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Summarize the major ethical and business themes covered in the film.
- Inverters invested off Elizabeth's story alone and didn't look at financial statements
- George Schultz, Henry Kissinger, and others was so impressed with her and her story schultz was ready to invest quickly.
- Walgreens signed a contract with them despite not looking inside the machine.
- The device (edison) was very dangerous to work on with blood and needles and it would freeze up and break. The blood could evaporate in the air and the bloody needles could stab the workers and similar things.
- Sunny and Elizabeth were believing and scientists like Ian Gibbons who were saying things wouldn't work with edison.
- Ian committed suicide when he thought honesty about science regarding edison patents would lead to him losing his job.
- Staff such as Erika Cheung and Cheryl Gafner would be key-stroked, monitored over the company networks (not CCing sunny in emails but getting a response from him).
- Theranos wasn't approved but still launched in walgreens and were sending a tests to a lab they created.
- Lots of clever marketing to cover up a failing product.
- Elizabeth passed a law in Arizona to allow patients to get blood wok done without a doctor's approval.
- There was a huge difference between the tests of theranos and ither big lab companies.

- Theranos was tapdancing around FDA approval

- They were only showing non-theranos results to investers.

- Erika and ___ were coming forward to the WSJ about the misconduct Theranos had done.

- Theranos legal team stood up against these workers.

- Theranos was partaking in fraud.

- The WSJ story led to other articles exposing Theranos.

-Elizabeth staight-up lied on national tv about the alligations against Theranos.

- Roger Parloff was the Fortune reporter.

- Elizabeth Holmes unveiled mini-lab and her lawyers were fired or resigned.

- She was sued for fraud

-FDA approved one test for herpes on the edison prototype and

List the main characters (more than just 2) and explain briefly the role each plays in the plot or themes.
- Elizabeth Holmes: Founder of Theranos,

- Erika Cheung: Works at Theranos, idolized Elizabeth,


How does the film relate to the business environment of today?
- secrecy of what Theranos was doing

What internal controls were lacking that allowed the problem to occur. What could have been done differently?

Share your knowledge and/or perspective on the movie’s plot/themes - what did you learn from watching the film? Connect any of your learnings or content from the film to related accounting concepts.
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