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What is Trigger Point Massage Therapy? How Does It Work?
Did you know that massage therapy has been demonstrated to enhance the lives of a lot of people? It's true. It's true. I have been giving it since I was a teenager. I can still recall the first time my mom handed it to me. The relaxation and peace that washed over me was amazing. It was as if my time had stopped and my body was being gently guided back into its proper alignment. This is why Trigger Point massage is so enjoyable for me.

Trigger Points are usually painful, tender spots in muscles, which can cause muscles to tighten when there is tension. These knots can be extremely sensitive and can cause pain in other areas of the body when pressure is too much. Trigger Point massage therapists help to release knots and minimize the pain associated with them by releasing knots through the body of the client. They locate trigger points that are located in the most important areas of the body , and perform targeted movements. Trigger Point therapy can not only relieve pain and muscle tension but also help reduce swelling and accelerate healing.

Trigger Point massage differs from other massage techniques because it concentrates on the specific location that triggers the Pain Response Network (or PRN). When the therapist locates trigger points, they then move quickly and deeply through the layers of tissue surrounding them, applying pressure consistently until knots are loosen. Trigger Point Therapists make use of a mix of hand movements, tapping, rubbing and friction in addition to deep tissue massage to release knots, reduce pain, increase flexibility and promote circulation. Trigger Point therapy can be used to treat athletes, patients recovering from surgery, and those suffering from chronic pain.

Trigger Point massage techniques are used for hundreds years. They were first developed in China. This type of massage is also known as Chinese Water Tantra Massage. In the West, Trigger Point is frequently employed to treat spasticity, a condition that occurs due to muscle tightness. Trigger Point therapy helps to loosen muscles and reduce the tension in the muscles, allowing the muscles to relax. The compression of the muscle tissues in the lower back relieves tension in the knee and leg and helps reduce the frequency of lower leg pain.

Trigger Point therapy is carried out by an experienced therapist who's received specialized training in manipulating and locating the Pain Response Network. The massage therapist starts by placing their hands beneath the shoulders of the patient and then massage the knots. The therapist may concentrate on a specific knot or utilize all their fingers or hands to work through all knots. Trigger Point therapists must work with their clients as softly as they can, since abrupt motions and jerking movements may create more discomfort and risk injury. Trigger Point is ideal for those suffering from chronic muscle tightening and tension.

Trigger Points therapy works because the hands of the massage therapist are able to locate the Pain Response Network (PRN) that is made up of several nerves that pass through and around the knots in the lower back. The massage practitioner applies pressure to the knots with their fingertips, breaking up fibrous tissue between them. This releases tension in the muscles affected. The Trigger Point therapist uses light and intense pressure for a certain period of time, which releases the knots' tension and permitting the body to relax naturally. Trigger Point is often used to treat injuries from sports as well as frozen shoulder and other conditions that result from stress and tension. Trigger Point can also be used for relief of lower back pain chronically and tennis elbow, whiplash, Achilles tendinitis, and migraine headaches, among others.

Trigger Point therapy is typically performed with the use of Vibromassage which is a deep tissue massage technique that utilizes vibrating smooth strokes on the skin to release tension and restore mobility to joints. There are two typesof trigger point therapy. Swedish massage therapy employs fluid, flowing strokes over the body of the patient with gentle friction from the massage oil. Deep Tissue massage therapy uses the use of firm pressure and long, slow sliding strokes that are more intense than Swedish massage. Trigger Point can be used in conjunction with Swedish for an all-body massage that has been specifically designed to relieve the pain, improve functioning, and provide a therapeutic experience.

Trigger Point therapy works best when performed by a certified therapist with experience treating patients suffering from chronic pain and issues related to the nervous system and muscular structures. In Trigger Point you will find that the therapist applies pressure to knots that are located within and around muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Trigger Point is a type massage however don't let that fool you. This is not the way a masseuse treats Trigger Points. It is an incorrect term that some clients use to describe Trigger Point therapy at some massage salons. Trigger Point is a modified regular massage that focuses on the relief of knots and muscle spasms as well as improving blood circulation and relaxing the mind and body to unwind.
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