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Chrysanthemum remains, all over the ground are injured. What is the incidence rate of hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoid Treatment

As the saying goes, "ten people nine hemorrhoids", we can see the incidence rate of hemorrhoids.
Due to the location of hemorrhoids, many people will feel embarrassed when they are aware of the symptoms. They can either bear it or buy hemorrhoids cream and find a way to solve it.
However, if given to hemorrhoids, it is not only easy to further worsen minor diseases, but also because the symptoms of hemorrhoids are similar to rectal cancer, serious diseases may also be covered up.
When hemorrhoids don't attack, people think it's nothing. Once it happens, it will be restless, not only itching, but also pain and bleeding.
When taking a bath, sometimes I suddenly touch a small meat ball outside the chrysanthemum. This is external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can be seen with the naked eye, with obvious foreign body feeling, and will feel pain after friction.
There are also internal hemorrhoids emphasizing intestinal cavity in the rectum, which can be divided into 4 stages according to the severity of symptoms.
Stage, small hemorrhoids, no obvious symptoms, a little blood in the stool, not out of the anus.
The hemorrhoids are slightly larger and can be prolapsed during defecation, but they can be accepted by themselves after defecation, resulting in bloody stool.
During the period of defecation, hemorrhoids come out of the anus and need manual activities.
Hemorrhoids prolapse for a long time and cannot be returned or prolapse again after manual return.
In addition, there are also mixed hemorrhoids with the fusion of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, which have the characteristics of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.
At present, the etiology of hemorrhoids is not clear. Academically, it is considered that there are two main reasons: the influence of varicose veins and the downward movement of anal pad, but the specific reason remains controversial. Research shows that the causes of hemorrhoids are comprehensive, and eating habits, living habits and environmental factors may lead to hemorrhoids.
Now the number of young people with hemorrhoids is increasing, which is related to modern people's lifestyle.
Is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. If you sit for a long time and maintain an action, the blood vessels at the end of the rectum cannot flow back without valves, so the blood circulation will become worse. Therefore, it is easy to get hemorrhoids in sedentary occupations such as drivers, students and office staff.
The food is too thin
We all know that eating crude fiber is good for the intestine and will promote the discharge of impurities in the intestine. However, due to the increase of productivity, the food is getting thinner and the taste is also improving. However, the finer the food, the less stool, and there are problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
I like spicy food
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