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When I feel I am not good enough, I think back to all the things I've achieved where I didn't believe I could make it and I finally did. I ask myself why am I feeling this way. Did I flunk a test? Are my friends going out with someone and I am not? Did someone make a comment and I can't stop thinking about it? Did I work really hard or made a great effort to achieve something and I didn't make it?
Most of the time I find that the source of my unhappiness is due to the fact that I compare myself and my experiences with others. I'm not saying it's wrong but I don't think it's healthy to compare yourself to anyone if you're only concentrating on your flaws.
Yeah, maybe that dude has a lot of friends and goes out all the time but that doesn't mean that you not having many friends or going out every Friday night means you're a loser. It just means you're different. And yeah, maybe that girl got a 100 on the Chemistry test that you studied all night for and she didn't even open her notebook. That doesn't mean you're a failure or that she's better than you. It just means she's good at Chemistry.

I know comparing yourself to other people is a difficult habit to leave behind, but it's worth it. Instead of comparing yourself to other people, try looking at your own experiences. Okay, maybe you flunked that Trig test last week but you did so well on the quiz from two weeks ago. What changed? Maybe you didn't really pay attention in class, maybe you slept too late watching series, maybe you forgot you had a test that day. The thing is that you should compare yourself to yourself. Look at your past decisions critically. "Okay, maybe I did sleep late that night but it's because I had homework due next morning!" So maybe you should try to organize your time in such a way that allows you to sleep early everyday and avoid accumulating lots of school work for one night.
If you feel that you can't help but compare yourself to others, fine. But do so in a constructive manner. "Why does that girl never studies and always gets good grades?" Maybe she studies after class so she doesn't have to study all for the day of the exam, maybe she goes to tutoring sessions on the afternoon, maybe she likes Chemistry. Try to search the qualities and behaviour of these people you compare yourself with and try to assimilate them in your life.
"How does that dude have so many friends? How does he manage to go out every weekend?" Maybe he's a thoughtful person, maybe he's hella funny, maybe he's kind to everyone, maybe he has a part time job and uses his pay to go out, maybe his parents give him an allowance, maybe he has a hella lot of coupons for Papa John's.
There is always something you can learn from other people. Instead of putting yourself down, think about the things you're good at. Maybe you are the best when it comes to remembering important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries, maybe you're the fastest reader at home, maybe you always beat people at Scrabble, maybe
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