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Functional Medicine In Reinstate Corrrect Functioning of the Body
Every person is unique. From their genetic makeup and fingerprints to their life experiences and environment, they are one-of-a-kind. However, conventional medicine doesn't take this into account when treating a person. Conventional doctors provide medications based on the symptoms being experienced rather than looking to identify the root cause of the disease or disorder. For this reason, many people are looking to Functional Medicine in Charlotte for the answers they need when it comes to their health. What is Functional Medicine?

When a person visits a Functional Medicine Practitioner , they are seeing a health detective. This individual spends time with the patient to uncover any clues as to why they have the issues they do. The doctor wants to know where the patient grew up, who lived with them during their childhood, who currently resides with them, and more. They ask about any traumatic events in the person's life, their health history, their emotional state, and other aspects of the patient's life.

Furthermore, the doctor practicing Functional Medicine conducts a thorough physical exam and orders detailed diagnostic testing. Conventional Medicine and testing are combined with the patient interview to determine how and why the body isn't functioning properly. The doctor works to uncover the underlying factors that contribute to the illness. Once they have been identified, the doctor works with the patient to develop a treatment plan.

The treatment plan varies by patient. A person might find the program includes alternative or holistic approaches sometimes found in Western medicine, such as homeopathic treatments and dietary changes. The doctor might recommend neuro-updating techniques, chiropractic methods, and applied kinesiology to treat the whole patient. It depends on what the patient needs based on the results gathered in the previous step. No two patients have the same treatment plan, as no two people are identical.

When a person sees a conventional doctor, the doctor listens to the symptoms they are experiencing and comes up with a diagnosis. The doctor then presents the treatment plan for that disease or disorder. Every person with the same symptoms receives the same treatment plan. While this works for certain health issues, such as appendicitis or a broken bone, it isn't of help when treating complex diseases and illnesses. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of these diseases and illnesses rather than the underlying cause.

Sadly, conventional medicine rarely provides long-term relief for individuals suffering from chronic conditions. Imagine putting duct tape on a leaky pipe. Although the tape may stop the flow of water briefly, it will eventually seep through the tape and become a bigger issue. The same is true of conventional medicine when treating chronic illnesses. Prescribed Functional Medicine Doctors may ease or stop the symptoms, but they will return and increase. Functional medicine stops the problem at its source so it won't return. It's time you give it a try to treat your health issues and resolve them for good.
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