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Obviously, the advertisement is aimed at teenagers.
The factory now under construction will assemble 1,000 VCR units per day.
Efficient machinery replaced manual labor.
In those days, the gigantic corporation had a virtual monopoly over internal commerce.
With restrictions removed, thousands of new enterprises have come into being.
As a result of his ridiculous venture, he is in danger of going bankrupt.
Compared to the previous year, business is looking up in terms of sales. However, we haven't made any profit yet.
"I'm going to be transferred to an overseas branch." "Oh, I'll miss you. Please drop me a line."
While he was away on business, his wife gave birth to a baby boy.
Apparently, Nick wasn't willing to take on the task because it would just add to his burdens.
Bob had intended to take her out tonight, but he had to work overtime.
"Please estimate the losses by Friday at the latest." "I'll manage it somehow."
"Nick, I'm counting on you." "OK, I'll see to it." "Thanks, I appreciate it." "Don't mention it."
He pretends to be enthusiastic when his boss is around.
He got promoted at the expense of his colleagues. He should be ashamed of himself.
As the recession set in, temporary employees were laid off one after another.
Nowadays, many people are out of work against their will. Who is responsible for that?
I've gotten pessimistic, and I'm worried about something I would never have been concerned about before.
Today, even white-collar workers are confronted with great hardships.
The authorities are striving in vain to stabilize the currency.
We've come to the conclusion that nothing is more urgent than reducing Japan's huge deficit
The questionnaires were distributed at random.
All you have to do is fill in the blanks below. (Please print in black or blue ink.)
In addition to a 10% discount, you can pick out an optional excursion for free.
Round-trip fares to each destination are as follows.
"Don't forget to confirm your reservation in advance." "I won't."
Be sure to check in at least 45 minutes prior to departure time.
I attached my name tag to my baggage, but it soon came off.
On average, these packages weigh two pounds.
This plastic garbage bag is free of hazardous chemicals.
This flashlight is getting dim. It needs new batteries.
Excuse me. How often do the shuttle buses run to downtown New York?
The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests.
This suite is three times larger than my condominium.
Littering in this facility is subject to a maximum fine of $500.
That restaurant is always packed. We'd better make a reservation beforehand.
"Sorry to interrupt your meal but I'd like a word with you in private." "Can I get back to you later?"
The cook was astonished at his incredible appetite.
"What's going on down there? I'm curious." "I have no idea."
Excited fans were hanging around the rear exit hoping to catch a glimpse of Michael.
On encountering the celebrity, they asked for his autograph.
Whenever I go abroad, I suffer from jet lag and diarrhea.
"I feel sort of dizzy and I feel like throwing up." "You look pale!"
Take some aspirin. It will cure you of your headache in no time.
"I'm afraid I'm coming down with something." "You should take a day off."
Some of the ingredients in this beverage are harmful, especially if you are pregnant.
Good nutrition is vital for an infant's growth.
Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of the blood.
My physician advised me to refrain from alcohol for the time being.
I do want to get into shape and lose some weight, so I go swimming every morning.
He caught a nasty cold because he stayed up late last night.
The surgeon persuaded him to undergo an organ transplant.
Since our father is bedridden, we take turns looking after him.
Our hypothesis is that eating excessive amounts of junk food contributes to early mortality.
The government did not take appropriate measures to prevent the infection from spreading.
The minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet.
Many people regard the current compulsory education system as being obsolete.
Many people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
To make his dreams come true, he dropped out of school and made his way to Tokyo.
"What do you do?" "I'm a college student, a freshman at Harvard." "What's your major?" "Philosophy."
Tuition will be raised by nearly ten percent as of April 1, 2001.
"I'm of two minds whether to apply for the scholarship or not." "Give it a try!"
As soon as he graduated from Keio University, he took over his family's business.
You aren't cut out for the military because of its rigid discipline.
I am determined to make a living as a playwright at all costs.
As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.
Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.
I'd rather go my own way than toil away for a company.
Tom takes after his uncle in personality. I mean, he is obstinate by nature. He never gives in.
When the time is ripe, be bold and go for it! I'll stand by you.
I'll stand up for what I believe in and won't yield to any threats.
"If only I could conquer my weaknesses!" "It's up to you."
You should make the most of this rare opportunity to demonstrate your talent.
You won't let me down. I have great faith in you. You can make it!
The spectators were moved by her graceful performance.
In 1995, Ando received architecture's most prestigious award.
In the face of adversity, Mike accomplished an extraordinary feat. He deserves praise.
The audience was impressed by his eloquent lecture.
From a humble background, John achieved worldwide fame.
He accumulated a tremendous fortune during the postwar era.
He used to be well off and generous, but now he lives from hand to mouth.
Nick is by no means satisfied with the reward. He is selfish and greedy.
"You owe me $200 altogether, Bob. When are you going to pay me back?" "I'm sorry. I'm hard up." "There you go again!"
To Brian's surprise, his debt amounted to a considerable sum.
Stop clinging to your glory days, or you'll be left behind.
You cannot escape from today's harsh realities, so you must adapt to them.
Prosperity does not last forever. In other words, it will come to an end one of these days.
Proper qualifications are required for the position; computer literacy is a must.
Enclose your resume in this envelope and submit it to the personnel department.
It's optimistic of you to believe that things will work out. At best there's a fifty-fifty chance.
Registration forms can be obtained free of charge.
Please give us a call now if you want to participate in the workshop!
For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us toll-free at 1-800-555-1212.
"How's it going, Bob?" "Couldn't be better! i did well in my job interview!" "Good for you!"
He gave instructions to the trainees, but they couldn't make heads or tails of them.
You can't do two things at one time! It's out of the question. Do them one by one.
"Bob, don't disturb her. Mind your own business," he whispered.
If you persist in bothering her like that, she'll lose her temper.
He was so childish that he couldn't resist temptation.
"Stop making a fuss. It really gets on my nerves!" she shouted.
There's no point in talking back to Nick. He is a "dictator," so to speak.
They are very polite in his presence, but actually, they always talk about him behind his back.
"You despise Nick, don't you?" "On the contrary! I look up to him."
His constant insults aroused her anger.
I'm fed up with just shuffling papers and pouring coffee. I've made up my mind to quit!
In reality, many people have difficulty making ends meet. How can you get by on 100,000 yen a month?
Female clerks may well complain about their routines, which are not challenging at all.
Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold.
Many people today think of loyalty to a company as an absurd notion.
I have to commute all the way from a distant suburb. I'm sick of it!
I want to spend the rest of my life pursuing my ideals.
After retirement, Teresa devoted herself to caring for orphans.
For the sake of children in need, we cooperated to collect donations.
The charity is named after a man who gave away some two billion yen.
His autobiography was released today and was sold out by noon.
Ted, who is often referred to as a man of integrity, is going to run for mayor.
The candidate was disappointed by the outcome of the election.
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.
It is the case that those who live on a pension are forced to lead a hard life.
We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate.
We tend to associate politicians with hypocrisy.
They are primarily concerned with exploiting us, not with enhancing our living standards.
The man once exerted a dominant influence on the conservative party, but now his power is diminishing.
The spokesperson refused to make any comment, saying, "It's under investigation."
The police say there's someone pulling strings behind the scenes.
The executives entertained the bureaucrats at ryotei, or exclusive Japanese restaurants, hoping for something in return.
His secretary flatly denied leaking any confidential information.
No one dares to contradict his/her employer for fear of being fired.
He sacrificed his promising career to retain his dignity.
I might as well kill myself as reconcile myself to my fate.
He was about to commit suicide by swallowing poison when he thought better of it.
The vague rumor proved to be false. Nevertheless, some skepticism lingers on.
A senior official is suspected of accepting bribes from a company, but there isn't sufficient evidence to arrest him.
Jason, who was in charge of the project, was dismissed for corruption.
To my knowledge, he has not been involved in the fraud scheme.
They found out the truth while examining a pile of relevant documents.
During the trial it came to light that they had been covering up illegal transactions for decades.
The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word.
For the first time in my life, I felt a pang of conscience, but there was no other way out.
I'm still haunted by a vivid nightmare I had last night.
By and large, reporters don't hesitate to intrude on one's privacy.
The author revised his manuscript over and over again.
He is second to none when it comes to finding fault with others.
On the whole, the elite are not sensitive to criticism.
When a tabloid revealed that he was a drug addict, his reputation was all but ruined.
They considered every aspect of the defense program and pointed out numerous flaws.
We will not tolerate anyone who engages in terrorism.
The notorious rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail.
Troops were swiftly called in to put down the riot.
We should appeal to reason instead of resorting to violence.
I suggest we adopt flexible tactics for the moment.
The armed forces succeeded in occupying the entire territory.
under the circumstances, the enemy has no choice but to surrender. They can't hold out any longer.
Sooner or later, the hostages will be set free.
Under the reign of tyranny, innocent people were deprived of their citizenship.
Some soldiers were reluctant to obey the commands.
His regime is bound to collapse.
The allies condemned the invasion as a violation of UN resolutions.
We cannot rule out the possibility that civil war will break out in that country.
The colony declared independence and became a republic.
An immense monument was erected in honor of the noble patriot.
He got down on his knees and prayed for the souls of the deceased.
The Supreme Court is located near the Imperial Palace.
The pro-choice group protested against a ban on abortion.
Senator Ford remained neutral in the bitter controversy.
Ford has been in a difficult situation all week long. He is no longer capable of coping with it.
The summit talks are to be broadcast simultaneously throughout the world.
Diplomatic dialogue helped put an end to the conflict.
Johnson was appointed as a goodwill ambassador to foster understanding between the two nations.
The specialist predicts international tension will build up.
In my opinion, permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.
Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression.
We must make every effort to do away with all discrimination.
The immigrants have endure physical and mental pain.
The amendment was rejected because it didn't take racial diversity into account.
Needless to say, the refugees were longing for freedom.
According to a survey, three in five people are indifferent to foreign affairs.
What will become of Japan-U.S. relations if the security treaty expires?
Unless Japan eliminates its unfair tariffs, the U.S. will impose sanctions.
Trade friction might arise between the two nations at any moment.
Our top priority is to settle this dispute once and for all, so we are ready to meet them halfway.
The federal budget was narrowly approved by Congress.
He argues that the administration must look for alternative sources of revenue.
A poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation.
The cops are searching for clues to the brutal murder.
The man must be insane. He can't distinguish vice from virtue.
The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect's.
It took us all by surprise when the noted psychologist was accused of kidnapping.
The jury's guilty verdict gave rise to widespread debate.
The man pleaded for mercy, but he was sentenced to twenty years in prison for his crime.
The officer on duty perceived an elderly man coming up behind him.
He caught sight of a thief attempting to break into the house.
The day before yesterday he witnessed a weird incident in the wilderness.
I became aware of someone staring at me from across the aisle, so I turned around. But there was no one in sight.
She screamed with horror as someone took hold of her arm.
Informed of her safety, he breathed a sigh of relief.
The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition.
At present, it's still uncertain whether it was done deliberately or by accident.
A deli caught fire and burned down, leaving a heap of ashes.
All of a sudden the fireworks warehouse exploded, and it took two days to put out the blaze.
A bomb went off in a thirty-story building, and more than fifty people were seriously wounded.
A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in Mediterranean without a trace.
The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic.
The tragedy must be remembered so as not to be repeated.
The exhibition offers profound insights into ancient civilization.
Giotto is credited with sowing the seeds of the Italian Renaissance.
Bob mounted the portrait in a fancy frame, but it was upside down.
This magnificent cathedral dates back to the Meddle Ages.
Asian religions inspired him to create splendid sculptures.
They explored the desert in search of buried treasure.
The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how it cost.
Myths and legends should be handed down from generation to generation.
The linguist is fluent in several Chinese dialects.
The tribe worships its ancestors and speaks its own language, which is not familiar to us.
The anthropologist says old customs still prevail in the province.
The wicked witch cast an evil spell on the man and turned him into a bug.
They proceeded along the steep path, which was the sole access to the border.
When a big ape emerged from the cave, they got frightened and ran away.
"Believe it or not, I saw an alien and then it vanished!" "Give me a break!"
Quite a few people have been invited to celebrate the couple's anniversary.
It won't be long before everything is ready. In the meantime, help yourself to some snacks.
Dressed in a loud and peculiar outfit, she stood out in the crowd.
All the guests were touched by her hospitality.
He shabby clothes were not suitable for the occasion.
That topic is too intimate to share with casual acquaintances.
When Tom gets drunk, he gets crude and offensive. Stay away from him.
He could hardly comprehend what she was implying.
Bob felt embarrassed when he was teased in front of some girls.
His ambiguous reply made her all the more irritated.
Bob is very timid and blushes when chatting with girls.
Nick looks down on anyone who comes from a rural area.
What's the matter, Bob? You look so miserable. Leave me alone. It's none of your business.
Although Bob was in disguise, I recognized him at a glance.
What are you chuckling about? Bob, you have your sweatshirt on backwards! Oops!
He is not good at making friends and always keeps to himself.
Having found no place he felt he belonged, he was extremely uneasy and lonely.
I found it pretty hard to adjust to my new surroundings.
I felt utterly out of place among those sophisticated people.
To tell the truth, I don't like classical music. On the other hand, Molly is really into it.
Bob derives pleasure from observing insects.
How about playing cards or something for a change?Sorry, I'm not up for it.
"Agter you." "No pleasure, you go ahead." "Thanks." "You're welcome."
His niece is sociable and mature for her age. She could pass for twenty-something.
Take care of yourself and say hi to your family for me.I will. See you later.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,
Can you spare a minute? I'd like to discuss something of importance to both of us.
It may seem trivial to you but for me it's worth paying attention to.
As far as Bob is concerned, anything goes. By contrast, Jane is very cautious.
After an awkward pause, Bill took her by the hand and dragged her upstairs.
Bill just wanted to comfort Monica, but she interpreted it as romantic interest.
After making sure she was sound asleep, he crept out of the room and set off.
Between you and me, Lisa, I came across Nick passionately embracing a woman.
Such a remark is open to misunderstanding.
"I can't stand it anytmore!" "Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible."
Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.
"You should apologize to Lisa for making fun of her." "You went too far this time.Yeah .. I will, sometime when she's in a better mood."
"Lisa, are you getting along with Nick?" "Once in a while, I think of divorcing him." "You must be kidding!"
In tears, she tore up his letter and threw it away.
"It dawned on me that I had been taken in by Jennifer all along." "How naive! Didn't you see through her?"
Even though she is seeing someone else, I won't give her up.
"Hi, Jane. What's up?" "Not much. How about you?" "I got married to Jennifer." "Wow! Congratulations!"
Whenever you're in trouble or feeling down, I'll be there for you.
"Delight" is the opposite of "sorrow."
"Jennifer went so far as to call me an idiot and she wouldn't take it back." "Serves you right! You provoked her, didn't you?"
"Why do you put up with her arrogance? She's just taking advantage of you." "Shut up!"
Take your time. I know you need a couple of days to reflect on it.
Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own.
"Jennifer deceived me!" "You should have known better than to trust her."
Tom regretted having wasted a great deal of his life.
I cannot look back on my adolescence without feeling depressed.
"Jennifer left me for another guy." "Oh, you must be upset." "Not really. I'm used to it."
"No wonder she didn't show up to see him off." "How come?" "They broke up." "Oh, what a pity!"
"Living here all by myself is torture!" he sobbed.
"To be honest, I'm crazy about Ken because he's brave, self-confident, and never afraid of taking risks." "If I were you, I'd ask him out!"
"I've been going with Jennifer on and off for ages." "You're as indecisive as ever. Isn't it "
Flies and mosquitoes interfered with his meditation.
The sacred ritual took place after being postponed twice.
All at once, the Buddhist priest burst into laughter, spoiling the solemn atmosphere.
Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.
"One of her relatives passed away three days ago." "Oh, that's too bad. I'm so sorry."
Besides attending the funeral, she needs to make all the arrangements.
"I feel for you, Jane. Grief doesn't fade away quickly." "I'm OK. I'll get over it."
She cherishes the precious memories of her childhood.
"Speaking of Jennifer, she got engaged to a businessman." "I'm at a loss for words! I hope she won't break it off."
These days, the motives for marriage are not necessarily pure. Take Jennifer for example.
Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going through a rough period recently.
"By the way, do you have the time?" "Let's see .. it's a quarter to eight."
"Let's call it a day, Bob. I'm starved." "Yep. I'll buy you dinner."
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