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Since the ending disappointed me i've been thinking about some BS i didn't like earlier that could have already predicted the ending we got. I will only post S3P2 or S4+ content. The last 10 chapters introduce a lot of asspulls and plot holes and inconsitenis but i won't go into them as they're manga spoilers.

1-armin surviving collosal titan heat and being burned to ashes aswell as falling 50 meters. STILL survives for half an hour even to get the syringe. Compare him to Erwin who died faster despite lower relative damage.

2-Reiner consciousness relocation asspull. Only talked about in the same episode and he did it again a few chapters/episodes later to evade death. never talked before or mentioned again
Reiner's plot armor and asspulls is so massive throughout the series.

3.Levi survivng the explosion somehow. thunder spears are the same weapons capable of annihilating the armoured titan's nape. also still fights afterwards despite being out the entiretiy of season 2 for a broken ankle. It was like a cartoon so much that someone made a meme about it.

4.Gabi entire character is based on asspulls. from her carrying that massive gun to sniping eren's head who perfectly lands on Zeke hand of course. and is unharmed when eren transforms into the founding titan just 20 meters from her.

This is off my mind. I probably forget quite some as its been years since i watched previous seasons.

Not asspulls but really shitty

Armor serum being just near eren is so convienet
The yeageriest troops despite being soliders they're incomptent and did zero kills or damage by themselves. All the damge was to titan shifters who conveivnetly can regenreate anyway. Isn't AOT supposed to do the opposite? Look at the pieck scene. they fired like 100 thunder spears and she's just dodging them.

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