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Recognizing The Symptoms Of Benzodiazepine Addiction
 Recognizing The Symptoms Of Benzodiazepine Addiction If you're an alcoholic or addict, then chances are good that you already know about benzodiazepine addiction. This is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for anxiety and insomnia, and it is often given in combination with other drugs like sedatives or painkillers. Benzodiazepines are also widely used to treat depression and bipolar disorders. However, the real problems begin when people start taking these medications for periods of time and then suddenly begin to have severe side effects like memory loss, blurry vision, and difficulty thinking and concentrating.

Unfortunately, this kind of abuse is a growing problem not just among alcoholics but with people with other mental health issues like schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and depression. The most common reasons for benzodiazepine addiction are repeatedly taking larger doses than instructed and exceeding the recommended course of therapy, though many addicts just start using benzodiazepines without a prescription. Other causes of this kind of abuse are repeated misuse, overexposure to drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, and barbiturates, and the accidental or legal misuse of tranquilizers obtained through medical laxatives.
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While it's always important to consult a professional before starting any kind of substance addiction, benzodiazepine addiction can be particularly dangerous because the symptoms don't usually manifest until the medication has already completely eliminated all incentive to continue. This is why detoxification is so important. Once someone has become addicted to benzodiazepines, they'll usually have several unpleasant side effects that will interfere with their ability to function normally. Some of these symptoms are sleep deprivation, restlessness, anxiety, depression, irritability, panic attacks, and tics. Because benzodiazepine addiction is typically treated with counseling, it's important for family members and the patient to recognize warning signs early.

Sleepiness is one of the biggest problems associated with benzodiazepine addiction. Patients who take the drug often report feeling sleepy during the day and then become exhausted by the end of the night. This sudden lack of energy often results in a patient going to the bathroom several times during the night which leads to an increase in the frequency and severity of their slurred speech. Because these side effects are so bothersome, patients will frequently take more of the drug to counter the effects. This vicious cycle of increased dosage plus increased potential for side effects results in the patient getting progressively more depressed, anxious, and fatigued over time.
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People who suffer from depression and anxiety disorders can also inadvertently develop benzodiazepine addiction by mixing the pills with alcohol or other substances that provide them with temporary relief from stress or feelings of fatigue. When the body produces more of the drug to counter these feelings, the patient's body will become reliant on the relief it provides. Unfortunately, when this vicious cycle sets in, it can lead to devastating health consequences including heart failure, seizures, and hallucinations.

As noted above, the primary risk of developing benzodiazepine addiction occurs when the drugs are abused. visit of abuse comes from long-term use of the drugs for people who suffer from long-term anxiety disorders. Long-term benzodiazepine addiction can result in withdrawal symptoms when the patient attempts to stop using the medication. This can include everything from sweating to nausea and diarrhea.

Although long-term exposure to the substance has been proven to be potentially addictive, studies have shown that the majority of patients suffering from long-term benzodiazepine addiction do not actually become addicted to the substance. Instead, they develop a psychological dependence on the drug which can lead to unpleasant physical withdrawal symptoms once the medication is taken away. In the case of individuals who suffer from a mental health disorder, an addiction may develop even more due to the presence of other substances in the body.

For those patients who are suffering from severe addiction problems, help is available. Medical treatment can be obtained if the patient is willing to enter inpatient care. Benzodiazepine replacement therapy is often used in conjunction with counseling as patients attempt to gradually wean themselves from the substance. Over time, patients can begin to experience less severe withdrawal symptoms on a regular basis. With continued counseling and attention, success is possible with benzodiazepine addiction treatment.

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