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Google Social Impact - What Does it Mean?
Social Networking, or commonly referred to as 2 legged Social Media (2LS) has caught the fancy of a large number of Internet Marketers and entrepreneurs who seek to make their business and products known by an expanding base of customers. Google, in magazine to be the top search engine, has introduced Google+ which is a new social networking platform built on the idea of the Google+ brand. Google+ may not be the permanent replacement for Google Buzz but it may give Google a real boost in the area of marketing and sales. If you're unfamiliar with Google+ and how it works, then you might be surprised by Google's latest foray into the realm of social media and might find that Google+ can offer you more than what you thought.

It's not a bad idea to start off by asking yourself, "What's Google+?" You might be surprised to know that the name actually originated from a product manufactured by Google. The product is called Google Buzz, which was eventually launched in 2021. The name change was sparked by the need for a simpler alternative to Google Buzz.

What is Google+? This social platform is designed to complement the existing Google services. You will probably find that most of the features available will be those that are already available on Google. There is however a few unique elements that you might find useful. Since Google is trying to create a social media platform from the ground up, it is logical to expect that there will be plenty of marketing options available.

What options may be available? Some of the more basic features include a blogging platform and a product review site. If you have been following the news, then these may already be features that you have subscribed to. If you are new to the idea of social media marketing, then you may be pleasantly surprised at the wide array of marketing options that Google+ has to offer.

You could try out Google's paid advertising options. Google is one of the biggest online advertisers in the world. Their single ad is currently worth over $6 billion. Even if you do not intend to use this strategy, it is nice to know that it exists.

Google has an extensive section dedicated to video marketing. If you are interested in creating your own video, this could very well be another social impact factor for you. As more people begin posting videos to YouTube and other video sharing sites, you can expect to see an increase in the number of people approaching you about promoting their products. Google does not yet have a dedicated video section, so this could be one feature that is soon to make its way to the forefront of the internet marketing scene.

You could also try to take advantage of Google's RSS feeds. These can be great ways to promote your product. Not only will the information be updated automatically, but you can easily build a distribution list of people who are interested in what you are offering. This could be the beginning stages of an actual marketing campaign.

Google is still experimenting with their new features. They are also continuously adding features to their search engine results pages. So make sure to keep your eyes open for any updates. While they may not be full-blown social impact strategies yet, it is safe to say that Google is working on ways to improve their algorithms. Their latest experiments have shown promising results. If you stay on top of the latest trends, you may be able to take advantage of these changes for your own benefit.
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