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Best Strategies For Local SEO Competition
The International Association of Local SEOirms (IALSO) has revealed the results of their local SEO in its annual Local SEO Survey. This survey was conducted to gauge the state of the industry and the state of the search engines. It reveals that only six percent of local internet marketers think they have a competitive advantage when compared to the other five thousand local internet marketers. Only 25 percent of local searches are turning into profitable campaigns. The report also shows that only six percent of local searches are turning into conversions.

The fact that only six percent of searches are turning into conversions is a huge lacuna in the marketing strategy of most local SEO companies. These companies simply focus on their global strategies and forget to address the needs of their local market. It is unfortunate that most small businesses simply do not understand how to harness the full potential of local search.

It is therefore imperative for any local business to adopt a holistic approach that takes into account both the local aspects and the global search results. The first step to do this is to get your website optimized for local terms. You do not want to have any negative impact on your ranking just because you have submitted your site to a popular search engine. So, always remember to submit your site to popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and Bing.

However, do not be misguided by thinking that just submitting your website to popular search engines will automatically provide you with a good ranking in local search results. In fact, there are a number of things that you need to consider and remember. First, there is no magic formula for getting a good ranking in local results. Local SEO is a process and there is no magic wand. Even if there were such a magic wand, it would not be readily available for free! So you have to be practical about the process.

For example, you need to build a link profile. The link profile is the page that contains relevant and high quality backlinks that points to your home page. In addition, the links should be from authority sites and come from sites that are relevant to your niche. Once you have built your backlink profile, you can begin submitting your websites to major directories such as Yahoo, Bing and Google. In most cases, your website will need to undergo several rounds of approval before being accepted. Your submissions will need to be done in batches or you might not even be approved.

Another strategy that many local SEO companies use is to create business cards. Business cards have the advantage of having a physical, tangible product that customers can hold in their hand and examine. They are also used for other purposes such as giving directions to a business address or for contact information.

Many local SEO companies choose to hire freelance writers to write content for their business pages. Freelance writers are in high demand by local businesses because they can write content in a way that is more personal and one-on-one. The content should be relevant to the audience and targeted toward solving the reader's problem. This can give the company an edge over the competition.

Another strategy that can be used by a local SEO company is creating a blog. A blog can provide a link back to a main page, but it should be written to provide useful information to the reader rather than purely selling. If the blogger can incorporate useful tips on how to solve a common problem, the blog could potentially become viral. This is because the readers are more likely to share the information with others who are also looking for a solution to their problem. A blog is a great way to improve a businesses search engine ranking and get more traffic to the main website.
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