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Notes -

5 Wake up - bathroom, yoga
6 Pick up yoga gear - shower, make food
7 Eat - pick up gen. area
8 Wake up Web0 - make him food, chill out with him
9 - 10 Drive him to work
11 - 2 Go to the coffee shop and study Python/gen programming/computer stuff until 2
2 Go have lunch with Web0
3 Read & have yoga items ready
4 - 5:30 Yoga - change & place mat in car
6-8 Wait at the benches reading articles/couponing until Web0 is ready to go - drive home
8 - 9 Make dinner and sit down and watch a movie/series (iZombie)
10 Play around - hang out, plan adventures
11 - Bed time - sleep

Java -
- fully object oriented language. This makes it a 'modern' language, shifts paridime of how code is laid out & interacts. Self contained objects or code that interacts with each other
- platform independent
- Seperate versions not needed, flexable application (write only one time)
- 9 million application dev worldwide (lots of jobs), lots of support available
- sun microsystems now owned by oracle, made in 1990's

dev cycle
- design your app and write the source code (more time in design, figuring out databases systems and processes, the better off you will be when you write your code)
-Compile source code, source code files contain the code & have a .java extension
- write in plain text editor
- then take your source files and compile them, turning them from human readable java form to something a little more compact called bit code, its the version of your source code after it's been translated.
- the java virteral machine takes your bit code and runs it, fix bugs (not all, just critical)
- If you feel the application is good enough to distribute, you package your files up either individually or if a bunch you can put them all into an archive file with a .jar extension (easier for distribution.

-jdk, java developer software kit, free, supported, on oracles website for download..
- supported by most platforms
- the jdk includes the comiler - javac, archiving tool - jar, debugger - jdb, and several other command line tools that are helpful in developing an application. Also has a complete JRE (java runtime enviroment) & includes the vertual machine (both already on most machines)... & more?
- download from the oracle website java for developers kit7u25, remember the directory path you install it too. Navigate to the folder you installed it too, (/program files/java), click jdk1.7.0, click on the nav bar, make a copy of the path, go to the start menu, right click computer - open properties, click advanced system settings, click environment variables.
^one of the envir settings you need set up on your machine is called path, it points to bin dir
- create new - call it path then past into the second box
- The path environment variable tells the system where to look for the java command line tools, so when you try to run one of the tools windows knows where to look for it.
-in cmd, type in: javac (should list printout)
- the jdk from oracle, install jdk, set path envir to variable, test the installation while running javac from the command line.

The java virtual machine
- Is like a translation dictionary for your object files
- So it takes your bit code object files, translate them into machine code (more cryptic), specific to individual machines, bit code is more general set of instructions.
- Machine code is specific to the machine it is running on
- So for all the various machines out there, they just need a virtual machine (small software), they can then translate it to the individual device machine code so the application can run specifically.
- Translates object files into machine code.
- When a new device comes out, all they need is to create another version of the JVM (java virtual machine) to translate bit code for that particular device, then that machine can run anyone's object files that they want to have supported for the device.
- Pretty straight forward process for other languages, you write your source code, compile it straight into machine code for that particular machine (no JVM in between), so your code has to be recompiled for each device you want your app to run on (1 for mac, 1 for windows, etc).
- Q: Object files contain abstract instructions for JVM, MAchine code is very specific for each machine.

Running a Java program

python learning game -,
****look at online notes by that one programmer that girl in class mentioned*****rashid?
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Regards; Team

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