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Living alone has been quite pleasing for him. In his room, Russell extinguished the candle that had been accompanying him throughout the night. Opening the curtains in a swift movement–he could feel himself bathed in the sunlight via the window ; in which that brought a great self-spirit for hin in the morning. And to his annoyance, the knocks on the door disturbed his rather peaceful morning. His steps were taking him to the front door, as he stopped right before he grabbed the door's handle. "Who's outside?" Russell asked, not daring himself to open before he's assured of what's outside.
Much to his expectation, a familiar voice of a male replied, "Robert Williams, Sir. I was ordered by the government–"
Russell opened the door, his face full of grim. "Continue inside, would you?" He asked politely, despite his rather unpleased look.
Robert stiffly nodded, and sighed, as he went inside the neat room and took himself a seat. "Got a new case for ya." He said, directly-pointed as he placed an envelope to the table.
Russell picked the said-brown envelope, as he estimated on what's inside. He figured out, if it's not a conspiration–it must be consisted of murders. Surely he had taken observation from the newspapers, about several suicides and corruption ; but only one particularly took his interest. He thought the case was given to someone that's not him. But yeah, assumptions are sometimes shits.
Robert explained the case in details, and the young privateé listened attentively. Soon, after the explanation, Robert took his leave and Russell was left alone again in the house. And for the job–based on the attacks frequency–he must wait 'till there's another victim coming up from the said serial killer. And that's when Russell will directly follows the fresh autopsy, and analyzed the crime scene's patterns.
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