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Backstory; Raven Warner was born in a small farm town, the population barely reaching 1 thousand within the last year. Her parents owned a small shop there to keep themselves stable, selling their crops and occasionally fertilizer if someone really needed it. Unfortunately, this was a life that their little girl had soon come to hate. As she grew older, she read tons and tons of books about warriors and warlocks, fighting amongst the evil in their worlds, but one story that really took her attention was of a mysterious man in a cloak. He never showed his face, but the tales of the power he held behind the mask made her wish she had been born in a big city like him. She would go out to a nearby forest to 'practice' techniques with sticks and such, and would go out there nearly everyday. That's where she met a small, injured bird, with which she took care of it until she could let it go. But that bird, which she figured out was a crow, just kept coming back, and every time, it landed on that book, as if it was telling her to go out and live her dreams. She didn't want to waste her life away farming and mixing animal feces into dirt, she wanted to get into action, to feel strong and gain power. At just 14 years old, Raven stuffed her backpack with her most important stories, clothes, drawings, and as some traveling carts passed through their village to receive their freshly grown food, she snuck onto the back and hid beneath the tarps, determined to live the life she wanted. It seemed her crow friend did want her to go somewhere else, because it came and perched on top of one of the boxes to go with her. It took approximately two and a half days for her to reach a much larger city, she had lived off the goods these people bought, and it would soon take her weeks before she found any source of hope. A man in an alleyway in a midnight black cloak.. the man from the story, or so she thought. That guy was none other then the henchman of the biggest assassination organization in that area of the world, but instead of hurting the young girl, seeing her homeless made him decide to take her in. Raven adjusted to this life quick, being taught all sorts of tactics in fighting and some other less legal activities, which she found to be so much more thrilling then being a hero. She could take all the money she wanted if she knew how to get it.. and that gave her a feeling of true power. She was trained for years, went out on dual assassinations for a few more before she did it on her own, growing and becoming one of the most powerful in the group. The crow, who she had named Oz, stuck with her the whole time, even helping warn her for people in the surrounding area or if her target had snuck away. The boss didn't like that though, as her potential to overthrow him was nearing, he decided to ensue the worst possible situation on the poor woman. He tracked down her family that had been heartbroken since she left, and put an assassination against them, When Raven heard that rumor, she raced back to her hometown to hopefully stop the attempt, but when she entered the home.. it was too late. The rage she felt in that moment was unstoppable, so upon coming back to their place of work, she darted straight to the bosses office, drawing her weapon and fighting off his guards, she only managed to slash across his face before she had to run and hide from the teammates who were quick to betray her. She traveled far from that city, building a life for herself and continuing her job as an assassin with nothing but a crow on her shoulder. The reason Oz has stayed alive for so long, is because he is actually a spirit of a crow, and Raven was the one who had found it when he became as such and became her 'familiar'.

Organizations; She used to be involved in an organization of her own kind, stealing and killing for their own pleasure or as a contract from someone else. She has long since abandoned those people after they betrayed her, instead doing business on her own time.

Alliance; Oz, a large crow that has stayed with Raven through everything.

Enemies; She has made an exceptional amount of enemies during her working years, far too many to make a count of. Her clients know her as the Black Watch.

Visual; She has various piercings and a tattoo that she had gotten throughout her years after leaving the organization.
Tattoo; Two large traditional Chinese dragons on her back in spirit of her parents
Piercings; 10mm gauge on the lobe, industrial bar on the right top cartilage, black spike snake bites on her lower lip.
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