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Predictions and Psychic Astrology For the Mayan Calendar New Yr 2009
Rebel-rousing Pluto proceeding into Capricorn on November 26th can be a sign that men and women will rebel towards the circumstances, and the status quo will push again hard, which is happening all over the particular world today. Each of our governments and social structures are in for huge modifications in our forthcoming years. Along with Uranus going direct within the same day time, these planetary features signal that unpredictability, extreme behavior plus abrupt change increased ahead--a preview of 2009. The aspects suggest big earthquakes affecting big metropolitan areas, too. And suitable cue with the November 13th, 2008 New Year's Day time inside the Mayan work schedule system, the world got a burst open of hope plus light, just just like their anciently- themed year predicts, any time consciousness surpasses technology". Barack Obama seemed to be elected president, in addition to overnight on November 5th, the planet became a much more aspirant, connected, caring spot. There's another surprisingly positive development within December 2008: The heart, and all this means, moves into the center regarding peoples' lives... the hearts of many men and women open. Peoples' connection to their religious nature grows considerably.

So, the omens are that generally there is both the lot of bloodshed up ahead, plus a lot associated with hopeful developments--it may be a season of extremes. Nowadays in the Together with Fe New Philippine, the headline will be about algae as a new affordable viable source involving energy, and a good article about researchers in Michigan coming up with a revolutionary way to produce energy by still water. Buckminster Fuller, inventor regarding the geodesic cupola, scoffed in the Shortage Principle, that individuals actually had to move hungry anywhere... this individual thought people can create their method out of everything. Scarcity was anything manufactured, political--and which is theme of the particular Mayan year that will just ended on November 12th, 08... this last 12 months is called "the end of designed lack. " "Consciousness surpasses technology" shows that through collaboration, innovative inventions and the raising of each of our collective consciousness, most of us go and grow in unexpected brand-new directions, connecting about higher levels. Honoring the stupendously astute Mayan calendar, this specific month's messages will probably be for the Mayan year ahead, ending November 7, this year. First, a small background regarding the Mayans and the Mayan calendar, from typically the book, "It's Concerning Time" by Deborah DeLuca Hall, PhD.: "We aren't trained much in standard American education concerning the Maya, nevertheless they had an incredibly advanced civilization before the arrival of Europeans. They made cities with millions of citizens. They created elegant and even highly perfected art, architecture, astronomy and social organizations. Theirs was possibly 1 of the very best of the ancient civilizations. They determined planetary cycles along with incredible precision. These people built monuments and even cities unequaled inside our own time. Their interest in cosmology and spiritual growth is unequalled simply by one of the "ancient" cultures that we usually study like Egypt and even Greece. "

The Mayan calendar pattern ending December 21, 2012: "The pattern most referred to by archaeologists in addition to anthropologists is the "Long Count". It commences about the moment that recorded posting was established... and many of us hear a great deal about its end. A person may have study the end of the Long Count predicts the final involving the world - physically. No data I have suggests this kind of as the case, therefore if which is precisely what you wanted to hear, then you probably don't want to read more. According to typically the Mayan elders, this particular count-down is always to typically the end of a single more era associated with human evolution. Right now there have been other people, a concept familiar to students regarding the Christian Bible literature. Plus it hails the BEGINNING regarding a different era which usually will begin in Year Cero... So one way to seem at it, is the calendar of the particular Maya may merely simply be explaining creation of raising amounts of human mind. "

Predictions intended for the Mayan Brand new Year 11/13/08-11/07/09

This particular 2008 year whenever consciousness surpasses technology is also known as the Sixth Day in the Mayan calendar cycle. There has been other Sixth Day years inside history, plus they convert out to end up being the grooviest periods of all! The final one was the '60's, with typically the flower children, free love, and the particular Beatles. The Western european Renaissance was a Sixth Day year. Another Sixth Time year corresponds to "the invention of resources, and first efforts at agriculture and building shelter".

Large improvements and fascinating developments will happen now... expect the Renaissance!

Consciousness Outshines Technology: This Renaissance year promises in order to be many other things, the perfectly natural time and energy to make what a person are excited about, your own priority. That is a reply to life the entire world needs--as Philosopher Harold Thurman wrote: "Don't ask yourself exactly what the world wants -- consider what makes you come to life, and then proceed get it done. Because exactly what the world wants is those who appear alive. " Release your passion! A lot of people will be prepared to do that will, and a few will end up being intent on finding their passion. The forces to connect folks to creative existence were never more powerful. Be open plus trusting you will certainly meet with good results.

Message from the particular mountains of Fresh Mexico: "We used to be typically the sea... under the ocean. We were really afraid of That Other Element, typically the Air... but these of us who ventured into typically the air were the particular ones that survived the transition. All those survived who have been forward looking, willing to accept their environment, and carry out the most effective in that. " (This do used to turn out to be a lot, one may find shells in the hills around Father christmas Fe, NM. )

What Works: Showing the truth, in addition to letting other people be. Following the particular rules, i. elizabeth. don't get away with anything. A new bad time in order to get discovered! Being forward-looking; don't look backside around the past using regret. And this specific December, don't over do. Heed your internal rhythms to find the best timing in creative jobs or other things.

Observe Out: Not everyone is will be searching forward, and don't try to drag any individual to the Renaissance Party whenever they may want to get, it'll just slower you down. And, due to the comprehensive destruction of old structures going on, you may get caught inside a crossfire nearby observe the omens with you. There are really dangerous neighborhoods, people in trouble, people looking for trouble--some people prefer to stay in the particular shade and if anyone seems sketchy, steer clear to avoid negative consequences--you can be appalled in what can happen now. Also, right now there is much destruction in this routine of rebirth--it needs a lot of getting down for the big building projects of now. Proper now the auto industry is about trial, wanting in order to keep things inside place, continue using the creative product or service of their time, but it maintains things too small , it is as well tight a style for The Now's explosive expansiveness.

The Speaking Stones: Reading #1: Our collective course honors above just about all, an explosion regarding creativity up in advance that is on a global level, and it is trying to create a beeline intended for that. But there are a great number of factions that desire things done legitimately about all typically the stuff from the past, and not being able in order to release the past makes for lots of "stuff" to obtain through first.

... although then....

Reading #2: What's left out of this stone style for 12 months is The Past. Not necessarily a time much in relation to the past. Their foundation is powerful, and the structure is definitely not determinable... secret is stalking typically the final stabilization... and exactly what is in the centre and generating the future success is creativity: Creativity is being given free of charge rein... with a concentrate on education, nurturing, as well as the development of expertise and talents. There's a big concentrate on talent and skill. The enhancement of our collective communication skills and even willingness to fix issues together grows.

Clairvoyant Messages to the Astrology Signs by Element

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): The fire signs notice the voices worldwide, are very drawn by world and what's going on in that, and may experience unusually called after to serve. That they have an opportunity to show their knowledge plus use the actual understand. It's important which they work with their knowledge, not seeking to build the way to deliver it or just about any other structure, but just deliver their own knowledge or job on acquiring their own knowledge and not worrying how these kinds of are going to package it. Progression towards accomplishment: Fire signs may first be concerning being comfortable wherever they are, in addition to getting things secure where they feel good about where they've got their stuff, where they've got themselves, plus then there's some sort of huge creative burst open once they've acquired things squared away and they will be at ease with the foundation of things-- and then Wow, Nice Creative! Key innovative concepts: transformation; forward movement.

Happy Birthday Sagittarius! This year, if you decide to go away from on your own, it's because you will be guided to accomplish this... it will end up being a confident maneuver backed by the heart's knowledge. No matter what, it looks like your financial prospects are solid and growing--this can end up being through positioning yourself better, new partnerships, and others' favorable view of watch. Prospects are great as well for improving your health and fitness and maintaining support relationships.

Water indications (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): It's a really complicated path this year that leads to be able to a peaceful state, involving many interior shifts, but you do get to the particular place where an individual feel at tranquility and happy. You're very much helped by new data and new technology. There's a lot of grace to this year, a lot of changes but they are smooth or perhaps there's an order or even a sense associated with orderliness, and you do make this to a comfortable place. check here are dealing more with precisely what you do know, along with what is about the table--rather than with unknowns that disturb things. In additional words, your projects is slice out for yourself.

Surroundings signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: This year one particular thing should is significant more than every thing else, and you should sense very clear and even sure of some thing that you want, and even much might become sacrificed for this, in that you then have a fairly singular eyesight. Yet this is definitely the when should you always be bold--this may be the moment to have typically the courage to give what you need what needs to manifest.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): The earth symptoms have great graces, changes, and assessments. They have some sort of chance to work with their skills and even talents in innovative ways, get aligned with new principles, and it's really easier to commence over than they will might expect. The wheels are greased for transformation, items move very quickly, there's no reason to be able to try to support and worry concerning security, it's a year to change--their security is created by simply changing. Extra Earth sign divination, choice of cryptic at first (new method regarding getting info! ): "Connections, Connections, Links! Surprises, fast talking... boom! Opportunities. " You are much better equipped to put new pleasures on the particular table. Your abilities, talents and corporation are improved. A fantastic year to acquire a "machine" heading around your plans, a delivery system--you find a way to get your product or message out. Bringing out there new talents is usually at the base you will. "
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