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Paragraph one: Living conditions
- "During their stay in Auschwitz, prisoners received only one ragged uniform and a pair of shoes or crude, uncomfortable clogs that caused serious sores and illness. They were made to wear the same uniform—frequently lice-ridden—to work during the day and to sleep at night." (The Struggle)
- Brick and wooden barracks ridden with rodents and fouling harbored prisoners (Harari).
- Prisoners were given extremely insufficient amounts of food and starvation was often the cause of death for many inmates (The Struggle). Extreme hunger led to acute physical exhaustion and many prisoners' ultimate demise (Harari).
Paragraph two: Labor
- Prisoners' work days consisted of a required minimum of eleven laborious hours with minimal breaks or tools ("The Struggle").
- Prisoners were forced to work many difficult tasks, such as building infrastructure and producing weapons for the Third Reich (Harari).
- Another cruel task given to victims was burning the bodies of fellow prisoners who were killed in gas chambers ("The Struggle").
Paragraph three: Ultimate fates of prisoners (medical experiments and executions)
"If starvation, disease, or the difficult work did not kill prisoners, medical experiments or executions might have instead."
- Based on prisoners' abilities to work and other numerous factors, some were subjected to becoming experiments for Nazi doctors ("The Struggle").
- Being accused of attempting to escape, aiding escapees, or other insubordination often resulted in also being executed for the crime; execution methods included gassing, shooting, and liquating (Harari).
- Executions, especially hangings, frequently occurred publicly in order to intimidate and warn prisoners about the consequences of disobedience (Harari).
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