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What You Can Learn From Bill Gates About BEST MARIJUANA DISPENSARY
As more states proceed to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, dispensaries are becoming more and more prevalent to meet demand. As the business of growing marijuana for medical use grows, serious consideration must be given to methods of improving crop yield, automation, and decreasing the price of growing. The most preventable causes of lost profit in a hydroponic dispensary is really a type of fungus referred to as powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew is a very common fungus, and established fact to numerous farmers and gardeners. It poses a particular problem to growers of marijuana, however. The fungus thrives within an environment marked by high humidity and mid range temperatures. Unfortunately, this makes marijuana plants extremely vunerable to powdery mildew, as they are also the conditions under which cannabis grows best. Plants that are infected with powdery mildew will quickly display white patches which will eventually spread to cover the plant if not treated. Because the fungus continues to reproduce, the mildew will eventually cover the plant, killing it along the way.

Obviously, a fungus of this variety can cause a great deal of damage in terms of the crop yield and profitability of a medical dispensary. Certain types of commercial fungicide exist that can kill of the mildew before it progresses too far. Unfortunately, these chemicals may only be applied during certain stages of the life cycle of marijuana plants without negatively affecting their health. In the conducive environment that a hydroponic dispensary provides, one plant that becomes infected with powdery mildew will quickly allow it to spread to others, increasing the entire business expense of making use of these fungicides. In either event, the bottom line profit is cut into by the current presence of this fungus.

Buy medical marijuana online One option for medical marijuana dispensaries that wish to avoid problems with mildew may be the installing commercial grade air purification systems. Large capacity electronic home air cleaners that employ one of more carbon filters can remove mold and mildew spores from the air before they have to be able to grow on plants, reducing the likelihood of an infection spreading to the crop. This creates a more healthful work place for dispensary employees, who might otherwise be exposed to the mold spores. Many commercial electronic home air cleaners are also equipped with ultraviolet lights, which can neutralize mold spores in the air and further prevent mildew infestations.

As in every branches of agriculture, the marijuana growing business will likely move toward greater sophistication and productivity in the future. In many other crop plants, selective hybridization and special preventative chemicals have largely been able to eliminate crop losses due to mildew. However, hydroponic dispensaries face their own set of problems, as they create ideal growing conditions for powdery mildew. Until further advances allow plants to be developed which are more resistant to this fungus, profit loss because of mildew in medical marijuana dispensaries will be a reality of the business, and one that producers must be mindful of.
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