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The body has three "red codes" that can't be ignored? Or cancer is tangled, so remember.
Hemorrhoid Cream

Almost everyone has experienced bleeding, such as nosebleed, gum bleeding and scratch bleeding. These are small problems. However, some bleeding may be cancer, such as hematuria, bloody stool and irregular vaginal bleeding. Anyway, bleeding in different parts means different diseases. Let's know more.
1. Vaginal bleeding
Menstruation suddenly increased, irregular bleeding occurred in the vagina, and menstruation was still unclean after more than 10 days. It is likely that inflammation occurs in the vagina, uterus or fallopian tube, or endometriosis or adenomyoma. However, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer and vaginal cancer can also have irregular vaginal bleeding. The early symptoms of endometrial cancer and cervical cancer are not typical. Vaginal contact bleeding may occur, such as bleeding after sexual life or gynecological examination. Some patients have increased and yellowing leucorrhea, bloody leucorrhea or vaginal secretions.
In recent years, the incidence rate of cervical cancer tends to be younger. Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus infection is a clear cause of cervical cancer. After the age of 25, women should go to the hospital for joint screening of human papillomavirus and TCT once a year. In case of irregular vaginal bleeding and abnormal leucorrhea, seek medical examination as soon as possible.
2. Bloody stool
When it comes to bloody stool, people will inevitably think of hemorrhoids, but it may also be rectal lesions, anal fistula, anal tumors and intestinal polyps, among which colorectal cancer is the most terrible. With the increase of tumor volume and insufficient blood supply, some cancer lesions will gradually die, tissue fall off or blood vessels rupture, resulting in bloody stool. The color of blood in stool varies greatly with the location where cancer grows.
For example, upper gastrointestinal bleeding caused by gastric cancer makes the blood in stool black; The bleeding caused by rectal cancer is bloody or there are blood clots in feces, accompanied by changes in defecation characteristics; Stool blood caused by colon cancer is brown or dark red because it stays in the intestine for a long time. Therefore, as long as there are symptoms of abdominal pain and bloody stool, it can not be simply considered as hemorrhoids, but need to go to the hospital for anal digital examination and colonoscopy to eliminate the possibility of cancer.
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