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Hi, so im hoping that im giving this to you at the end of 6th grade but if not then I guess that's ok. well hello anyways! this is bug from exactly April 2nd, 2022 at the time 11:55 to 12:47pm. I've had a huge and I mean HUGE crush on you since a specific football game, you have been nice to me, your patient with me even when I constantly give you notes abt me thinking you don't wanna be my friend or that you hate me, you let me call you names, you let me hit you, you openly hang out with me Infront of people, you've even stood up for me before, you make me feel like someone actually wants to be my friend. Now yea obviously this is weird. Im weird. People call me weird but you don't, at least not anymore. I just want to show you this but im probably never going to because its stupid and you'll probably have a girlfriend at that time since your a "popular boy" that every 8th grade girl wants. Yea of course Mia, Grace, and Lily are all prettier than me but I guess I always thought that maybe if i tried hard enough then you'd like me. I guess that life isn't like a fairytale. You can just wish of your dream life and it comes true. It never does. Especially with love problems. You'll probably never get this letter and even if you do you'll probably never care for it even if you read it. If you do have this and you actually want to read it than go ahead. My notes are stupid but why not write this, you know? So here. I've liked you. For months, pretty much all of 6th grade, I've felt pretty stupid because i know you'll never like me back but the hope that you'll just wake up one day and think that im worth the attempt just seems like a day im willing to wait for. Now it may seem worthless and im sure it is but im the type of person to be really stubborn and needy so I need answers to things but also will ignore you until you answer one of my notes. Im not a "social butterfly" like you but im not a "loner" either. Im just a person. A thing. Im just there waiting for something amazing to happen to me one day but I know nothing ever will happen. nothing good at least. So go ahead and just throw away this note. It doesn't truly matter as I know you'll never feel the same so go ahead and ignore this, ignore me, ignore my life. It shouldn't affect you. Just know that you make me happy, worried, sad, unfocused, and dizzy. You cause all of those emotions when you care about me, when you tell me you have a headache or you got hurt, you don't talk to me much that day, when I get off track by looking at you in class, and when I finally get out of my dream world and realized you don't like me. You're important to me whether you like it or not and you always will be important to me. It's fine if you didn't read this im not surprised. If you did read this then im glad you care enough to even read this! Talk to you next time..

-bug <3
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