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Understanding Alcoholism and Depression
 Understanding Alcoholism and Depression Alcohol addiction is a serious disorder that causes a person to severely abuse alcohol. The severity of this addiction, as well as how much alcohol they consume, varies from individual to individual. Some individuals drink heavily all day long, while other people occasionally binge drink and at least temporarily remain sober. Regardless of how serious the addiction may be, usually someone tends to have an alcohol addiction when they excessively depend on alcohol to survive or cover up their emotions.

Symptoms of alcohol addiction are many and vary by individual. Some of the more common symptoms include depression, irritability, insomnia, anger, anxiety, feeling restless or constantly feeling like the world is out to get them, not sleeping, and social withdrawal, which means that they withdraw from both their friends and social environments. It can also cause a decrease in one's personal hygiene due to excessive drinking. Alcoholism can also lead to serious side effects, such as heart failure, liver damage, stroke, liver enlargement, high blood pressure, and a decrease in one's sexual functions. Some of these side effects can progress if alcohol is not treated.
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A problem with alcohol addiction may make it hard to control ones self-control or stop drinking. In addition, alcohol addiction may make it hard to cope with day-to-day life, such as performing simple tasks, driving, or maintaining employment. This is why it's important to seek help if you think that a loved one or friend may have an alcohol addiction. There are various treatment options available that can help someone with a problem quit drinking, including medications, counseling, support groups, and lifestyle changes.

The symptoms of a mental health issue, such as alcohol addiction, can be very similar to those of other co-occurring disorders. Therefore, it's important to rule out any mental health issues first before considering alcohol addiction. Symptoms that suggest a co-occurring disorder include: depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis, post traumatic stress, schizophrenia, irritability, mania, agitation, impulsivity, or speech problems.
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Alcoholism is a medical condition that often goes hand in hand with other physical conditions. Because alcohol addiction affects the brain's reward center, it can make a person feel uncontrollable. how to pass a hair drug test in 24 hours develop a tolerance to alcohol, which allows them to consume more without getting the same "high." This is why many alcoholics abuse alcohol on a regular basis, despite the fact that their body may be craving another drink.

It's also possible for alcohol addiction to lead to a mental health issue. Because people often use alcohol to numb the pain of certain physical conditions, an increased risk of developing depression is one of the side effects of alcohol addiction. People who are dependent on alcohol are more likely to experience a serious mental health condition such as depression or dementia later in life.

Like other forms of addiction, alcohol addiction requires help. A 12-step program that offers guidance and resources for those who want to stay sober can be a tremendous asset in the fight against alcohol addiction. Because some of these programs are based on religious beliefs, it's important for people who are struggling to overcome their addiction to find a program that will support their belief system and work in conjunction with it. Support groups are also a great way to stay sober when you're struggling with your drinking.

If you're concerned about your mental health and are struggling with alcohol drinking, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. There are a number of treatment centers that offer a variety of recovery options. The more assistance you receive, the better off you will be. Remember that your recovery is ongoing, so it's important to seek treatment immediately if you think you're drinking too much.

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