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WinGet,cl,ControlList,ahk_id %MG_HWND%
if (A_Index=idx) {
return RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"^" . MG_CClass,"")*1

; Get the list of the target informations
; Implemented by lukewarm
global MG_HWND, MG_HCTL, MG_Exe, MG_WClass, MG_Title, MG_CClass

WinGetPos,wx,wy,ww,wh,ahk_id %MG_HWND%
ControlGetPos,cx,cy,cw,ch,,ahk_id %MG_HCTL%

return "MG_Exe " . MG_Exe
. "`nMG_ExePath() " . MG_ExePath()
. "`nMG_CommandLine() " . MG_CommandLine()
. "`nMG_HitTest() " . MG_HitTest()
. "`nMG_LvHitTest() " . MG_LvHitTest()
. "`nMG_TvHitTest() " . MG_TvHitTest()
. "`nMG_DuiHitTest() " . MG_DuiHitTest()
. "`nMG_WClass " . MG_WClass
. "`nMG_Title " . MG_Title
. "`nMG_WinX() " . wx
. "`nMG_WinY() " . wy
. "`nMG_WinW() " . ww
. "`nMG_WinH() " . wh
. "`nMG_CClass " . MG_CClass
. "`nMG_CIndex() " . MG_CIndex()
. "`nMG_ControlX() " . cx
. "`nMG_ControlY() " . cy
. "`nMG_ControlW() " . cw
. "`nMG_ControlH() " . ch

; Retrieving information related to the mouse cursor
; Get Handle of Current Cursor
; Implemented by lukewarm
; Modified by Pyonkichi
VarSetCapacity(infCur, 16+A_PtrSize, 0)
NumPut(16+A_PtrSize, infCur, 0, "UInt")
DllCall("GetCursorInfo", "Ptr",&infCur)
hCursor := NumGet(infCur, 8, "Ptr")
return hCursor

; Check whether the cursor is specified one
; idCursor : Cursor ID to check
; fMode : 0 = Check cursor when Gesture is started
; : 1 = Check cursor when Gesture is recognized
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_CheckCursor(idCursor=0, fMode=0)
global MG_Cursor
hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr",0, "UInt",idCursor, "Ptr")
if (fMode==0) {
return (hCursor == MG_Cursor)
} else {
return (hCursor == MG_GetCursor())

; Check whether the cursor is defined by Windows
; fMatch : 1 = Check whether the cursor is defined by Windows
; : 0 = Check whether the cursor is NOT defined by Windows
; fMode : 0 = Check cursor when Gesture is started
; : 1 = Check cursor when Gesture is recognized
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_CheckAllCursor(fMatch=0, fMode=0)
static tblCursorID := "32512,32513,32649,32514,32515,32648,32650,32651,32646,32645,32644,32642,32643,32516"

Loop, Parse, tblCursorID, `,
if (MG_CheckCursor(A_LoopField, fMode)) {
return fMatch ? 1 : 0
return (fMatch ? 0 : 1)

; Check whether the cursor is in specified rectangular region
; x, y : X-Y coordinates of upper left corner
; width : Width of rectangular region (0=Use Window Width)
; height : Height of rectangular region (0=Use Window Height)
; target : 0 = X-Y position is relative coordinates of Target Window
; 1 = X-Y position is relative coordinates of Target Control
; 2 = X-Y position is absolute coordinates of Screen
; origin : Origin corner of target window (0=Upper-Left 1=Upper-Right
; 2=Lower-Left 3=Lower-Right)
; fMode : 0 = Check cursor coordinates when Gesture is started
; : 1 = Check cursor coordinates when Gesture is recognized
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_CursorInRect(x, y, width, height, target=0, origin=0, fMode=0)
if (fMode==0)
mx:=MG_X, my:=MG_Y
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mx, my
; Get target rectangle
if (target==0) {
WinGetPos, winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %MG_HWND%
else if (target==1) {
WinGetPos, winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %MG_HCTL%
else {
SysGet, winX, 76
SysGet, winY, 77
SysGet, winW, 78
SysGet, winH, 79
; Convert parameters
if (x>0 && x<1) {
x := winW * x
if (y>0 && y<1) {
y := winH * y
if (width <= 0) {
width := winW + width
else if (width<1) {
width := winW * width
if (height <= 0) {
height := winH + height
else if (height<1) {
height := winH * height
; Convert coordinates
if (origin==1) {
x1 := winX + winW - 1 + x
y1 := winY + y
else if (origin==2) {
x1 := winX + x
y1 := winY + winH - 1 + y
else if (origin==3) {
x1 := winX + winW - 1 + x
y1 := winY + winH - 1 + y
else {
x1 := winX + x
y1 := winY + y
x2 := x1 + width - 1
y2 := y1 + height - 1
; Check coordinates
if (x1<=mx && mx<=x2
&& y1<=my && my<=y2)
return 1
return 0

; Target control functions
; Emulate Mouse Button
; Implemented by lukewarm
; Modified by Pyonkichi
MG_Click(btn, mode="", cnt=1)
local back

if (mode!="" || cnt<1) {
cnt := 1
if (IsLabel("MG_" . btn . "_Press"))
Gosub, MG_%btn%_Press
else if (IsLabel("MG_" . btn . "_Down"))
back := MG_DisableDef%btn%
MG_DisableDef%btn% := 0
Loop, %cnt%
if (mode="" || mode="D") {
GoSub, MG_%btn%_Down
if (mode="" || mode="U") {
GoSub, MG_%btn%_Up
MG_DisableDef%btn% := back
if (btn = "LB") {
szButton := "LEFT"
} else if (btn = "RB") {
szButton := "RIGHT"
} else if (btn = "MB") {
szButton := "MIDDLE"
} else if (btn = "X1B") {
szButton := "X1"
} else if (btn = "X2B") {
szButton := "X2"
if (mode="") {
MouseClick, %szButton%,,, %cnt%
} else {
MouseClick, %szButton%,,,,, %mode%

; Move Mouse Cursor
; x, y : X-Y coordinates of the cursor
; origin : 0 = Origin point is gesture start position
; 1 = Origin point is action start position
; 2 = Origin point is current cursor position
; abs : 0 = x and y are relative coordinates from the origin point
; : 1 = x and y are absolute coordinates
; Implemented by lukewarm
; Modified by Pyonkichi
MG_Move(x=0, y=0, origin=0, abs=0)
local relative:=""
if (abs==0)
if (origin==0) {
x+=MG_X, y+=MG_Y
} else if (origin==1) {
x+=MG_NowX, y+=MG_NowY
} else {
BlockInput, On
MouseMove, %x%, %y%, 0, %relative%
BlockInput, Off

; Scroll
; Implemented by lukewarm
if (!hctl) {
Loop,% Abs(x)
PostMessage,0x114,% x>=0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%
Loop,% Abs(y)
PostMessage,0x115,% y>=0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%

; Instant Scroll
; Implemented by lukewarm
local mx,my,cx,cy
if (!hctl) {
Loop,% Abs(cx:=((mx-MG_X)//ppc_x))
PostMessage,0x114,% cx>=0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%
Loop,% Abs(cy:=((my-MG_Y)//ppc_y))
PostMessage,0x115,% cy>=0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%
if (stay) {

; Drag Scroll
; Implemented by lukewarm
static lx:=0,ly:=0,lmx:=0,lmy:=0,lctl:=0
if (!hctl) {
if (lmx!=MG_X || lmy!=MG_Y || lctl!=hctl) {
Loop,% Abs(cx:=(mx-lx)//ppc_x)
PostMessage,0x114,% cx<0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%
Loop,% Abs(cy:=(my-ly)//ppc_y)
PostMessage,0x115,% cy<0,0,,ahk_id %hctl%

; Scroll Completely
; dir : "V":Vertical Scroll "H":Horizontal Scroll
; cnt : Scroll Lines or Pages (Negative Value : Scroll Up or Left)
; fPage : 1=Page Scroll 0=Line Scroll
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_Scroll2(dir, cnt, fPage=0)
global MG_HCTL, MG_X, MG_Y, MG_CtlL, MG_CtlT, MG_CtlW, MG_CtlH, MG_hSB
static pEnumChildProc := 0
if (!pEnumChildProc) {
pEnumChildProc := RegisterCallback("MG_EnumChildProc", "Fast")
WinGetPos, MG_CtlL, MG_CtlT, MG_CtlW, MG_CtlH, ahk_id %MG_HCTL%
hWnd := MG_HCTL
lParam := 0
MG_hSB := 0
Loop, 2
DllCall("EnumChildWindows", "Ptr",hWnd, "Ptr",pEnumChildProc, "Ptr",(dir="V"))
if (MG_hSB) {
lParam := MG_hSB
hWnd := DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr",MG_hSB)
if (A_Index==1) {
hWnd := DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr",MG_HCTL)
if (!lParam) {
hWnd := MG_HCTL
uMsg := (dir="V") ? 0x115 : 0x114
wParam := (cnt>=0) ? 1 : 0
if (fPage) {
wParam += 2
Loop, % Abs(cnt) {
PostMessage, %uMsg%, %wParam%, %lParam%,, ahk_id %hWnd%
Sleep, 1

; Enumerate Child Windows Callback Function
; hWnd : Handle to Child Window
; lParam : 1=Vertical Scroll 0=Horizontal Scroll
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_EnumChildProc(hWnd, lParam)
global MG_HCTL, MG_X, MG_Y, MG_CtlL, MG_CtlT, MG_CtlW, MG_CtlH, MG_hSB
WinGetClass, szClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
if (!InStr(szClass, "ScrollBar")) {
return true
WinGet, dwStyle, Style, ahk_id %hWnd%
if (!(dwStyle & 0x10000000)) {
return true
static prevL, prevT
WinGetPos, sbL, sbT, sbW, sbH, ahk_id %hWnd%
if (lParam)
if (sbW > sbH) {
return true
if ((sbL+sbW)<MG_CtlL || sbL>(MG_CtlL+MG_CtlW) || (sbT+sbH)<=MG_CtlT || sbT>=(MG_CtlT+MG_CtlH))
return true
if ((MG_Y >= sbT) && (MG_Y < sbT+sbH))
MG_hSB := hWnd
return false
if (MG_hSB && (abs(MG_Y-sbT) > abs(MG_Y-prevT)))
return true
if (sbW < sbH) {
return true
if ((sbT+sbH)<MG_CtlT || sbT>(MG_CtlT+MG_CtlH) || (sbL+sbW)<=MG_CtlL || sbL>=(MG_CtlL+MG_CtlW))
return true
if ((MG_X >= sbL) && (MG_X < sbL+sbW))
MG_hSB := hWnd
return false
if (MG_hSB && (abs(MG_X-sbL) > abs(MG_X-prevL)))
return true
MG_hSB:=hWnd, prevL:=sbL, prevT:=sbT
return true

; Drag Scroll Completely
; invert : 0=Scroll against the cursor 1=Follow the cursor
; auto : 0=Scroll one by one 1=Auto-scrolling
; resV : Vertical Resolution
; resH : Horizontal Resolution
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_DragScroll2(invert=1, auto=0, resV=15, resH=30)
global MG_HCTL, MG_X, MG_Y, MG_hSB
static lx:=0, ly:=0, lmx:=0, lmy:=0, lctl:=0
if (lmx!=MG_X || lmy!=MG_Y || lctl!=MG_HCTL)
if (auto)
dX := (mx-MG_X) // resH
dY := (my-MG_Y) // resV
dX := (mx-lx) // resH
dY := (my-ly) // resV
lx += dX*resH
ly += dY*resV
dirV := (dY<0 ? -1 : 1) * (invert ? -1 : 1)
dirH := (dX<0 ? -1 : 1) * (invert ? -1 : 1)
dY := abs(dY)
dX := abs(dX)
while (dX>0 || dY>0)
if (dY>0) {
MG_Scroll2("V", dirV)
if (dX>0) {
MG_Scroll2("H", dirH)

; Send Wheel Rotation Message
; dir : "U":Rotation Up "D":Rotation Down
; counts : Rotation Distance
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_SendWheel(dir, counts=1)
local szClass
WinGetClass, szClass
if (szClass="ApplicationFrameWindow" || szClass="Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow") {
Send, % "{" (dir="U" ? "WheelUp" : "WheelDown") (counts>1 ? " " counts : "") "}"
if (szClass="tooltips_class32") {
SendMessage, 0x041C
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, MG_X, MG_Y, MG_HWND, MG_HCTL, 3
wParam := (dir="U" ? 0x00780000*counts : 0xFF880000*counts)
| GetKeyState("LButton")
| GetKeyState("RButton") << 1
| GetKeyState("Shift") << 2
| GetKeyState("Ctrl") << 3
| GetKeyState("MButton") << 4
| GetKeyState("XButton1") << 5
| GetKeyState("XButton2") << 6
lParam := MG_Y<<16 | MG_X
PostMessage, 0x020A, %wParam%, %lParam%,, ahk_id %hWnd%

; Move and Resize the Window
; x : Left coordinates of the window
; y : Upper coordinates of the window
; w : Width of the window
; h : Height of the window
; fRel : Position and Size are (0=Absolute or 1=Relative) Value
; hWnd : Handle of the target window
; ExAreas : Edge areas to exclude from the screen for window arrangement
; bAdjust : Adjusts window size with extended border widths of Aero window
; Implemented by Pyonkichi
MG_WinMove(x="", y="", w="", h="", fRel=0, hWnd="", ExAreas=0, bAdjust=0)
global MG_X, MG_Y, MG_HWND

if (x="" && y="" && w="" && h="") {
if (!hWnd) {
hWnd := MG_HWND
; Relative
if (fRel)
WinGetPos, winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %hWnd%
; Left Position
if (RegExMatch(x, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winX := winX * $1 // $2
} else if (x<=0 || 1<=x) {
winX += x
} else {
winX *= x
; Top Position
if (RegExMatch(y, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winY := winY * $1 // $2
} else if (y<=0 || 1<=y) {
winY += y
} else {
winY *= y
; Width
if (RegExMatch(w, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winW := winW * $1 // $2
} else if (w<=0 || 1<=w) {
winW += w
} else {
winW *= w
; Height
if (RegExMatch(h, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winH := winH * $1 // $2
} else if (h<=0 || 1<=h) {
winH += h
} else {
winH *= h
; Absolute
MG_GetMonitorRect(MG_X, MG_Y, dtL, dtT, dtR, dtB, true)
dtL := ExAreas[1] ? dtL+ExAreas[1] : dtL
dtT := ExAreas[2] ? dtT+ExAreas[2] : dtT
dtR := ExAreas[3] ? dtR-ExAreas[3] : dtR
dtB := ExAreas[4] ? dtB-ExAreas[4] : dtB
dtW := dtR - dtL
dtH := dtB - dtT
; Left Position
if (RegExMatch(x, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winX := dtW * $1 // $2
} else if (x<=0 || 1<=x) {
winX := x
} else {
winX := dtW * x
winX += dtL
; Top Position
if (RegExMatch(y, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winY := dtH * $1 // $2
} else if (y<=0 || 1<=y) {
winY := y
} else {
winY := dtH * y
winY += dtT
; Width
if (RegExMatch(w, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winW := dtW * $1 // $2
} else if (w<0 || 1<=w) {
winW := w
} else {
winW := dtW * (w!=0 ? w : 1)
; Height
if (RegExMatch(h, "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $)) {
winH := dtH * $1 // $2
} else if (h<0 || 1<=h) {
winH := h
} else {
winH := dtH * (h!=0 ? h : 1)
bdL:=0, bdT:=0, bdR:=0, bdB:=0
if (bAdjust) {
MG_GetExtendedBorders(hWnd, bdL, bdT, bdR, bdB)
winX := (x!="") ? winX-bdL : ""
winY := (y!="") ? winY-bdT : ""
winW := (w!="") ? winW+bdL+bdR : ""
winH := (h!="") ? winH+bdT+bdB : ""
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

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Regards; Team

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