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During Medieval Times, merchants were important and just as wealthy as the lords and nobles but of not of such high status. Getting an education to learn how to think, count, interest and exchange rates, aswell as much more information that relates to dealing with money and trade. Education has always been important to create opportunities to have successful jobs and it was actually considered more of a hobby than a must, but for merchants it was less of a "hobby" and more of an essential thing, if you'd wanna make it in the merchant field. . The merchants was usually found in towns and was lower on the social pyramid only above the peasants and serfs. Most of the time they were at their shop in the town and sold everyday things. Traders traded with other people who had the things they wanted so they traded away the things they didnt . aLot of times, merchants had power, because theyd sell a piece of clothing and get more money than actual worth. Traders could trade a piece of wood for a piece of gold, not a real trade altho it was that they had the upper hand when it came to trading. Some merchants crossed foreign boundaries when trading and paid the tax and/or offered gifts to the local rulers. They were disliked by the clergy, so the clergy would convince the community that these activities were evil, and against God’s will. As such, people would belive such, blame the merchants for natural disasters such as disease, floods or famine as there punishment to the community from God. There were different kinds of merchants such as a wholesale merchant who operates in the chain between produce and retail merchant, typically dealing in large quantities of goods. There were merchants who, in the eyes of the nobility, were perceived as misers and weren’t liked by the clergy. Many of the times the main merchant traders were the Genoese and Venetians. The merchant was very important and the role of the merchant became even more important and entrenched in society in the wake of the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries. Merchants sold food, razors, cleaning products, spindles, whetstones, clothing and other household items they were business people who participated in the retail and trade seen. The term “merchant” comes from the Latin term “mercer” meaning trafficking and from French term “mercies” which also meant wares. Thus, the medieval merchant was seen as both a trader and trafficker of wares across countries. The middle ages merchant sourced for his products

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