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Minitalkshow "Career orientation for PR students"
On the afternoon of October 22, Public Relations major - Yersin University Da Lat held a mini talkshow with the topic "Career orientation for students majoring in Business Administration" public relations" with the participation of 8 guests who are active in agencies and businesses in the fields of Press - Communication, Branding and Event Organization... gives students majoring in Public Relations a lot of interesting knowledge and confidence about the future profession.
Attending the talkshow were Journalist Pham Viet Trong - Lam Dong Newspaper Office, Editor Pham Ngoc Diep - Lam Dong Radio & Television Station, Mr. Ho Trung Thang - Director of Ho Thien Ha Events Co., Ltd. Mr. Tran Van Sang - Director of Cao Sang Company, Mr. Nguyen Dang Phong - Director of Windmill Joint Stock Company, Mr. Nguyen Huu Quan - Deputy Director of Sense Design and Brand Company, Mr. Nguyen Dac An Khang - Marketing Director of Tam Thanh Khang Co., Ltd and MC Uyen Thao. There were also lecturers and students of the 16th and 17th courses in Public Relations.
Students majoring in Public Relations from Yersin University Da Lat attended the mini talkshow "Career orientation for students".
Through this program, the students have a better understanding of the path they have chosen, thereby equipping themselves with the best luggage. As MC Uyen Thao shared: "The most important thing is to find your own strengths and be ready to pursue them to the end". There is no such thing as a perfect job, but it is you who, after graduating from school, go to work in agencies and businesses, create a perfect job for yourself.
Students interact with invited guests.
With associated with practice, the Public Relations major has been trying to create more bridges between students and agencies and businesses. From there, helping students have the opportunity to practice, practice at work positions suitable to their personality and ability. This is also the first step for the industry to implement the enterprise semester in the coming time.
Public Relations students demonstrate their talent and cinematography.
Although the talkshow only took place in one afternoon, with the intimate and close atmosphere and the valuable sharing of the guests, the students partly sketched a clear picture of their path. selected. The talkshow ended with the exchange of cultural performances between the 16th and 17th courses. This is also the program that K16 brothers and sisters organized to welcome K17. This traditional activity will be continued so that the students become more attached and united with each other.
The guests took souvenir photos with lecturers and students majoring in Public Relations - Yersin University Da Lat.
So much beautiful love and joy closed the program. Hope that K17 students will have fun and useful years of studying with K16. I hope that the upcoming journey will continue to be supported by agencies and businesses for the public relations industry to develop more and more.

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