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Options Stock Trading: Using Cap Table Math
As an internet entrepreneur, you already at a severe disadvantage when compared with other professionals and corporations. While you may only manage your personal cap table, other investors and services providers will see thousands, if not tens of thousands, of different cap tables and particular niche cases for their own business over the years. While they may have different interests and targets, those interests and targets are not the same as yours. And because of that, they can make choices which may help them to compete or collaborate more with you while still using their own different skill sets and knowledge base. When you fail to realize this, you'll find yourself at a severe competitive advantage with other internet marketers.

So how do you compete and collaborate more effectively with others? How do you win and keep the funding rounds going where your competition is trying to win? In this article I want to share some tips about cap table math which is often misunderstood and misused by the less than savvy internet entrepreneurs. Here are some common mistakes that I see made by less than smart startups :

The first mistake that I see often is the use of cap table math in pricing decisions. In my experience, it's very difficult to make an effective decision about pricing in a startup when you don't have a clear idea of the pricing of the final product. You won't have any kind of cap table to work from. In a startup, you really need to have a good crystal clear picture of the end product's price. If your team members don't have the ability to calculate the optimal priced round, then you might as well not attempt to do it in the first place.

The second mistake that I see made is the use of cap table math in determining the value of the shares in the startup. Here's the problem: if you only look at the price of the outstanding shares, then you miss the opportunity to get a true picture of what the value of those shares is going to be. Remember, the value of the outstanding shares should only be one part of your overall success measurement. To understand this, let's break down the way people typically value stocks. Typically, investors are interested in the price per share (PS) and the income per share (EPS).

Investors also like to determine the return on invested (ROI) in stocks. These are known as the tangible assets (or tangible liabilities) in a venture. However, there is a third thing that investors look at when they evaluate a business venture - the post-money valuation cap table. The pre-money cap table is the total market cap or value of all the capital stock which the company has issued thus far. When we apply cap table math to the priced post-money valuation cap, we get a value of the company's equity post-money valuation.

The problem is that many businesses fail to properly calculate the value of the ownership stake because it doesn't take into account the long term benefits that the convertible note holders will receive. If an investor does the correct calculations, he should be able to come up with the numbers that state that the conversion of their notes is a good move. There are two main ways for investors to do this; the first is to use what is called a multiple-period view. In a multiple-period view, an investor would want to see both the immediate and long term benefits from owning the convertible note.

The second way to do cap table math is to apply a discounted cash flow analysis to the information available. Determining the discounted value of a business is a matter of estimating future cash inflows and outflows. This is where the options trader gets into trouble. For starters, many people who try to do this calculation on their own usually end up underestimating the true value of the ownership stake. In fact, they may underestimate the intrinsic value of the company, which would result in an under appreciation of the stock. It also doesn't take into account the fact that if the business goes belly up, the value of the company would immediately fall to zero.

Therefore, instead of using the old standard method of determining the worth of the company's shares, the smart money is now turning to expert round table options traders for help. These traders are usually very familiar with how to calculate cap table values, and they also have access to company and historical information that regular investors usually don't have. There are also some options trading software packages out there that enable you to plug in information about the company's past, as well as its present and future stock price. This makes it possible for you to run multiple scenarios and see how each option would affect the value of the stock. Using these tools, it becomes possible for even the most novice traders to calculate their stake properly.
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