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Jabba the Hutt.: The twin suns of Tatooine had set some time ago as the villainous and vile Palace of Jabba the Hutt fell silent, the various patrons having retired from their day to the various rooms they inhabited, only the faint snoring of some guests that dwelled in the court chamber were heard. No guards were in sight, the eerie darkness swallowing the light like the great jaws of a beast, a beast soon one poor soul would find themselves consumed by. The Carbonite frozen body of Han Solo hung on the wall faintly in the dim light, his twisted expression of pain a permanent reminder to the enemies of the great and powerful Jabba the Hutt that none cross him and get away with it. It would seem it would just be another night for the Hutts criminal empire, that was until the faint sounds of boots crept through its halls.

Jabba the Hutt.: ‘’HO HO HO HO’’ just as the soft embrace of their lips was moments away, it was quickly extinguished by that terrible, booming voice. ‘’HO HO HO’’ it rang out again, this time louder. The still blind and sweaty smuggler dropped his face, ‘’I know that laugh.’’ Han said with a fearful tone, it was in that moment that a large curtain drew back from behind them, the booth revealing the slimy, ugly and sadistic Jabba the Hutt along with his men all laughing at their trap, Threepio flailed about as his mouth was covered, unable to warn his dear friends as more and more of Jabba’s men swarmed from various areas to surround the hapless lovers. ‘’Hello Solo!’’ The gangsters voice called out smugly, having realised early on in the day that the supposed ‘’Boussh’’ was not who they said they were. ‘’Jabba, look, I was on my way to pay you back, but I got a little side tracked!’’ Han tried to reason, weakly walking forward to reason with his old boss. ‘’It’s too late for that now Solo, you were a good smuggler, but now you’re batha poodoo!’’ Salicious Crumb cackling next to his master as several guards marched up to Han, grabbing his shoulders to haul him away. ‘’Jabba! You’re missing out on a fortune here don’t be a fool!’’ The pitiful words falling from his mouth as he was dragged off. The Hutts eyes turning to gaze at the human beauty that stood before him. Gesturing his men, his orange orbs widening as he stared at the princess. ‘’Bring her to me!’’

Jabba the Hutt.: Jabba’s eyes followed the princess excitedly as the Gamorrean shoved her forward, watching her defiant expression before she was pushed into his hulking, squishy mass, his eyes staring deep into hers as he heard her weak comment. ‘’I’m sure’’ he responded smugly, feeling in total control as he brushed off her weak threat, his tongue slowly drawing from his lips with a horrible squelch as he let out a groan, the wet appendage Traveling across his maw before it greeted Leia’s smooth skin, Jabba relishing the taste of his newest prize. ‘’Oh I can’t bear to watch!’’ Threepio cried out in horror over the cackling of Crumb who watched with glee. Finally drawing off from her chin, Jabba smirked as he scanned the heavy padding of Leia’s costume, years of female company having made him realize there was much of that tight body she was hiding. ‘’Solo’s taste in companions has improved! I think you will make a much better....trophy for me. Take her to be prepared, I want to see this beauty as the true princess she is.’’ Jabba’s words taunting Leia as he stroked her chin one last time as the guard gripped her shoulders to begin hauling her off.

Jabba The Hutt: Jabba watched with lustful anticipation as the Princess was hauled away, he knew his harem girls would fix her up to his standards and his tail wriggled in excitement as the thought of her smooth, flawless skin being pressed into his, his tongue savoring her juices and his tail entering her most precious regions. Several hours passed as Jabba dismissed his court, the usually busy chamber now empty and silent as the Crime Lord say lazily upon his throne, smoking his hookah pipe slowly his mind raced through the endless possible outfits that his new toy would soon adorn. It was in that moment of leering dreaming that footsteps approached, Jabba’s trusted guard captain leading Leia by her leash as she slowly entered the room. The Hutts eyes widened in sheer amazement as he began to drool anew, inspecting every flawless part of her body, only accentuated more by the skimpy outfit that she now had as her only dignity. Finally reaching her pretty face, the guard handed his boss the leash, leaving the chamber as he was at last left alone with his captured princess, his smug grin widening as Leia gave a brief twirl, Jabba had encountered slaves who were eager to please to avoid worse fates, but this seemed different, almost as if Leia had instinctually done it just to show him. He gazed down her smooth, unblemished back, noticing and studying every detail of her exposed back that just had two thin straps along her shoulder blades, keeping her bra in place. As he gazed down, his eyes lit up more as the thin, silky skirt swayed lightly in the breeze, pushed outwards by her firm, round behind that was now permanently exposed on both the sides and the top, the metallic portion completely open to his lustful vision at all times, exposing the tops and smooth crevice of her bouncy ass cheeks. Jabba’s mind painting a picture of her shapely ass bouncing on his tail, which only made the Hutt in heat, noticing her blushing face of embarrassment was one of her own doing her inner self shamed at her willingness to show Jabba her assets despite of who he was and what had happened. ‘’What a beauty you are indeed Khankee, you will fit in here come closer, let me get a look at you!’’ His commanding and deep words echoed the chamber as Jabba gave a firm tug on the leash, staggering Leia slightly as she was ordered to come closer. ‘’Right up to me, don’t be shy my lovely.’’ His tail was already writhing, shuffling several pillows and clattering a chalice over as the appendage coiled up near his stomach, to be closer once his prize was close.
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