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hi today I am just writing down random thoughts that I have .
I am trying to make myself better but one thing really did change me that I am someone who is very different to what I've been the whole last year , I was busy impressing people on social media , had enemies in my class , got into fights and abuses , I started cussing more often which made me less of a human being . I fought with many people as my ego was just not permitting me to be soft and kind to others , I mocked on people's physical appearance , this was the worst I have done , well I acquired behavior of people surrounding me , and not everyone surrounding you has a right persona . I felt that she was not true me , she was just a reflection of what her new friends were , I fought with Badri , Palak, Kushagra and some other people in my class . Simply as my ego never made me think right , I remember till 10 standard , I never abused , I never cussed ,never mocked on someone , had less but valuable friends and had a very secretive but peaceful and productive life. I was ashamed when my results came , I scored bad but I know it is wholly because of my behavior ,I will never blame my new friends as they didn't force me to abuse but it was me who did that . From today this new me will not blame others for her own problems , will never abuse , will never create fake scenarios , will never mock on people , will never talk about lusty things , will not hate on people with whom I had friendship . I will pray good for people who were in my life but now are gone even though they might have hurt me or I might have hurt them . I will never try to impress someone by changing myself I am who I am yes I am soft ,introvert and calm girl .Popularity never suited me , and I realized it pretty late , although my life is still messy in terms of studies but its ok at least I am regaining my originality . The lessons I have learnt are that never interfere in someone's relationship, let ego bow before relations, let anger go away , let yourself be the best example for your siblings , don't talk to anyone when they don't want to . SELF RESPECT , PEACE , CHARACTER , PRODUCTIVITY OVER ANYTHING IN LIFE.
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