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before the coming of Christianity to Ireland the country was dominated by the Celtic culture development of the iron age when iron was replaced by bronze as the main metal for weapons and tools. The Celtic language Laws and religion were spoken and practised here persist controlled the Celtic religion. It was a pagan religion which believed in many gods

the coming of Christianity to Ireland
There were Christians in Ireland by the early fifth centaury. The pope sent a number of missionaries to visit the Irish Christians

Through the work of St Patrick and other missionaries Ireland was a largely Christian country by the early sfestivals became Christixth centaury. It was replaced by the pagan religion and the many Celtic festivals became christian festivals instead

What is St Patrick Confession

The Confession is an account written by St Patrick. It gives brief details of his life

Early Irish Monasteries
In the sixth centaury and after many monasteries were built in Ireland.ST Ita St Bridget St Enda St Ciaran of clonmacknois centres of learning and culture
*the bible was studied
*manuscripts (hand written books) were studied
*Metal working and stone carving produced great works of art
~*visitors were welcomed
however the monks lived simple lives
*they followed strict rules with an abbot in charge
*they produced their own food
*they wore long tunics with woollen cloaks and shoes or sandals

how do historians know about Cloonmacknois

Clonmacknois is on the backs of the River Shannon just south of present day Athlone was one of the greatest monasteries in Early Christian Ireland

there were other monestries besides clo0nmacknois ,Kells, Glendalough, Armagh. These were important centres of economic activity
built on islands. The most famous of those are Skellig Michael off the cost off Co Kerry they are called island monasteries

Some of the rules of St Columbanus

St Columbanus founded in France ,Germany ,Switzerland and Italy
*obey God
*the rule must be carefully observed
*the food of the monks shall be coursed consisting of cabbage vegetables flour mixed with water and a biscuit and taken toward evening lest the stomach be burdened and the mind confused. Gorging(eating greedily) must be guarded against eating and drunkenness drinking
*on earth they should be satisfied with the small possessions of greatest need
*let the monk live in a community under the discipline of the one father and in company with many others

the main activity of the monks was prayer. They had 6 or 8 prayer services each day. During the rest of the day there was work to be done on the farm-ploughing, milking and harvesting and grinding corn. The early Irish monasteries are most famous for their great works of art,

The towers were used as belfries when a handbell was rung from the top windows to call the monks to services


Christianity brought reading and writing to Ireland. The first reading and writing was done in Latin which was the language of the catholic church. Very soon manuscripts were being written in Irish. These changes brought Ireland into written history.

ogham stones

the first form of writing in Ireland was done on the side of stones. Lines carved along the edge of the rock represented words. write manuscripts in Latin and later in the Irish language


The monasteries produced manuscripts. Manuscripts are hand written book. the gospels the plasm the lives of saints and the Celtic sags (legends) were written down in latten the language of the church. Later ones were written in Irish . Some monks developed great skills in writing and illuminating (illustrating) . these monks were called scribes . The scribes were copied the manuscripts in the scriptorium on vellum (calf skin) or parchment (sheep skin) the monks used to write with quills the ink was produced by minrals plants and leaves
* the cathach is a copy of the psalms in Latin on vellum it is now one of the oldest existing manuscripts in Ireland
*the book of durrow is a copy of the gospels of Matthew mark luke and john in Latin
*the book of kells is a copy of the four gospels in Latin


The monks also carved high crosses secens from the bible as well as figures if saints> there carvings were used to teach people about Christianity


Monks also produced fine silver chalices croziers decorated with gold amber and enamel. The indicate gold wiring was called filigree


ST COLMCILLE WENT TO SCOTLAND to found the monasteries of Iona. St Cloumbanus and his followers travelled to the Contents and founded many monasteries in France Switzerland converted non Christian tribes to Christianity
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