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You: Hi there, I'm Christine, 20! As for how I look: I have brown shoulder length hair, my eyes and eyebrows are the same as my hair. My skin is really pale but in the summer I have a pink tan line across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. I am pretty tall for a girl, at 5'10''. My body type is skinny/fit. My legs are the most toned part of me.

You never got along with your brother, he was cruel and narcissistic but somehow he managed to score me as his wife. We dated for 3 years and then we got married last spring. While dating he was nice to me, convincing me he was a decent person but all of that changed last year. Tom's true colors showed. He began to be controlling and abusive. You watched me go from being an active and happy person to a shell. My family is in a different state and I haven't been able to see them for a while now. Whenever I am at your families events I am timid and shy. It's heartbreaking to watch. Tom invited you today to watch a football game. You are settling in when I come home from work in my scrubs as I work as a nurse. I look tired and worn down "Christine! good you're home!" Tom yells out harshly. (Please continue after describing yourself!)

Stranger: Reading

You: ty

Stranger: (Hey, I’m Joseph, 21! I am 6’3 with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I have dimples when I smile and a trimmed beard covering my face. My body type is muscular/fit and I have fair skin, getting slightly tanned in the summer. I have a couple dimples on my nose.). I look over and smile as I see you walk in. “Hey Christine, how are you doing?” I ask with a smile. I knew what my brother was exactly like, him showing who we was around me. I felt terrible for you being roped into being with him, so I was trying to be a friend to you since he didn’t let you see your family much. I sigh softly as I hear him yell at you, already a couple beers in as I see him get up and walk into the kitchen where you are at.

You: "How how are you? I - " I get interrupted by Tom. "You were supposed to be home earlier and get my dinner ready. Jake is over and he is hungry " He yells out. "I know I'm sorry Hun, I got held up, you know how it is lately, no one wants to work these shifts." I sigh trying to reason with him and go to the kitchen. I tune out my thoughts, going into autopilot, getting some stuff from the fridge.

You: (Sorry not Jake!)

Stranger: I stand up and walk over as I lean against the wall. “It’s fine, I’m not hungry Tom.” I say, seeing you look worn out. “Come on Tom, we’re missing the game.” I say and guide him back towards the living room so he stays away from you. “I’ll keep him occupied, you go get cleaned up and relax some.” I whisper to you before I go into the living room and sit down with Tom.

You: "It's alright, I'll be quick" I give you a soft smile and you watch my posture tense up. I roll up my sleeves and wash my hands. Tom grabs another beer from the fridge and follows you. Its strange how disgusting Tom has gotten just in the past year or two. He has gained at least forty pounds, his health is poor, he drinks too much and he got demoted from his manager position after a harassment scandal. I prep the pan with some garlic, ginger, and oil and debone some chicken for a stir fry

Stranger: I sit down, smelling the stir fry as you cook it up. I smile, always loving your cooking when I would come over, even if it meant spending time with Tom. I hear him grumbling under his breath about you, an unintelligible sentence before he takes a long swig of beer. He was in one of his moods again, both of us knowing it was never good to be around him when he eventually lost it over something. I talk with him enough to keep him focused on the game so he doesn’t bother you as you work on dinner for the three of us.

You: I spend about half an hour cooking, which isn't too long but Tom was getting impatient. I plate the food for the two of your for now, not really interested in joining to watch the game, ill take all the free time I can get. I bring two bowls and pass you your serving then Tom's. He holds my wrists for a second as I wince quietly and pull my hand away "You look gross, you should shower". My cheeks get flushed in embarrassment and I laugh it off "ugh.. yeah I guess so... aha"

Stranger: I smile and thank you as you give me my food. I see you wince before he mocks you. I frown and watch you get embarrassed before walking away. He grumbles and starts to eat. “Letting herself go, can’t even try to make herself pretty for me.” He grumbles before eating some. “Can’t even make a halfway decent meal.” He says louder so you’ll hear him. I eat some and look up at the tv, staying quiet as I enjoy the meal. I hear the shower turn on and I glance in the direction of the bathroom before I focus on the game and keeping Tom from lashing out.

You: He laughs too loudly and eats up the food I made hungrily. I didn't even eat myself, it's been difficult having an appetite lately. I shower, taking my time, it's one of the only times I feel like I can get time for myself. Tom scoffs when he hears the water running "I swear, it's like she doesn't understand how water bills work" he laughs with his chest. I pull on some pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt, braiding my hair and cuddling up in bed, enjoying the soft sheets and some privacy. I am too tired to think about how Tom treats me

Stranger: I sigh and shake my head as I hear him complain about you. The game ends and I stretch, seeing he’s asleep on the couch. I gently stand and walk over to the bedroom as I gently knock. “Hey Christine, I’m going to head out. Give me a call if you need anything.” I say softly before I set an envelope on your dresser. It had money in it, something I did whenever I came over. I knew Tom’s demotion was making paying the bills more difficult, so I chipped in a little to help you two out. On my way out, I clean up the kitchen quickly before I start to leave.

You: I was earning significantly more now that I was out of school and taking all the night and weekend shifts which payed time and a half. I look up at you sleepily and sit up a bit as I watch you place the envelope, knowing full well that Tom will just spend it on more liquor. "Give me a minute, I'll see you out" I smile a bit and get up, pulling on a soft hoodie and some socks. I head down, being quiet to not wake up Tom. I catch you at the door "Do you need a drive?" I ask timidly, you lived walking distance away but it wasn't very close

Stranger: I smile as you follow me to the door. I look down at you when you ask if I need a ride. “Only if you want to give me one.” I say softly, fine with walking like I usually did. I assumed you may have wanted to just to be able to get out of the house for any reason beyond work. I glance over, glad Tom was still asleep so he wasn’t belittling or hurting you in some way. I think about how bubbly and warm you were early on, seeing just how much he had changed you into your timid self.

You: "Yeah, it's pretty late" I assure you and slip my feet into some sneakers, I carefully pull my car keys off the hook next to the door, terrified to make a sound. I lead us out and unlock the car. It's quite chilly out, not ideal for walking, I make sure to turn on the seat warmers. I ignite the engine and you watch my posture relax slightly as we drive away from the home. I feel safer with just you around. "You know you don't need to give us money... I am okay supporting us for now" I assure you, finding it a bit embarrassing

Stranger: I see you relax as we pull away from your house before I smile gently at you. “Are you sure? I know Tom is hardly employed anymore and he likes to spend money constantly.” I say softly before I nod. “If you do need some, don’t be afraid to ask for some help, we’re family after all.” I say with a gentle smile. I stretch some as we drive, enjoying the warm of the car replacing what would’ve been a cool walk home and would’ve taken much longer than this.

You: "Mm I'm sure, your company is payment enough" I compliment, always finding your presence soothing and grounding me. Just a year ago I was dancing happily at my wedding, having the time of my life, and now I am 15 pounds lighter, burned out, and awfully quiet. "I heard you are going to the Diabetes conference in Calgary for your company? I'll be giving a talk there on the impact of GCMs on average A1C scores on patients with type 1." I change the subject carefully

Stranger: I nod and smile, glad to change the subject. “Yeah, I’ll be there helping to show off some new medical machines we’ve developed to help diagnose and treat diabetes faster and more efficiently.” I say with a smile. “I look forward to seeing you there, it should be a nice change of pace instead of being around here.” I say, looking over at you as we get closer to my house. I smile at your compliment, glad to see I was able to help you feel better whenever I was around.

You: I stop at your driveway, I was driving rather slow, just trying to stretch out the time. I nod "I fly out next tuesday morning, Tom said hes driving with his friends to Toronto to watch the Raptors" I shrug. I don't seem upset that he isn't coming with me "You're right, a change of pace will be nice". I look to you shyly "Well... goodnight" I force a smile

Stranger: I smile, glad to hear Tom wasn’t coming with as I would’ve had to either hide him away by giving him money for alcohol or babysitting him so he wouldn’t ruin one of our jobs by home acting rude or crazy. I can see you seem a little nervous as I step out of the car. I lean down and look at you. “Thank you for the ride.” I say before I pause for a moment. “If you want to, you’re more than welcome to stay the night.” I say softly, knowing you probably don’t want to go back home and bring near Tom right now.

Stranger: (*be near Tom)

You: you watch me struggle to tell you an answer "I should go back" I nod a bit but everything in my body tells me to stay with you. My hands shake at the thought of Tom and his behavior if he is awake. "Goodnight, Joseph" I watch you close the car door and enter your home before driving back. I come back home, hoping that I can go back to bed unbothered... (maybe play tom here? I have no limits so anything goes)

Stranger: I wave before I head inside. I go into my small apartment, getting cleaned up for bed before I fall asleep. By the time you get home, Tom was awake, through sitting in the same spot as he had been sleeping when you walk inside. (Sure, I can do that! Just let me know if there’s anything that goes too far or you want something changed)

You: (Of course, I will communicate any discomfort, but most likely there wont be any)

You: I see him siting in the dark, flipping channels on the TV. There is no doubt he knew I was out of the house. I approach him carefully, "Hey you're up... I was just giving Joe a ride home, it's pretty cold out" I defend myself, knowing that this might not sit well with Tom. "Let's go to bed?" I offer

Stranger: He slowly turns the tv off before he looks up at you, completely wasted at this point. He stands and glares at you. “That’s the best excuse you can come up with?” He grumbles before he walks to the bedroom with you, on the verge of him blowing up at you, especially now that you had been gone without telling him.

You: I sit on the edge of my side of the bed, my hands in my lap. I think about your offer back at the car. I should have stayed, I shouldn't be here. I feel the anxiety build in my chest. I slowly lay down in bed "I didn't want to wake you up"

Stranger: He reaches over and quickly grabs your hair, pulling as he glares. “Quit the bullshit, I seen how you look at my brother, trying to whore yourself out to him. Who knows how many people get up in you when you go to work or whatever you call it,” He says with a yell, slapping your face hard.

You: I wince and bite my tongue, tolerating it. I then defiantly look up at Tom, into his eyes "You don't mean that, you're drunk" I tell him in a firm tone, hoping he will listen to reason. My cheek buns but I don't dare to touch it "We should sleep, you have that interview in the morning" I remind him

Stranger: His eyes get filled with more rage. “Don’t tell me what to do, I’m your husband and you listen to me!” He says before he throws you off the bed, still pretty strong despite his unhealthy lifestyle lately. You fall off the bed so you’re stomach down and he grins before he walks over. “I’d better teach you who really knows how to fuck you.” He says coldly, moving closer with a look in his eyes that he won’t listen to any reason tonight.

You: I roll onto my back and put my hands up defensively. I've been so occupied working and just living though the motions, trying to get us by I have let Tom completely violate just about all my boundaries in the last few months. "Don't..." I gulp and try to gather my strength. My eyes dart to my phone on the bedside table and I try to think if I can safely get to it

Stranger: He grins as he sees you looking at the phone as you move into a defensive spot. “It’ll only get worse if you struggle.” He says before he grabs your leg. He quickly lifts your leg as he twists you around before he rips your shirt and pants, starting to undo his belt buckle while he holds you do on the ground.

You: I struggle to stay on the bed as he pulls me to be bent over it. I keep trying to get onto my back but he forces my hands behind my back painfully. I sob, not understanding how I got to this moment. I manage to kick him in the thigh as I struggle "Stop! you can't!"

Stranger: He grunts as you kick his thigh pressing you on the bed harder. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you. You’re my wife, so you’re going to take this and enjoy it.” He whispers with a grin in your ear. He drops his pants before pulling your panties down, inserting himself into you roughly as he holds you down roughly.

You: I scream and struggle against him, only making his treatment worse with every attempt I make to escape. After some time I shut down, laying there in bed, lifelessly, looking at the sheets, counting the flowers on them to occupy my mind with anything else. My body aches and my thighs hurt, I have accumulated some marks now

Stranger: He gets angry when you stop struggling. He starts to punch you over your body, chocking you to the point you can’t breathe before letting up. He forces you to let him do whatever he wants to you as he pressed deep into you, getting rougher and faster as he leaves marks all over you.

You: He dissolves me into a poor animal, just reacting to the painful strikes and trying to survive. I stopped crying, my mind is elsewhere as I disassociated. I claw at my throat, struggling to breathe, twitching and squirming as he taunts to choke me

Stranger: He laughs as you claw at your throat. When your face turns purple he lets go of your neck, yanking on your hair. “I’m the only one who will ever love you.” He tells you before he fills you, still being extremely rough with you as he acts like you’re hardly human.

You: I cough and wheeze struggling to get some airflow back. I feel him going limp inside me, but no cum. He hasn't been able to cum from sex in a month now, which has only made him angrier in the past while. Due to Tom's excessive drinking, the erectile disfunction has been worsening. I curl up in the bed, hugging myself

Stranger: He gets angry as he still cannot cum. He locks the door to the room before he grabs your phone, throwing it against the wall in a fit of rage. “This is your fault you stupid bitch!” He yells before laying down in bed and passing out beside you in bed.

You: I shake for a while, rocking myself back and forth, feeling pain all over my body. I know well enough that my ribs are heavily bruised, it hurts to breathe. I cautiously feel my own sides, my hands shaking as I feel my ribs. 'Good, nothing is broken... ' I think to myself. 'Just two more days, and then I have my conference'. I pass out from exhaustion near the foot of the bed, curled up, still nude.

Stranger: I wake up the next morning, having a feeling of worry for no particular reason. As I’m cooking breakfast, I call the home phone if your house to check and see if Tom was ready for his interview and to check up on you, knowing you were a bit nervous late night.

You: I got up at 5 am, being cold and still in pain. I pull on a robe and pick up my now cracked phone. I force myself to the kitchen, drinking water and taking some pain meds. I can't be home when Tom wakes up. I pick up a shift at the hospital and get dressed, fixing my hair and making sure my face looks okay and without any evidence. When you call, I am already at work. Tom wakes up extremely hungover and picks up the phone. He is very avoidant, not answering your questions very well, pretty much telling you the interview was stupid anyway and he wasn't going to go

Stranger: I sigh as he says he isn’t going. “Tom, you need to go to that meeting. You need to provide for yourself and Catherine and you can only do that with a good paying job like you should be.” I say, getting ready to go go work. I check my watch, seeing I have some time,

Stranger: I stretch and hold the phone again. “Can I talk to Catherine? I needed her to answer a question for me for a project I’m working on at work,” I tell him softly before I eat my breakfast.

Stranger: (Sorry, not Catherine!)

You: He can't seem to tell you where I am but eventually just telling you I am at work, avoiding being at home as usual. Meanwhile I come to the hospital to cover an on call shift, the hospital is quite for a change and a I manage to get a few hours of sleep in one of the rooms for on call staff.

You: (Haha its ok)

You: *quiet

Stranger: I sigh and shake my head, hearing how he is out of it from drinking too much last night. I hang up, knowing this’ll go nowhere as I finish getting ready for work. I hop into the car and drive to work, getting everything prepared for the conference as my partner that’s coming with me and I go over our talking points and making sure the equipment is packed correctly to be shipped to Calgary tonight so it’ll be ready when we get there.

You: (How do you want to proceed? Do we see eachother in the airport?)

Stranger: (Sure, that sounds good to me.)

You: Last night was another repeat of what happened the night you came over, Tom was angry eith me about leaving to the conference, and wanted to force me to stay. Luckily, I put some sleeping meds into his breakfast and I managed to call an uber to go to the airport. I didn't have much time to pack. I am in the gate, waiting for the flight, my pointer fingers digging into my thumbs, picking at them anxiously. I am wearing a thick turtleneck sweater, some older jeans and white sneakers, my hair in a loose braid. I am dressed comfortably for the flight, only having a small carry on with me with the outfits I wanted to wear for the conference days

Stranger: I get to the airport, dressed in blue jeans and a sweatshirt. I had a backpack of clothes and a couple other things I thought I would need. I show up to my gate and glance around the area. I do a double take when I see you, smiling as I walk over to you. “Hey Christine, ready for our flight?” I ask with a smile.

You: I look at you, my stare empty. I open my mouth to say something but can't seem to find the right words. I look defeated as I pick at my thumbs more finally getting the courage and energy "H-hey... ya,.. should be any minute now for boarding..." my throat feels tight

Stranger: I frown softly as I see how distant you look. I knew you were timid, but you were never this bad. I glance down, seeing some marks on your neck as I look back at your eyes. “What happened?” I ask gently, touching the bruise on your neck carefully, not wanting to accidentally hurt you.

You: I take a step back and look around anxiously, not comfortable discussing it in public "Nothing... I.. I'm just really tired, I was working a lot" I search your eyes, trying to convince you. Our gate is called and I look at you, begging you with my eyes to drop the subject

Stranger: I see you looking terrified to ask lies, I nod and make my onto the plane, I look around to see where you’re sitting so we can talk about what’s going on go leave those marks on you...

Stranger: (Sorry, I’m half asleep. Would you like to continue this on another site?)

You: I find it difficult to calm down on the plane, noticing you're only two rows away, I am not ready to bee confronted by you, I feel trapped as I buckle my seatbelt
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