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An Introduction to Methadone Addiction
 An Introduction to Methadone Addiction As a medication for chronic pain, Methadone has been a steady source of medical relief for millions of Americans for decades. However, like many prescription pain relievers, misuse of Methadone may have serious side effects. Methadone can be used for months at a time and has many benefits, such as reducing or eliminating the physical dependency associated with most opiates. However, abuse of Methadone has become a serious problem. In some countries, such as Mexico and Canada, methadone has even been used as a recreational drug. Unfortunately, in the United States, the negative side effects of this drug put many individuals in a potentially compromising situation.

The physical addiction to Methadone consists of several distinct phases, including rapid detoxification, stabilization, maintenance, and withdrawal. In most cases, rapid detoxification occurs following long-term use, and is experienced within hours of cessation. During this phase, the individual will experience a significant increase in physical and psychological symptoms and may also exhibit signs of psychosis. Methadone provides relief during this phase; however, its continued use leads to a more significant increase in risk for methadone addiction.
Effectiveness of Drug Tests
Maintenance is the next phase of Methadone addiction, lasting approximately six weeks. At this point, an individual begins using Methadone again, in order to stave off the uncomfortable physical side effects of withdrawal. At this point, a patient may be referred to a treatment center for further treatment - either inpatient or outpatient. Methadone maintenance is the common first stage of treatment. Once Methadone maintenance is achieved, patients can begin using on a short term basis, either indefinitely or under certain circumstances (i.e., after hospitalization).

Withdrawal is the final stage of Methadone addiction, and is usually the most difficult. When abruptly stopped, Methadone users report feelings of intense pain, including restlessness, nausea, and vomiting. To prevent these feelings of discomfort, a Methadone user may smoke, consume crack cocaine, heroin, or other narcotic substances. Chronic use of Methadone may produce similar effects; however, these feelings do not occur without prolonged use of Methadone. This extended period of time spent under the influence of Methadone can create a unique set of physical, mental, and emotional effects.

One of the primary purposes of treatment in Methadone rehab centers is to provide a drug-free environment in which addicts can come and recover without enduring the physical and mental consequences of their actions. However, because prolonged use of Methadone creates such profound changes in the function of the human body, it is not uncommon for Methadone addicts to experience significant psychological effects. While Get the facts is not likely that these symptoms will lead to a diagnosis of a psychological addiction, they certainly exist. The physical side effects of Methadone administration include tremors, hypertension, sweating, nausea, vomiting, mania, insomnia, and increased appetite.
Comprehensive Drug Testing
The physical side effects of long-term use of Methadone are not unusual in comparison to the physical consequences of long-term use of heroin or other illegal narcotics. Methadone is used in conjunction with an anti-narcotic like Niacinamide, which counteracts the physical withdrawal symptoms many heroin addicts experience when removing drugs from their bodies. Because methadone only controls cravings for the drug, users must be aware that continued use can produce new cravings for the drug. If one is able to avoid exposure to heroin, it is usually not necessary to maintain a Methadone maintenance prescription.

Apart from the physical effects of long-term abuse of Methadone, there are also some serious psychological issues that may develop as a result of continued exposure to a potentially harmful heroin use. One such problem is called " Turner's Syndrome" and is characterized by symptoms such as irritability, agitation, and depression. It can have potentially devastating results if it is not treated.

In view of the potential harmful effects of Methadone addiction, it is strongly recommended that individuals seeking treatment for their addictions undergo drug detoxification. This process consists of abstaining from all narcotic drugs, including Methadone, for periods ranging from two to six weeks, during which time the patient will be carefully observed for any changes or deterioration in their mental or emotional state. While under this process, patients may experience nausea and/or vomiting, feel nervous and agitated, or lose their appetite. If these symptoms are present and can be controlled, it is often advisable to continue with Methadone maintenance doses while waiting for the results of the drug detox process. Once the initial detox period has ended, periodic maintenance doses of Methadone can be introduced. This allows the patient to gradually ease into reduced dosages without experiencing the unpleasant side effects of the original heroin addiction, while still maintaining the beneficial effects of the original treatment process.

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