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Using Footer Code SEO - A Secret You Should Know
One of the more important things that SEO and other webmasters need to be aware of are footer codes. A footer code basically is a signature at the bottom of each page within an online website. This signature will essentially tell the search engine algorithms that this page and following pages are considered a part of that website's website family.

This is extremely important for SEO . In order for an individual to have a successful SEO campaign, he or she needs to have the ability to manipulate search engines and pages in order to increase page ranking. The use of these codes can do just that. By using the proper codes and the correct meta tags on each page that your website features, you are able to manipulate how that page is ranked by the search engines. These techniques can ultimately increase your page rank and ultimately make your website one of the most visited on the internet.

Let's look at some examples of what these codes can do. If you have a blog that features articles, there is a certain code within the footer of each page that you place on the page. This code tells the search engines that this page contains relevant content and has been published on the web. When these robots come across this page, the page ranking for it will raise. This increase in page rank will ultimately give you a higher ranking for that particular keyword. As an example of a blog footer code, here is one that I placed on my blog:

Here, the first keyword is included in the footer code. The second keyword is the description of what the page is about. Finally, the third keyword is the keywords that I am trying to rank for. You will see that this is written in a way that includes all of the information that is needed to effectively place the keyword that I want on that particular page. The page ranks the keyword as the first keyword found and as the second keyword found if I use the second keyword as my anchor text in the hyperlink on the page.

The code within the footer of the web pages I build for my clients works in a similar way. In fact, the SEO friendly code I use for their pages is very similar to the way that I use for my own clients' pages. In fact, the code that I use myself also uses many of the same phrases. Here is a piece of the code that I use on my client's pages:

This tells the search engines that this page is an article directory. In order for this to work properly, the page must be ranked as high as possible for the keyword phrase that I am trying to rank for. For this reason, the code that I have used here includes the phrase as a link that will direct a reader back to my main page so that they can see where that particular page is located. Now, imagine that the article directory that I use for my clients does not contain the keyword that I am targeting in its listings.

The SEO friendly code in this example could read something like this:

At this point, you would probably be scratching your head and wondering why the search engines are not ranking my pages for the keyword phrases that I am targeting. That's OK! I have used the same exact code above for many of my directories that I build for my clients and am still ranking highly for those same keywords. This shows that the code I am using is doing what it is supposed to do - provide the search engines with the information that they need to rank my page.
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