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A Rewarding Health Benefit
Pink Salt is a type of sea salt commonly found in Asia and is mined mostly from wells in Punjab in Pakistan. Himalayan salt is a type of salt that is mined largely in the Himalayan region of central Asia. The salt, which sometimes has a pinkish hue due to traces of mineral salts, is primarily employed as a cooking salt in lieu of standard table salt but also is used for food presentation and decorative lamps, spa treatments and gardening. It can also be used as an abrasive for removing paint from surfaces. These days, however, pink salt is becoming more popular as a natural alternative for cosmetic and health treatment products.

Pink salt can be used as a popular detoxification agent, because it contains trace minerals that are important for enhancing overall body health. Among its trace minerals are magnesium, chromium and iron oxide. Trace minerals are those elements in nature that contain hydrogen and oxygen molecules that cannot exist in the gasses of Earth. These trace minerals are essential to life and are essential to the health and function of every living thing. Magnesium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and helps to build muscles and bones while iron oxide helps to protect against the buildup of iron in the arteries. These trace minerals are important in building strong cells and regulating blood pressure, which are essential for good health.

Although Pink Salt may sound like a new and unusual product, it is actually an amalgamation of three natural ingredients-sodium and potassium chloride. Sodium hydroxide is a chemical substance obtained by mixing sodium and water and sometimes included in detergents such as laundry soap. Potassium hydroxide (sometimes called "potash") is derived from fertilizer byproducts that contain sulfuric acid, a compound known as sulfur. Both sodium and potassium hydroxide are essential to life. Today, Pink Salt products are used in laundry soap, shampoos and hair colorings.

The chemical composition of Pink Salt makes it a more effective antibacterial agent than ordinary table salt or other baking salts. Because of this, pink salt has been shown to be useful for the treatment of a wide range of germs, such as those that cause strep throat, ringworm, influenza and other infections. Studies have proven that the combination of the trace minerals magnesium and iron oxide in Pink Salt can produce significant improvements in blood pressure and heart rate as well as increase the flow of blood through the veins. These improvements make Pink Salt a very desirable product to have at home.

Unlike table salt or other common baking salts, Pink Salt contains no sodium or chloride ions. Instead, the minerals make up about 80% of the salt, with the rest being various other elements. It was believed to have originated in the Himalayan Mountains where many healers have used it for centuries with great success. Pink Salt's effectiveness lies in its high concentration of trace minerals and the way it can change the appearance of any type of food it is added to.

One of the most popular uses for Pink Salt is in the creation of home remedies. Many health food stores sell small packets of this salt scattered on top of common table salt. These remedies, sold in many countries around the world, include everything from cough drops to cough syrup to inhalers. Some people have even concocted their own home remedies using ingredients they find lying around in their cupboards. Pink Salt is especially popular in Eastern and African cultures, where it is considered a stimulant, invigorator and a natural aphrodisiac.

Pink Salt has also found its way into the world of interior design as well. In fact, the salt is now available in small decorative lamps. The use of Pink Salt in interior design has grown at an exponential rate due to its health benefits and its delectable, pink hues. Many designers have incorporated Pink Salt into their work, using it not only as an added touch of color but as a health benefit itself.

Although there are no health hazards associated with the use of Pink Salt (either in liquid form or in table salt form), it is wise to exercise caution when adding this substance to foods or drinks. Ingesting too much of this type of sodium will result in high blood pressure. For this reason, pregnant and lactating women are advised against consuming this salt. Pink Salt also tends to burn easily so it should be stored in a cool, dry place. Also, if the sprinkling of this mineral occurs in the winter months only, it is wise to store the product in an area where it will not accumulate excess heat.
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