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hi hi hi hi hai hi hi hai hi hai hi hi hai hi hi hai hi hi hi hi nyan( pronounced nyan nyan nyan nyan ry ry nay yan Rye Eye nyan Ry ry JoFu Joe Foo Weiss Weiss Y is Weiss Crinn Crinn Krinn Kurr In Mythic Mith Frawg) TEA TEA IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I WROTE A NOTE Sadge i'm sorry that it's taken so long tea lately i have regular 9-5 job mon-Fri but also am lifting weights and trying to count calories cuz thangGF most beautiful girl in the world ( except for thangLittleSis who's not actual Sister but is k cuz is little sis and nyan who's also very attracive and my friend NODDERS ) tea i would be slob for me cuz idc but thangGF the coolest in the world and she deserves to be standing next to wonho or maybe someone who looks like body of Joseph Joestar tea also i'm watching jojo's still and on the 2nd part of the season that has jotaro kujo NODDERS tea it's very hard tfor me to find time to watch anime + 2 jobs + workout and track calories and sleep but its k oh tea lso have been playing brilliant diamond and i wanna catch them all but also instead of catching everything i'm catching the lowest base form of every possible mon and then raising all of them naturally through evolution with levels or using friendship but i'm at the 5th gym and i have 2 teams of 6 my b team is pretty not that cool but my A team i think is very cool NODDERS i want to beat the game with B team and then when the champion cynthia ( aka sexia cuz she's sexy NODDERS ) goes for the 2nd challenge when she gets stronger i'll use stronger team but also i'm going for aesthetic so they're not actually that cool but i think they're cool and i'm going to go super over leveled like i'm not even at 6th gym city and my pokemon are all level 60 all 12 of them NODDERS I know that Ry is playing cuz i sometimes see him playing ry where are you in the game? i want to know who is starter pls and what is your team ry if you want to know i can tell you my 2 teams but after note NODDERS tea also when i go treadmill and need to burn extra calorie i go on treadmill and then i watch anime NODDERS i finished 4 episodes of one piece while on treadmill and felt p cool cuz was efficient and managed to watch anime NODDERS tea sometimes my clothes smell like my 2nd job cuz is food packaging and sometimes i get the food on my clothes but is k cuz at least is very tasty smelling NODDERS tea today i went to trader joes and then i bought lots of salads and a schwarma wrap tea did you know that shwarma is very tasty like if it has good hummus in sauce its brbGasm tea you said chat was pog peepoShy tea am i too also pog widepeepoHappy tea someday can i play games with you again you're v good gamer and i tried playing mario party with other people but i lose every time Sadge you and Ry and Nyan god gamers and i'm p not good but you guys make me feel cool cuz i love you TEA YOU JUST SAID YOUR HEAD HURTS IS IT BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HYDRATING MAGE tea i need to know what you did and ate today and also i need to know as of late how has your diet been has it consisted of more fast food or more made at home food? is there more vegetables ? are you eating any Mediterranean food ? tea there are many questions i need to know tea have you been playing basketball also tea i never asked but want to know what kind of shoes are you playing basketball in ar ethey good shoes pepoThink tea you need to support your ankles and also give you shoes for optimal hops except tea for you when its a lift into the air its more of a leap because just like saitama if you wanted to you could leap onto the moon ona single 8% effort jump off of the ground tea if you saw haikyuu you could single handedly defeat karasuno because you're just so fast and undefeatable tea why are you saying monkers it's monkerS tea don't you know how you speak peepoThink tea tea nyan is right its Mon like poke Mon and cuh like wassup cuh not ker like kermit the frog NOPERS tea you're doing wrong cuz you're foreign NOPERS tea also did you eat any vegetables today? have you been eating fiber lately? tea i've been taking protein lately and it's making my poo's not good but its helping my muscle growth Sadge bad poos tea i hope lots of fiber your way also tea you should try eating and snacking on pumpkin seeds they're very tasty widepeepoHappy also tea i hope you know even though not here i love you lots like if you could edefine infinity even though it's not actulally possible to define a never ending thing that would still be not enough to define how much i love you because it's infinite and never ending NODDERS tea BECAUSE I LOVE YOU I NEED YOU TO KNOW YOU MUST SURVIVE FOR ALL TIME AND TO DO THAT YOU MUST HYDRATE AND IN ORDER TO HYDRATE YOU NEED THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE IN MODERN HYDRATION IT'S THE SUPER HYDRATION SHOT READY TEA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 7 4 3 2 1 NOW TEA GO HYDRATION SHOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEA YOU NEED TO DRIHNK SO MUCH WATER IT ENVELOPES THE ENTIRE PLANET 9 TIMES IN PURE DRINKABLE WATER SOURCING also tea i love you and your penis? big NODDERS tea also you're very handsome and tea have you played other games besides eternal swagturn? also tea you and ry are god tier super gamer at eternal swagturn NODDERS i love you peepoShy peepoLove peepoLove peepoShy peepoHug peepoLove peepoShy thangUwu peepoLove
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