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Chimbalhar Heights is one of the finest hotels in Palampur. Each one introduced themselves and shared their interests, dreams and places where they came from. Like Dharamshala, this place can also be visited by one and all. General stores in the village sell a wide range of items like rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuits, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candles, notebooks, pen, pencil, even some types of cloth. Pseudo seeds and embryo like structures were recovered in barley and rice upon hybridization with I. cylindrica. The variability in the haploid induction parameters was observed to be under genetic control for embryo formation and regeneration, while pseudoseed formation was only affected by auxin treatment. The results obtained in the present investigation in respect of wide hybridization of different cereals with I. cylindrica showed that I. cylindrica was an efficient and effective pollen source for haploid induction in bread wheat and durum wheat. Abstract: The present investigation was undertaken to accelerate the wheat improvement programme with enhanced precision in respect of transferring the rye chromatin (Secale cereale) into wheat (Triticum aestivum) through triticale (x Triticosecale) as a bridging species. There were 18 lines detected through GISH which had no rye chromatin. The detection of new recombinants for introgression of rye chromatin through molecular cytogenetic analysis revealed that 67 lines were carrying 1RS.1BL translocation, 21 lines with five or more pair rye chromosomes substitution, 16 lines carrying translocation along with the substitution and 12 lines with 1R(1D) substitution, while only three lines carrying rye addition and two lines carrying rye addition along with translocation.
In the in vitro colchicine manipulation experiment, the colchicine concentration ranging from 300 ppm to 3000 ppm of 48, 72 and 96 hours of treatment induced doubling of the chromosomes. In the in vivo colchicine manipulation experiment, colchicine concentration ranging from 2000 ppm to 10,000 ppm at 48, 72 and 96 hours after pollination have yielded response to chromosome doubling. For the execution of wide hybridization, five cereals viz., wheat, rice, maize, barley and oat involving various promising lines/ genotypes were utilized and for colchicine manipulation experiments at in vitro and in vivo level, various formulation and combination of time, duration and colchicine were formulated and executed in DH 100 x DH 40 derived F1 hybrid of bread wheat. Abstract: newlineThe research endeavour entitled Imperata cylindrica- mediated induction of haploids in various cereals and enhancement of the system in wheat through colchicine manipulations was executed in the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur during the years 2007- 08 to 2009- 10 with the mission to induce haploids in wheat and other cereals using Imperata cylindrica as a pollen source and efficiency enhancement of the chromosome elimination-mediated system of doubled haploidy breeding in wheat through various colchicine manipulations at in vivo and in vitro level.

Maize and oat didn t respond well but there can be a ray of hope for the induction of haploids in these cereals also if more refinement and manipulation is done in hybridization techniques and culture protocols. Hence, it can be recommended as the best dose for achieving fruitful results and save time and energy spent on this exercise through earlier techniques. The lowest dose of NPK fertilizers, i.e. 50:25:25 kg/ha, produced the highest vertical and radial growth rate. Application of injection of single dose of 2000 ppm colchicine concentration at 48 hours of pollination has given most stable results in doubling the chromosome number. The triticale x wheat recombinants were further subjected to Imperata cylindrica mediated chromosome elimination approach of doubled haploids production. Abstract: The growth and biomass production of some fuel-wood species, found locally as well a exotic, were studied under short rotation high-density plantation under the agroclimatic conditions of Palampur in the northwestern Himalaya. The chicken momo marketed at Palampur and adjoining areas were found to be physico-chemically, microbiologically and sensorily acceptable and safe for human consumption.

In this study, the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory attributes of fresh ready-to-eat chicken momo were analyzed. Abstract : The aim of this study was to assess the quality attributes of fresh ready-to-eat chicken momo, a traditional chicken product of Trans-Himalayan region marketed in and around Palampur (HP). Author Affiliation : Post Graduate Studies, H. P. Palampur,, Himachal Pradesh, Kangra, Dharamshala, Hotels in Palampur , Palampur - 176 062, India. Achievements in biological control of diseases with antagonistic organisms at Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. Conference Title : Current status of biological control of plant diseases using antagonistic organisms in India. Book chapter; Conference paper : Current status of biological control of plant diseases using antagonistic organisms in India. Dr. Bikram Singh, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Natural Plant Products, NPP Division, IHBT CSIR, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, 176 061, India. Biodiversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with rice-based cropping system in around Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Baijnath got its name from Shiva Vaidyanatha. The per capita intake for cereal was higher in Baijnath (436.00±9.08 g/day), followed by Bhawarna (430.33±2.11 g/day) and Panchrukhi (426.43±15.81 g/day) respectively as compared to RDA (400 g/day). Observations at 3 years after planting showed that the significantly highest vertical growth rate was exhibited by Crevillea robltsta followed by jacaranda acutifolia and Eucalyptus hybrid.
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