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Interview: Maxine A .
Favorite Color: Pink
Hobbies: Ninjas, Princesses, Spies
Plant: Flower
Flower: Sunflower
Animal: Cat
Name: Pink-Princess-Flower-Cat Ninja (Short: Cat Ninja and Flower Ninja)

Interview: George A
Favorite Color: Orange
Hobbies: Basketball, Soccer, Roblox, Minecraft,
Plant: Flower
Flower: Fire Flower
Animal: Panther
Name: Orange-Gamer- Fire-Panther Ninja (Short: Gamer Ninja and Panther Ninja)

First up: Cat Ninja
If someone ate your cookie that you spent so much time making (3 hours) , what would you do? Answer- Make another one
You forgot to make lunch and you don't have lunch money. Bully says "Give me your lunch money!" What would you do? Answer- You have to always learn your manners, Bully
Your mom made you lunch. She made mud with grass and snails. She asked you if you like it. What would you respond with? Answer- No, because there is grass, mud and snails. And you will vomit when eating snails.
You and your dad are going shopping for your mom. You find a pretty necklace. You ask Dad if you could buy it for Mom. Dad says no. What would you do? Answer- I would listen to Dad.
Grade: 0.5/4 F+

Second up: Gamer Ninja
Your best-friend needs to go to the airport to pick up his/her mom. He/She need money to get an U-ber. You need to give the money to your mom so she can get to the hospital. She broke all of her bones while fighting in the war of Ukraine. Your ninja friend needs money so she can pay her bills. If she doesn't, she will die. Who would you give the money to, and Why? Answer- My Mom
Your ninja friends wants to be your partner in eating cereal. What would you say to the ninja friend? Answer- Maybe, I will make my decision next week. But why do you want to be my partner in cereal eating.
You are selling 3 apples. Sadie wants 3 apples. Ben was 3 apples. Lola want 3 apples. Max wants 3 apples. There are only 3 apples on the table. Question: Sadie was a retired ninja. She was the best ninja on the history league team. Ben was the Co-Founder of the ninja group. He said the group was not smart, so he got kicked out. He is now homeless and wants 3 apples. Lola is a normal person, livin' the normal life. Max is your sister, Maxine. She just wants 3 apples. She wants to feed it to the mud, because it looks lonely. Who should get the 3 apples and why? Answer- Sadie should get the 3 apples, because she is old. Ben shouldn't get it because he called the team un-smart. Lola shouldn't get it because she is normal and she could just buy an apples. Max shouldn't get it because she's just wasting food.
Abigail wants to kill Sea Squad. Will you help her Yes or No? Question: What is the Sea Squad. The Sea Squad is this group worst enemy. We want them down. They kill Sea Animals. But help recycle. Answer: I would help her. I just wouldn't kill them, I would put them in jail.
Grade 3/4 B+

Both are good ninja's Cat has an F+. She needs more training. Fire is great but need a little more training.
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