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The key Of Zikir In Our Life
The imperative Of Zikir In Our soul. Truly one of the clear acts of worship that simultaneously has insurmountable amount of benefit and employee benefit in this world and the next is the remembrance of Allah. Allah being the All-Knowing of the seen and unseen told that the state of His remembrance is a outstanding act than anything the person may be accomplishment.

Zikir meaning “Remembrance” is the religious doing in Islam in which short Duas and prayers are completed repeatedly to summon up Allah (SWT). Zikir is a very powerful and simple way to respect Allah (SWT) when we have a lack of time, which carries many benefits and love . Allah Almighty respond in Holy Quran: “O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance” (Quran 33:41).

Allah (SWT) has formed Islam so simple for the disciple that even the shortest Surahs and phrases can receive the greatest bonus. For example, the accolade of reciting ‘Alhamdulillah’ is that it will satiety the scales on the Day of Judgment with good deeds. As zikir is so straightforward and carries great profit, this is a form of worship that we should follow to raise in our everyday lives.

If someone wants calm and accord of heart he could grab it in the remembrance of Allah (SWT). In Holy Quran Allah Almighty state : “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Quran, 13:28). In the zikir and remembrance of Allah (SWT) the love of a Muslim find happiness on the side of Allah, become restful when He is remembered and pleased to accept Him as his Protector and Supporter and indeed, He (SWT) is laudable of it that is zikir.

Effects of Zikir

Allah (SWT) appetite us to recognize Him in every direction no matter its jubilant or bitter situation as much we probably can. There is the big reason to have loved to recognize Allah (SWT) for His sake only. By admiring and extol Allah (SWT) we are exhibition our gratitude to Him and distinguishing His dignity . We are acknowledgment that we have no function without Him, as He has skill over all things. Once we have exactly understood this we can get that we are not for real in control of our lives, and it is solely with the advice and will of Allah (SWT) that we can enact things in our lives.

Make a nature to do zikir repeatedly in your day you will asset that you feel more connected to Allah (SWT), which is a vast feeling. The act of zikir focuses your mind repeatedly towards Allah Almighty. It also has an fast calming sense over your genius and body, and pull out gloomy thinking from your mind. The higher you practice zikir the also you will want to do it. Absolutely Widening the amount of zikir you do in your day will have a profitable impact on other areas of your soul. By the very essence of continually being associated to your Creator your faith will consistently increase, and this will propel you to achieve other ways of life briefed by the Quran and Sunnah. As zikir focuses your mind totally on Allah, you will also start to guess of what else you can do to earnestly please Allah on a daily basis, thus growing sincerity in worship.

Benefits of zikir
One can learn Allah (SWT) in his heart and by his tongue but remembering Him both in heart and by tongue nonstop , is the best way of His remembrance. This remembrance (zikir) should be with blessing intention and for the welfare of Allah (SWT). There are many employee benefit of remembering Allah (SWT) which is the fat act of worship. Some of them are listed below : Remembering Allah (SWT) drive out the Shaytaan by removing his humming from the heart of Muslim. If someone wants Allah’s happiness then do zikir of Allah (SWT). In remembrance of Allah His satisfaction lies. In remembrance of Allah (SWT) one can asset easiness in achieving daily subsistence . It brings respectability, kindness and brilliance to the life of a Muslim. Allah (SWT) remembers those who remember Him. As He mention in Holy Quran: “Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying, etc.). I will remember you,” (Quran, 2:152).

Remembrance of Allah (SWT) justifications the affection of Allah which is the spirit of Islam and the prominent integrity of the religion, the basic of lightheartedness and redemption . Zikir of Allah Almighty clear away the distress and broken heart from one’s heart. Those who remember Allah (SWT) the feelings of peace sedateness and enchantment will penetrate on their heart. In short, remembering Allah (SWT) is one of the honest acts of worship through which one can achieve calmness , repose and peace of mind and heart. May Allah gives us the clout to do zikir repeatedly and can win Allah Almighty invocation .

Zikir is a proceeding prescribed in Islam. The command to perform Zikir is establish in copious verses of the Qur’an and also the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. It is a practice that is directed to be multiplied without any hardship and attachment to certain conditions to be practiced as other happenings of worship such as prayer, fasting and so on. It is the confidential information and the direct link amid the servant and his Lord. Every adherent who remembers Allah will clearly be remembered by Him.

It turns out that the method of Zikir is not just an act of worship, but also a method that can expurgate and purge the human soul, draw closer to its founder , susceptible the spiritual hijab and subsequently accomplish ma`rifat towards Him.

Zikir is a very active practice and plays a big role in the formation of a Muslim nature . A well-being personality is only built and formed with the construction of the heart which is a container of conviction and religiosity . Therefore, in order to build a welfare Muslim personality, cleansing and purification of the heart prerequisite be given focus and priority as can be seen in the hadith.

Doing Zikir in a state of default is sharpened than not doing Zikir at all. Said Sheikh Ibn Ataillah al-Iskandari Rahimahullah:
“Do not leave zikir just because you are afraid to present your heart with Allah during zikir, because neglecting to do zikir is more dangerous than neglecting to do zikir. Hopefully (for ) Allah will raise your rank from negligent remembrance to conscious remembrance ”. Refer to Syarah Hikam al-Ataiyyah p. 55
For example, a person who recites the word tayyibah (لا إله إلا الله) 100 times. If his heart launch by default, perhaps only on the 89th time, God casts consciousness and the heart is present. This is better than not reciting zikir at all. Originally, a person who recites zikir is still rewarded even if he does not know its effect , but it is better and leaves an impression on the heart, if we can study the meaning and be obliged it.

The purity of Zikr during Ramadan
In this adored month, all deeds are repeated by Allah, so how good it is for us to stuffing the days of Ramadan with Zikir. So the plan of remembrance is to respond or say Asmaul Husna (the names of Allah) or thoyyibah sentences so that we can invariably remember Allah. Remembrance can be done orally or in the heart. Allah also said, which means, "… Men and women who mention (the name of) Allâh, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward." (QS Al-Ahzâb [33]: 35).

Here are some of the virtues of Zikir:
1. The heart becomes placid and quiet.
In everyday life especially in the month of Ramadan everyone needs inner conciliation , pureness of heart and to get inner peace is not impossible. God teaches us the real step to get cleanliness of mind, namely by remembrance. Remember, with remembrance. Remembering Allah the heart will be at immaculacy , as what Allah says in the Qur'an which means, “(That is) those who believe and their hearts become at peace with the remembrance of Allah. Remember, it is only by remembering Allah that the heart becomes at peace. ” (QS Ar-Raad [13]: 28). Remember only by remembering God the heart will be at unsulliedness and conversely, when we seldom remember God, the heart will be dry and arid.

2. Get Rid Of sins.
Ramadan is a month crowded of maghfiroh and vindication , so Muslims can take gain of the time and opportunity to recite Zikir and ask for the forgiveness of Allah SWT.

3. Cast out Satan.
Allah SAW said, “And if the devil bothers you with a disturbance, then seek refuge in Allah. Surely He is the All -Hearing, the All -Knowing. " (QS Fushilat [41]: 36)

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