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<h1><strong>The Full Sales Funnel: How This Can Improve Your Business</strong></h1>

My Sales Script - Full Sales Funnel

A full sales funnel the marketing term for the potential journey customers goes through on the way to purchase. There are several steps to a sales funnel, usually known as the top, middle, and bottom, although these steps may vary depending on a company's sales model.

Any business owner knows the pain of just missing a sale. After weeks of pitches and demos, chatter and charm, the prospect drops out of the sales funnel without buying.

It happens. But it happens less often when you have the right sales funnel management help. are more like sieves, with holes left by patched-together spreadsheets, sticky notes, missed appointments, and forgotten follow-ups.

There's a better way. Sales and marketing automation software can plug those sales funnel holes and turn near-misses into sales.

Read on, or start a demo to learn how Keep can help you with your sales funnel.

Section 1: The Full Sales Funnel
In the first step of the full sales funnel, the prospect is a visitor to your website.

Welcome these potential customers to your website so they can explore. Leave them wondering, "What will I buy from you?" Let your prospect dwell on the information you provide, then give them a solid reason to buy.

In many ways, this first step is similar to the initial contact you made in marketing when you signed them up for your newsletter. You can use this first step to build a funnel of qualified leads waiting to be converted into sales for small businesses.

By adding a few marketing tactics to your welcome page, you can attract more attention and convert visitors into qualified leads.

How To Maximize Your Sales Funnel
The benefits of leveraging a full sales funnel are many. You can cut out much wasted time and money, improve your pipeline, and turn attention into sales. But before you get started, you need to know what a sales funnel is and how to create one.

Here are the components to consider, the sales steps of a sales funnel and why it's better to create and execute your sales funnel on a platform like Keep.

A Sales Funnel Is Made of Three Parts:

The top of the funnel is the most critical part of the process. If your sales funnel comprises multiple marketing tactics (we'll get to that later), this part of the funnel may be integrated with a CRM to aid in sales processes.

Why It Is Important To Find The Right Software
You need to know where your sales funnel needs help. If you can't, then you're digging a giant hole.

Research from Salesforce and CommerceHub tells us that 87 percent of customers use a website, app, or mobile to research a product or service before buying. However, just over half will make a purchase online.

"While conversions remain low in eCommerce, the sales funnel offers a convenient place to create a relationship and nurture leads toward a conversion," explains Christopher Fabian, senior director of product management for CommerceHub.

"Despite the popularity of online channels, the amount of money being spent through digital channels has yet to reach the same level as non-digital channels.

What Does Sales And Marketing Automation Software Do?
A sales funnel a user-friendly sales process flow that incorporates the following steps:

Learn More: During this step, the prospect learns more about your company, product, or service. This could be a sales email (think of it as an offer) or a video tutorial.

Send A Sale Email: Salespeople call if the prospect is close enough to fit to move to the next stage. It's a form of follow-up that helps you find leads that are ready for a close.

Follow Up: The prospect is ready to purchase, so the next step is to follow up with offers of samples, new products, promotions, or get-togethers.

Thank The Prospect: This is when you thank them for their business and for making a great first impression.

How Keep Can Help You With Your Sales Funnel
Here are a few things you can do with a sales and marketing automation system like Keep.

Identify and Target Market Segments

The first step to a successful sales funnel is to identify your prospects. Segmenting Blog Post Templates according to target market and preference makes it easier to send the right message to the right prospect at the right time.

With Keep, you can apply automated lead scoring to your email and web marketing campaigns to identify your best prospects, including those who don't respond to your emails or inquiries. This process could be automated for emails or phone calls or manually setting filters to identify prospects who haven't already engaged with you.

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