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How long can chicken be kept in the fridge?
Chicken is considered to be a essential meat for many families.

This nutritious, delicious source of protein could be infected by bacteria. This is why it's important to store, prepare and cook it correctly. It could lead to foodborne diseases.

While it's convenient to store chicken in your fridge, some people wonder how long they could safely store chicken.

This article will show you how long chicken can stay in your fridge.

How long does chicken last in the fridge?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA"), raw chickens can remain in the refrigerator for approximately 2 to 3 days. The raw turkey and other birds are equally eligible for similar treatment.

Chikem cooked in the meantime can last in the refrigerator approximately 3-4 days.

The storage of chicken in the refrigerator reduces the growth of bacterial. Bacteria grow more slowly at temperatures below forty degrees Fahrenheit (4degreeC).

To stop raw chicken from leakage or contamination of other food items, it is best to store the food in a leak-proof container. Refrigerate cooked chicken in an airtight box.

If chicken needs to be stored for more than a few hours, it is recommended to store it in your freezer.

Chicken pieces that are raw can be frozen for upto 9 months. A whole chicken could last for up to one and two and a half years. For 2-6 months, you can store cooked chicken in your freezer.


Raw chicken can stay in your refrigerator for approximately 1-2 days while cooked chicken will last around 3-4 days.

How do you identify if your chicken is bad

Chicken that is left in the refrigerator for more than a few days could be in danger.

Here are some methods you can determine if your chicken is poor.

It's over the "best before" date. Cooked or raw chicken that isn't used by/before the "best by" dates is more likely to spoil.

Colors shift. Raw or cooked chicken is turning a gray-green shade. Moldy spots that appear grayish-green indicate that there is bacterial growth.

What does it smell as? When chicken is cooked, raw or cooked, it gives off an acidic scent. This smell could turn like ammonia as the chicken gets bad. It is possible to miss this smell if your chicken is marinated in sauces and herbs. . Chicken with a slimy texture is bad. Rinsing chickens does not kill bacteria. It is possible to cross-contaminate if bacteria are transferred from the poultry to other food items or utensils.

You can throw out any chicken that has gone damaged in your fridge.


If the chicken's color has begun to fade or it is exhibiting an acidic or foul odor It is possible to tell that it's a problem.

The potential dangers of eating chicken that is rotten

It is possible to contract foodborne illness from eating spoiled poultry, which is also known as food poisoning.

There is a high chance of food poisoning from chicken due to the possibility of it being contaminated by bacteria such as Campylobacter or Salmonella.

These bacteria can be eliminated if cook fresh chicken properly.

Avoid eating chicken that is rotten. Re-heating and baking can kill the bacteria on the surface but it's not enough to eliminate all of their toxins. This can cause food poisoning.

Food poisoning is a serious disease that can trigger nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

In severe cases of food poisoning, hospitalization could be necessary.

It is not recommended to consume your chicken if you think it's been rotten. It is best to dispose of any chicken you suspect is been rotten.


Food poisoning can result from eating spoiled chicken, even if it is properly cooked.

The bottomline

Raw chicken lasts in the refrigerator for about 1-2 days, while cooked chicken can last for 3-4 days.

You can tell when the chicken you purchased is not good by checking the "best before" date. Look out for signs such as changes in color, smell, texture, or taste.

Food poisoning is often caused by the rotten chicken.

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