:08]Lucky Turtle props a chin in his hand as he mentions, his lashes lowering over his husky gold eyes, "The dinner smells amazing. And the sandwiches?" He downs another in one whole bite. "Scrumptuous. Hey!" He says, brightening. "Wanna share some wine after this?"
[20:08]Lucky Turtle: Sounds like she's a -very- lucky lady.
[20:10]Lucky Turtle 's greedy fox-brown eyes watch the chocolate being concocted, and also the muscles on the Au Ra's back.
[20:12]Willis Etmierre: "Wine?" Willis quieries, letting out a small hum, "I suppose I could.. Just a couple drinks wouldn't hurt." Willis offers a smile. The cream mixture had stiffened and Willis layered the cream overtop of the cookie crumble, humming away as he worked, "It's the meat cooking that you're smelling.. Though, aye-- meat is an aromatic thing that always gets the stomach going." Willis levelled the top of the desert he was making, putting extra cookie crumbles on top.. just for flair before putting it
[20:12]Willis Etmierre: down into the ice box to chill. Willis stretched a moment, his large tail also standing up to stretch itself before he goes back to the oven, "Alright.." The Xaela adds the vegetables into the mix of the pan, squishing down the tomatos into a paste, "Perhaps she is.. But to be honest, I'm the lucky one to have her."
[20:13]Willis Etmierre: "She keeps me grounded.. Reasoned with reality. I've lost her before in my life, you know? Things were.. awful without her." Willis offers a small smile to Lucky, "I'm glad I found her again.. I'm not sure what I'd do without her."
[20:15]Lucky Turtle watches the tail stretch languidly, his thighs tightening at the sight, almost jolting in the chair as he disturbs his plateware. "Mmm. I love meat," He agrees, again oblivious, but not entirely this time, his blush turning into an overall sensation of heat throughout his body, perhaps buyoued by the excellent... stiffening cream mixture. He nods, only half hearing what Willis is saying, distracted by the sight of this gorgeous man in his kitchen now.
[20:15]Willis Etmierre: im scremaing LMFAO))
[20:16]Lucky Turtle: Is he being too much? :3 He's being too much! XD )
[20:16]Willis Etmierre: I don't mind it LMAO. Willis doesn't even notice. I'm just laughing too hard))
[20:17]Lucky Turtle: Lucky can be... adventurous! )
[20:18]Willis Etmierre is realizing perhaps he might be gushing too hard about Akane. The Xaela clears his throat, willing the blush on his cheeks down, "Sorry! I don't mean to gush.. I do that a lot." Willis continues to stir the chili, adding in spices.. Garlic powder, black pepper, chili flakes... A lot of flakes... oregano, thyme, parsley, "What about you, Lucky? Do you have anyone in your life that you call 'love'?"

[20:19]Lucky Turtle grins from ear to ear. "No! Nobody yet... I'm sure it'll happen, eventually," He agrees. "But right now I'm more into just dating. Or seeing friends! You know... playing music. Living my own life. That kind of thing." He nods in agreement. He gushes a lot and overshares too! And he has probably mistaken the blush in embarassment from Willis as general romantic excitement.
[20:21]Willis Etmierre chuckles, turning up the heat and waiting for this watery tomato mess to become more of a chili.. He added mushrooms and some beans in there earlier, but I just forgot to write that in :^), "
[20:21]Willis Etmierre: woops))
[20:21]Lucky Turtle: retconin mushrooms is allowed :3 )
[20:22]Willis Etmierre: "Well! Such a thing is better not to be rushed, y'know. Once that person comes to your life, it'll be worth it!" Willis just leans back, watching the thing bubble for a moment and then hummed.. He turned around and began cleaning his area... and even the dishes that were once on the floor because he couldn't stand staring at them any longer.. A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen after all!! "Are you thinking about just playing in the Quicksands and adventuring with Taka for now? You definitely
[20:22]Willis Etmierre: have to let me know how that goes, by the way."
[20:23]Willis Etmierre: "He tried recruiting me too but, ah.. I've got too much goin' on to be able to say yes to such a thing."
[20:23]Lucky Turtle stretches and moves to the bureau, reaching up on a tip toe to a drawer where he procures a fancy bottle of wine. He steals a greedy glance as Willis cleans. "I will," He says with a smile. "Maybe you'll adventure with me one day." The wine is Sixth Era, a good year.
[20:24]Lucky Turtle: You don't have to sweep! I can do that later...
[20:24]Lucky Turtle adds, "After you finish cooking, we'll have desert and wine on the couch." He says, his blush making it obvious the desert he is imagining.
[20:25]Willis Etmierre shook his head, "No worries. I've dropped some things on the floor. If I'm being paid for this, I may as well work diligently!" Willis lets out a chuckle, "Sure, I'm not opposed." Wow! Lucky sure was friendly. Willis stows away the broom and checks on the chili.. It was just about done, "Alright..! Just give me another moment and it'll be ready!"
[20:26]Willis Etmierre reaches for bowls.. And he reaches cause he's so tall! The Xaela then turns off the heat, removing the food off the heat and begins serving the one bowl, then holding it out to Lucky, "Here ya go."
[20:28]Lucky Turtle greedily dives in with a spoon, taking the sumptous spoonfull of chili and wolfing at it with a big mouth, a maw truly, that belies his petite size. Grinning up at you delighted, his golden gaze absolutely beams with positive adoration. "This is -amazing!-!" He says with glee, gobbling down more, his spoon almost blurring. The heat. The umami. The play of one flavor off the next. "MmmmMMMM!"
[20:28]Lucky Turtle slaps the table. "Aren't you gonna have some?" He asks, his brow knitting in concern.
[20:29]Willis Etmierre pauses, "Ah-- I.. I suppose I could." Willis nodded, "You should have plenty for the week, too! If you're good on portions." Willis grabs himself a bowl, not quite expecting to also have dinner. He was just expecting to cook but! May as well.
[20:30]Lucky Turtle smiles, delighted.
[20:30]Willis Etmierre portions himself a small bowl.. He's going to need to cook for his uncooking love after all, so he'd best save some appetite before coming around and sitting on the bar beside Lucky.

[20:30]Lucky Turtle lets out a little burp, covering it with the back of his neck, blushing -- this time with embarassment. "Sorry."
[20:30]Lucky Turtle continues to wolf down the chili regardless.
[20:31]Willis Etmierre chuckles and shakes his head, "Don't apologize. The fact that you like it so is a compliment." Willis beams at the Lalafell before going to eat.. elegantly.
[20:31]Willis Etmierre like a gentleman
[20:32]Willis Etmierre did whap his tail a couple times, letting out a hum of satisfaction, "Just right.. It's been quite a while since I've cooked this.. I'm glad the recipe is ebbed into my memory. It was quite the popular dish back then..!"
[20:32]Lucky Turtle is impressed at Willis's refinement, his golden brown eyes stealing glances at Willis's handsome visage between spoonfulls, his nostrils flaring with excitement.. and from laboring against the spicy heat, his brow shimmering with a light sheen of sweat.
[20:33]Lucky Turtle grins cheekily at the cute tail thumping, wondering what else can make it go like that.
[20:33]Willis Etmierre notices the sweat Lucky was procuring on his brow. The Xaela hums, "Do you.. Need water? I hear milk also helps with heat."
[20:33]Lucky Turtle: It's a gorgeous dinner! I've never had anything like it.
[20:34]Lucky Turtle smiles. "I'll take whatever you feed me," He says, becoming aware of the double entendre afterwards this time, his lashes widening somewhat.
[20:35]Willis Etmierre chuckles, "If you say so." The innuendo slips over his head like water off a duck's back, getting up once again and finding the milk in the ice box and grabbing himself a glass of water to help with the heat of the dish.
[20:35]Willis Etmierre: "How old ar eyou by chance, Lucky?"
[20:35]Lucky Turtle glugs down the glass of milk, some running down his chin afterwards, this time not caring about the burp. He counts on his fingers. "Uh... Twenty three, at least!"
[20:36]Willis Etmierre: sklfjkdslgjdkfl))
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: LMAO )
[20:36]Willis Etmierre: squishes the child LOL))
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: Or something like that!
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: I was found by my parents when I was very young, see.
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: So it's more of a range.
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: What about you? How old are ya?
[20:36]Lucky Turtle: <3 )
[20:37]Willis Etmierre blinks a couple times, "Oh? You don't know your own age?" The Xaela shrugs a shoulder, "Well.. Lucky Turtle isn't quite the traditional Lalafellin name, so it makes sense... As for me.." Willis hums, taking a quick drink before grinning wide, "Twenty nine. I'm quite the geezer." He chuckles, finishing up the small bowl he made himself.
[20:38]Lucky Turtle reaches over to touch your knee. "You're not a geezer!" He says, finishing his bowl. "Besides, my last boyfriend was forty."
[20:40]Willis Etmierre looks at the tiny hand on his knee. Lord, and he thought Akane was tiny. Willis lets out a small laugh, "Fourty huh? You like older men, aye?" Willis pats Lucky on the back, "I'm sure you'll find your prince charming!" Willis gathers up the bowls and hums, "The dessert should be about ready now."
[20:40]Lucky Turtle says, "Not necessarily older! Just... interesting men."

[20:40]Lucky Turtle grins. "Like you!"
[20:41]Lucky Turtle pops open the wine early, pouring a glass for you and for him.
[20:41]Willis Etmierre plunks the bowls in the sink and checks on the dessert.. Cookies and cream fluffer over a chocolate cookie crust. Willis nodded, "Good, good! Intersting, aye?" Willis paused to the VERY BOLD flirt and he'd color, letting out a laugh and shook his head, "Thank you for the compliment.. Not much interesting about me.." Willis hears the pearl in his horn chime.
[20:42]Lucky Turtle clears his throat and grins, sliding you a glass of wine.
[20:43]Willis Etmierre grabbed a couple spoons and took the glass, moving around and onto the couch.
[20:43]Lucky Turtle pats the seat next to him. "When the desert is ready, come on over."
[20:43]Willis Etmierre: casually walks on the table. it's fine :^) ))
[20:44]Lucky Turtle: Pay no mind to my places tiny dimensions :p )
[20:44]Willis Etmierre sets the bowl down and figured he may as well divvy it out, taking a smaller bowl and scooping up a nice hefty bowl for Lucky and holding it out to him, "Here you go, fine sir."
[20:45]Willis Etmierre divvies himself a smaller portion! Gotta keep an appetite for the wife after all!
[20:45]Lucky Turtle gives a long-lashed wink to Willis as he gobbles at hte fluffer (pastry?) his white teeth sinking into the cookie crust. "I'm no sir," He mentions around his mouthful. "They haven't knighted me yet."
[20:45]Lucky Turtle slides closer, washing down the cookie dessert with some wine. "How do you like the wine?" He asks, nodding to the glass.
[20:46]Willis Etmierre laughs and takes a spoonful of the crusted fluff, "Well.. I've been calling people sir left right and center.. Don't make much difference to me really.." Willis picks up the wine and takes a sip. The alcohol definitely went down and the Xaela gave an audible, and visible shudder, "Mmh.. It's really well aged.. It's been a while since I've drunk anything like it.."
[20:48]Lucky Turtle grins, delighted that Willis likes it. "I bought it after my patron gave me a bunch of money," He admits. Lounging now, he brings a dimunitive booted foot up on Willis's knee, his golden gaze still drinking in his face. "So... wanna stay over a while?" He wonders, taking another sip of wine.
[20:49]Willis Etmierre glances down at the boot... Baby foot. Willis lets out a hum, "Well.. I shouldn't stay too long, lest I leave Akane wondering where I've gone. Did you have something in mind?" Willis takes another drink of the wine, his scales somewhat standing on end to the warmth of the liquer.
[20:52]Lucky Turtle 's grin turns cheeky, his blush brightening his dusky cheeks a rosy dawn. "Well..." He clears his throat. "You know... in case you were the open and adventurous sort... well..." He almost chokes on his wine as he takes another sip. "I was thinking it might be fun for you to stay over!"
[20:52]Lucky Turtle: He was bout to say for arm wrestling but that'd be too whacky :p <3 )
[20:52]Willis Etmierre: He'd get DESTROYED LOL))
[20:52]Lucky Turtle: Lucky is tougher than he looks! But yeah prolly :3 )
[20:54]Willis Etmierre stares at Lucky before he hears a nagging voice in the back of his head... The voice of Xaela woman, calling him dense and not understanding 'women's intentions'. Willis hums loudly before he uses his brain energy and assesses Lucky's demeanor, taking another quick sip of wine, "Open and adventurous sort?" Willis' eyes lower, as if to stare the other down, "In terms of relationship-wise?"

[20:54]Lucky Turtle wiggles his pointy ears. "Well yeah! Or you know..." Putting it in slum terms he's familiar with, "A side hustle!" He decides that Willis's eyes are blue now, an intense ocean.
[20:57]Willis Etmierre stares, "Ah.... I see." The Xaela takes a look at his wine, swivelling it in his glass before he hummed.. How to go about it nicely... "Unfortunately, my love is the only one I have eyes for... I've no intentions on being unfaithful to her. I appreciate the fact that you see me in such high light... But I'll have to decline your offer." Willis bowed his head.. Perhaps there was more sinister reason for him being here.. But.. He did get paid.. "My apologies.."
[20:57]Willis Etmierre cant bow while sitting >:(
[20:59]Lucky Turtle pouts and then hides his expression in the wine, then drains the cup. "Ah well! All the good ones are taken." Gently placing the wine down, he apologizes. "Sorry... I was out of line!"
[20:59]Lucky Turtle: <3 at least he got a good bowl of chili out of it :p )
[20:59]Willis Etmierre: A good bowl and probably has extras to last him like.. two days with how he eats.. AND DESSERT. LOL!))
[21:01]Lucky Turtle rests a cheek in one hand as he pours himself another glass. "Can I coax you for another dinner sometime? I'll be better behaved!" He gives a genuine grin.
[21:01]Willis Etmierre only gave a sympathetic smile, with a sheepish laugh, standing up and dusting off his apron, "Well! Either way! I enjoyed the company and cooking for you. Thank you for that, at least."
[21:02]Willis Etmierre: oop i DIDNT FINISH MY POST.))
[21:02]Willis Etmierre: "Perhaps you can reel in another man and hope his relationship is open! If my fiance were to hear you she'd make a hole in your wall as she kicks it in and grab either you or I by the throat and throw us out the window." The Xaela's smile softens, "Of course. And again- it won't be free!"
[21:03]Lucky Turtle 's eyes widen at the idea of being put through a window. "Well... we'll just have to keep it between us!" He says, grinning before hopping from his cushion.
[21:03]Lucky Turtle: And we can go on the beach sometime! Maybe you'll train me, huh?
[21:04]Lucky Turtle didn't just walk on the table.
[21:04]Willis Etmierre laughs and hums, "Perhaps I can! If you're not leering at me secretly.. And sorry, no secrets between me and Akane. I'll be telling her everything... Especially the proposition." Willis grins.. sinisterly.
[21:04]Willis Etmierre: "Rule of thumb between the two of us, no secrets~"
[21:04]Lucky Turtle gulps loudly. "But... then she'll murder me!"
[21:05]Lucky Turtle: Okay okay . But you have to promise that she can't attack me!
[21:05]Willis Etmierre: "You'll have to pray to your gods that you don't find yourself with an angry Nagxian by your bed."
[21:05]Willis Etmierre laughs out loud, "I can try that at least!"
[21:05]Lucky Turtle: Or I'll have to flee the country. Promise?
[21:05]Lucky Turtle: It was mostly innocent, anyway!
[21:05]Lucky Turtle frets at this. "Do you know when she mostly wakes? I can change my sleeping habits!"
[21:06]Lucky Turtle: oops lol )
[21:06]Willis Etmierre snorts.. Wondering if getting him a wine was to try and get him drunk first.. Maybe innocent? "I'll have you know that once a viera had kissed me on the lips.. My friend had seen so I had called her up to tell her what happened.."
[21:06]Willis Etmierre: "She ran all the way from the Goblet to Ul'dah to give me a yell as I cried on the pearl that it wasn't anything serious."

[21:07]Lucky Turtle says diplomatically, "Well, well. There were no witnesses! And besides... I was about to challenge you to an arm wrestling match!"
[21:07]Lucky Turtle: LOL)
[21:07]Lucky Turtle is being sort of genuine with this, it had crossed his mind, after all.
[21:07]Willis Etmierre stares at Lucky's arm, then his own....
[21:07]Willis Etmierre: "Perhaps after I whip you up into shape first, then we'll see how it goes from there."
[21:08]Lucky Turtle beams at the idea. "Okay!"
[21:09]Lucky Turtle decides to pour himself a victory glass.
[21:09]Willis Etmierre lets out a chuckle, "Thank you for having me over anyroad. I enjoyed it immensely! If I stayed any longer my fiance would end up scouring the realm for me and your hind would most likely be cooked.. So that being said.."
[21:09]Lucky Turtle: Besides, I was half-convinced your wife is imaginary. I've never met her!
[21:09]Lucky Turtle: Have a safe walk home! Remember to only report that I was, and always am, a perfect gentleman!
[21:10]Willis Etmierre: "There's a hungry wife I must care for." Willis hums, "I'll have to introduce you to her under the pretenses of, 'This is Lucky, the one who was hoping I was open and adventurous and wanted me to stay over'." Willis offers a wink with a grin.
[21:10]Lucky Turtle 's eyes widen in panic over his wine glass. "Not that!"
[21:10]Willis Etmierre: "Enjoy the food! And make sure you stow it away properly!" Willis laughs, waving off the Lalafell, "Good night, my friend."
[21:10]Lucky Turtle: You're not mean enough to do that! Bye!
[21:10]Lucky Turtle 's brow knits with worry.
[21:10]Willis Etmierre SURE IS
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