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1.Select country – IT MUST HAVE EXISTED
2.Gib flag(or I will use base flag of country)
3.Choose 5 provinces( East,North,etc or draw on map the provinces)-I don’t wanna google everytime
4.Year is somewhere before 1300,so no gunpowder weapons avabile
5.Every province has 5 base tax and 2000 manpower,except for capital wich ahs 10 base tax and 5000 manpower.Manpower only regeneartes after the unit is killed
6.Ships don’t cost manpower
7.Say everything you want(attack expand,improve trade,etc),I will choose the ones I will do cuz not all of them fit

Tech Groups(units):
Muslim:Good cav weak inf
Cavalry Archers -effective against infantry,weak against cavlary 7g
,Camel riders-strong against knights,weak against swordsman and archer 8g
,Muslim swordsman-weak against most things 4g
Christian:good inf weak cav
Long swordsman-effective against archers and other swordsman 5g
,pikeman-effective against cav,weak against others 3g
foot archers-good against infantry 5g
,Knights-good against infantry and cav archers 10g

Trade:Trade route system,The one with more provinces you own in the tarde node the more moneis you get.

Focus:Military ,Navy ,Economy --CHOOSE 1
Every unit has 3 maintenance if cav and 1 if not

Everyone can organise regiments how they want ,some models are more effective
Tip:don’t buy only cav,its weak if it doesn’t have infantry to help it

Better steel-15 g Infantry dmg up,defense up
Greek Fire- 30g Enables construction of Fire ships
Better horse armor 20g
Archers fire more accurate and deal more dmg 15g (ships too)

Trade ship 15g-You need this for trading with other countries-3g maitnenance
Galley 10G-Cehap and efficient, 2g maintenance
Trireme-30 g-Very strong and biggur than others-20g -5g maintenance
Flame thrower ship 20g-Good against all ships but has problems against more ships 4g maintenance

Economy improving
Spend 10g for 1 province improvements +2 base tax
I will be impartial
Uncolonised provinces have 1k to 2k soldiers
I will decide the results of battles using my own secret algorythm.MILITARY TACTICS AND LAND ARE VERY IMPORTANT
Important centers of trade are Alexandria,Constantinopole,venezia,rome,Paris,Toledo, Babylon,Lubeck,Silistre,Ragusa.
Everyone starts with 30 gold (4 provinces+capital )
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