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*Mr Mind Unveiled, I really hope you do read this and id appreciate it if you could respond, id like to see your defences for some of these points*

1:01 - you see, believe it or not, there would've been bad/mediocre renaissance art too, but only the good ones would've gotten popular. that is hardly a point
7:50 - maybe give us as humans some credit, its not unreasonable to believe we made those blueprints, the same way we make blueprints for planes now
9:00 - all renaissance artist's art do look different, they all have different little details about them that makes their style unique, and yes they did use a similar style, its called realistic art
9:50 - we do have sculptors who use chisels these days and make amazing statues, that isn't unique to the renaissance era.
11:00 - you have, literally no proof, that the statue is a replica, you just said you think that without backing it up
12:00 - so you are just going to pick a video where the guy uses modern technology? there are plenty of examples of sculptors making such things without them, this is a bad example (just because that guy uses modern tools, doesn't mean thats the only way its done)
15:13 - once again, we can replicate these things, just a lot of sculptors do use power tools now because its easier
15:58 - i'm not saying it again my guy-
16:09 - yes it is
17:17 - there is no way of me debunking this, because its completely ludicrous, I mean, thats something you'd expect form a fairytale, its just unrealistic (also, if this was true, how come when we've broken them, they are just solid on the inside? their is a lot of open space on the insides of our bodies, like the ventricles of our heart and the hundreds of air pockets in out lungs)
17:53 - all the myths are practically just stories, this would be like if a civilisation after us found like, comic books, and someone decided to say "oh yes Spiderman was a real guy, there are drawings of him in this book"
18:16 - "and im guessing" is the perfect quote to sum up this video, it is all just guesses
18:51 - yes, the concept of turning to stone as a bad thing, is quite simple and its very reasonable that these communities came up with these ideas on their own, like how their are lots of movies that revolve around a similar idea, take, "a quiet place" and "the silence" two movies about how if you make noise, you will be killed by weird creatures, that doesn't mean that is actually happened
19:26 - it is a human thing to freeze when you are terrified, it makes sense for them to called it "being petrified" because that is practically what is happening
20:01 - no, the examples YOU used, were about either going into the sun, or looking a lady in the eyes, in what way would that be considered punishment?
20:29 - ok, the few example you have given after, some of which, yes, were "punishments" but these were just stories
21:57 - key word "myth" ("definition 3: a person or thing whose existence is fictional")
22:45 - my home city is Lincoln, I can tell you personally, it is folk lore (P.s - didn't think my home city would've gotten a mention lol, thats fun)
23:10 - you said it yourself, this isn't true, their "proof" is not what they claimed it to be
23:34 - but we've Carbon Dated these rocks, we know they are older than the legend
23:55 - you are literally just telling stories now
26:04 - how about they are neither? how about their just stories?
26:20 - it isn't the "same story" all the stories are drastically different, with only the stone part in common, the way/reason that people are turned into stone isn't even consistant
26:38 - she was specifically turning into "a pillar of salt" which separates this from other supposed cases, also, a lot of christians agree that Sodom and Gomorrah is just a story, it was a story that was put into the bible to push their opinion and stop homosexuality, which is inconceivably evil and completely against Both the 10 commandments and Jesus' teachings
27:17 - don't even get me started on young-earth-creationism
28:19 - cathedrals started being made 3400 years after stone henge, they are not comparable
28:47 - yes we do know why the cars are there, the cavern of lost souls was an old slate mine, when it was abandoned, people started using it as a dump for large broken objects, ugh as *cars*
29:00 - it is hardly associated with King Arthur, King Arthurs existence hasn't even been proven, he existed purely in British folk-lore
29:19 - I hate to break it too you sir, but you are just witnessing the beauty of nature
30:27 - why didn't he punish them by *turning them to stone*, the fire is a bit much
33:08 - hmm, just looks like plain 'ol' desert to me
33:14 - really shows Gods supposed "free will" that he gave us
35:17 - now Im not to knowledgable about archeology so from here ill link a video by a very talented tiktoker/youtuber who made a video debunking the "melted buildings" aspect of this, time stamps after this point will be for his video instead

(MiniminuteMan: Melted Buildings Conspiracy Theory DEBUNKED)

10:34 - the segment about the supposed 90Degree angles on the Isis Temple
7:08 - The Grand Canyon Topic
16:00 - rock formations that look like buildings

My final say is, why? why would people be trying to hide this from us? there truly is no reason for "them" to do something like this, our history as it is today is pretty awful in itself
I Agree that we are lied to, but not about this.
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