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Monday 11th May 2015
I can't wait to go on holiday to Turkey, Antalya with my best friend Ebony. Only 5 days to go till Saturday! I will miss my parents & family, but this is a chance of my lifetime! I've never been abroad and the first time I go I'm with my best friend ☺! The best qualities about where I am going is that there are 6 pools, right by the beach, 7 waterslides, free Wi-Fi, all inclusive, & 4 restaurants! I am really excited☺. We're staying for a week, I am still getting over the fact that Ebony's nan has paid the full price for me to go with her, her boyfriend, and her granddaughter, Ebony. All I had to pay for was my passport and spending money. I got given £120 altogether but am only taking £100. £100 transferred into Turkish Lira is 380 Lira. That's a lot, as our money is worth more to them than theirs! Me and my best friend and so excited, we've been thinking about it all day. This is the bad part, thinking. When you think the days go even slower, and slower. And the day feels like ages! I'm just so happy & grateful to be going on holiday, it's for Ebony's 14th birthday. I have bought her a blue candle, a friendship speech in a photo frame, card, blue dangly dolphin belly bar, a friendship bracelet, some body spray and all that is packaged in a 'Best Friend' gift bag. I hope she'll like it, but I'm sure she'll appreciate it much!
I don't know what else to say, I've hopefully summarised it all, thanks. Bye, Leah ♥
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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