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Oxycodone Addiction - Signs of Abuse and Dependence
 Oxycodone Addiction - Signs of Abuse and Dependence OxyContin is a powerful painkiller that has been the subject of many controversial debates. It has been linked to many deaths and has been linked to a number of illicit activities including suicide. One controversy that has been developing for several years is whether or not oxycodone is habit forming. Some people take the view that as with many other pain relievers, once addicted, the drug has no effect on the individual. OxyContin is Schedule II medication, which means it has very high levels of danger of addiction and abuse. There are some signs of oxy addiction that may be observed in individuals who have taken the medication for prolonged periods of time.

When an individual becomes addicted to this drug, he or she begins to experience a number of oxycodone side effects. These side effects can range from a mild sensation of pain to severe pain. If you have become addicted to OxyContin and are seeing a sign of these side effects, you should get help now before the situation gets worse.
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Oxycodone abuse can be dangerous because there are known oxycodone side effects. These include respiratory depression, hallucinations, and severe pain. This type of abuse can cause death if it is done on a regular basis. Signs of abuse are increasingly common among individuals who abuse prescription painkillers. Individuals who are abusing oxycodone are usually lying to their doctors about when they last had their pain treated.

There are a number of warning signs of abuse. For example, a person who is taking OxyContin and starts to lose weight may have been doing so intentionally. They will use laxatives and other medications to make themselves feel full. An addict will increase the amount of the drug they are taking to feel like they are satisfied. If how to pass mouth swab drug test go through this cycle often, they are probably using the medication for non-medical purposes.

Other oxycodone addiction signs include: an increase in appetite, changes in sleeping patterns, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and increased urination. If someone feels these symptoms for an extended period of time, they are probably getting their medication illegally through illegal drugs. If you suspect someone you know has become addicted to OxyContin, seek help right away. There are treatment centers available for those who are suffering from this problem.
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Withdrawal symptoms are different for every individual who takes prescription medications. Most signs of withdrawal are mild to moderate. site who abuse their medication will experience strong withdrawal symptoms that can include: intense cravings, depression, anxiety, lethargy, insomnia, dizziness, irritability, mood swings, restlessness, and extreme urge to return to the drug. Those with extreme oxycodone tolerance may even experience a complete withdrawal from the drug.

Those suffering from OxyContin addiction may experience many signs of abuse and dependence. They should always seek help from their doctor before it gets out of control. OxyContin abuse or dependence often starts with non-medical use of the drug. If non-medical use is the beginning of a problem, those with OxyContin addiction may experience:

Many people feel hopeless and worried about their health and future when confronted by OxyContin addiction. However, it is not true that OxyContin is completely without hope. There are rehab centers available for those who have a difficult path ahead. Those seeking rehab treatment should make sure they go to a facility that offers safe, clean environments and all the support they need to get them back on the road to recovery. These programs should be staffed with people who are there to listen to their story and offer them all the tools they need for a successful drug free life. It is possible for people to completely overcome OxyContin addiction once they enter a drug treatment center.

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