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My hemorrhoids surgery
Hemorrhoid Cream

《1》 Determination
Hemorrhoids seem to be getting worse. No pain, not easy to bleed, but every time the stool comes out of the anus, you should plug it with your hand. David Asher, northern exposure (American TV Series) I have used various drugs, such as oral administration, hip bath, belly button sticking and anal plug, without any effect. It is said that you can only go to the main hospital and traditional Chinese medicine hospital to see a doctor for surgery. Alas, I can't hide this knife sooner or later. I've made up my mind to do that while the weather has just warmed up and I'm in good health recently!
《2》 Hospitalization
I want to do it in the main hospital, mainly considering that the conditions of the main hospital are relatively good, close to home and convenient to take care of. But the family unanimously objected that the hemorrhoids state hospital of traditional Chinese medicine was a specialty, so I went to the State Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to do it. All right, everybody, Chinese medicine hospital is a Chinese medicine hospital.
On the morning of February 26, it was still sunny. After noon, the weather became blurred, chilly and drizzled. In the afternoon, I went to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital and hung up the foreign number of anorectal Department I. Section chief Li is an expert in the treatment of anorectal diseases and hemorrhoids in Chuxiong Prefecture. It is said that the operation has not been done well recently, and he mainly receives diagnosis and treatment. You can find her from Monday to Friday. Go into the clinic. Sure enough, director Li is in charge.
"What's wrong?" director Li asked.
"The anus falls off and sometimes bleeds. I had an enteroscopy called hemorrhoids last month."
"How long?"
"I'm afraid I've escaped for six or seven years. At first it was small, but later it became bigger and bigger."
"Isn't it getting heavier and heavier? You lie in it and I'll check it for you."
I am worthy of being an expert. I investigated it by hand. It is said that it is a circular mixed hemorrhoid, but it is serious and must be operated on. Then I issued a hospitalization certificate for me.
"There's no bed today. I'll be discharged the day after tomorrow. It's OK to come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Take the medical insurance card to pay the fee on the first floor of the outpatient department, and go through the hospitalization formalities in the anorectal Department on the second floor of the sixth floor.
"OK, thank you, director!" I thanked one after another and left the hospital. I was stiff with a knife this time.
The next morning, as promised, I came to the first Department of anorectal medicine of the Zhuhua hospital. The nurse station was full of patients waiting for treatment. A young nurse got my hospitalization certificate.
What's your height and weight? I wondered. The scale is right next to you. It's not easy to report directly without asking me to measure it. (William Shakespeare. Hamlet.) finally said to me.
"Your bed is No. 87. The last patient's discharge operation is not over. You can't buy it yet. Come back in the afternoon."
I came to the hospital again in the afternoon. The bed was empty. I went to the ward and looked. God, it's too small and too shabby.
In a shabby small ward, there are two beds without a bathroom. The curtains only flash. I don't know how many times I have used the sheets. There are two big patches hanging on them. On the mottled wall, there is an old TV that can only be decorated. The public washroom in the corridor was only seen more than 20 years ago. What's worse is the public toilet. At both ends of the corridor. As soon as I enter the door, buzzing flies come in front of me. In On the steps of the two pedals, there is a ditch full of urine, which is considered to be a pit. Three people can squat at a time without a toilet. I can't help but doubt the fox: can you squat after the operation? I'm sorting out the personal belongings brought back to the ward. The sanitary cleaner came in and spoke very instructively.
"You can't throw your things! You can't throw gauze into the toilet, and you can't turn the toilet upside down when urinating."
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